4 research outputs found


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    Evidências têm demonstrado crescente associação entre obesidade infantil e hábitos de vida não saudáveis na idade infantil, como inadequada alimentação a estilo de vida sedentários. Os dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) indicam que as crianças brasileiras têm uma alimentação pobre em frutas, legumes e verduras e apresentam excesso no consumo de alimentos industrializados como embutidos, bebidas açucaradas, biscoitos e salgados. (Oliveira et al., 2017)

    Challenges and strategies of health care for diabetics in the context of Covid-19

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    Objective: to present the challenges and strategies of care for diabetic patients in specialized services in the face of the Covid- 19 pandemic. Method: Study of theoretical reflection on the challenges and strategies of care for diabetic patients in the face of the pandemic. Such reflections arise from readings on the theme, having as guiding axes, the theoretical postulates about Covid-19 and specialized care for diabetic patients, in addition to our personal and professional experiences. Results: Diabetic patients do not seem to have an increased risk of becoming infected with Covid-19, however, once infected, they are more likely to evolve to a more severe form and greater risk of death. Good glycemic control can decrease the risk of complications in this group. Ensuring the care of diabetic patients, with minimal exposure to health services, has been one of the great challenges of health units, which needed to implement strategies, such as changes in the flow of care, risk screening for all patients, reduced consultations face-to-face, mandatory use of a mask, preparation of information booklets, remote guidance and monitoring of blood glucose levels, dispensing medications on schedule, among others. Conclusion: The complexity of the Covid-19 pandemic and the measures of social distance brought challenges in the care of diabetic patients, ranging from the repercussion of isolation in the daily lives of these individuals, the need for changes in the routine of services, in addition to exposure and conditions of health professionals.</p

    Extensão universitária e formação em saúde: experiências de um grupo tutorial do PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade

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    A extensão universitária é um componente da formação que permite uma aprendizagem teórico-prática, maximizando o ensino obtido em sala de aula. O Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde/PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade é um programa que objetiva o aperfeiçoamento e a especialização em serviço e estímulo à prática colaborativa. Este estudo relata as atividades desenvolvidas por um grupo tutorial do PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade, da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, no primeiro ano do programa. Trata-se de um relato de experiência, desenvolvido por estudantes (bolsistas de Farmácia, Medicina e Odontologia), dois professores (tutores, com formação em Odontologia e Fisioterapia) e cinco profissionais de saúde (preceptores, sendo 4 enfermeiras e 1 cirurgiã-dentista) no município de Feira de Santana – Bahia, tendo, como cenário de prática, o Centro de Atenção ao Diabético e Hipertenso. As ações foram desenvolvidas de abril a dezembro de 2019, e tiveram os resultados sistematizados em dois eixos: promoção da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade e desenvolvimento da docência e preceptoria em saúde. No eixo 1, desenvolveram-se oficinas de capacitação, reuniões, ações interprofissionais e de educação em saúde e elaboração de procedimentos operacionais padrão. No eixo 2, as atividades desenvolvidas permitiram a aproximação dos participantes com metodologias ativas de ensino, além de estimular a construção de artigos e apresentação de trabalhos em eventos. As ações realizadas contemplaram o diagnóstico situacional, atividades formativas e de educação em saúde, além do estímulo à produção científica, propiciando a reflexão dos participantes sobre a importância do cuidado interprofissional ao paciente diabético e hipertenso. Palavras-chave: Educação Interprofissional; Universidade; Extensão Comunitária University extension and health education: tutorial group experiences in the Through Work Program in Interprofessional Health Education (PET-Health) Abstract: University extension is an educational component that allows theoretical-practical learning, maximizing classroom teaching. “Through Work Program in Interprofessional Health Education” (PET-Health) is a program that aims to improve and specialize in service and encourage collaborative practice. This study reports the activities of a PET-Health tutorial group from the Feira de Santana State University during the first year of the program. This article is an experience report developed by students (undergraduates in Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry), two teachers (tutors, bachelors in Dentistry and Physiotherapy), and five health professionals (tutors, four nurses, and one dentist) in the municipality of Feira de Santana (Bahia state, Brazil), with the Diabetic and Hypertensive Care Center as the practice scenario. The actions were carried out from April to December 2019, and the results were systematized in two axes: promotion of teaching-service-community integration and development of teaching and health preceptorship. In axis 1, training workshops, meetings, interprofessional and health education actions, and standard operating procedures were developed. In axis 2, the activities developed allowed the participants to approach active teaching methodologies and encourage the construction of articles and presentation of papers at events. The performed actions included the situational diagnosis, training, health education activities, and encouragement of scientific production, providing the participants to reflect on the importance of interprofessional care to diabetic and hypertensive patients. Keywords: Interprofessional Education; University; Community Institutional Relation

    Diabetics in the context of pandemic by covid-19: implementation of standard operating procedure in specialized service

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    Objective: To describe the experience of a tutorial group from PET-Saúde Interprofessionality in the preparation of standard operating procedure (SOP) referring to risk screening for diabetic patients in a specialized center during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: This is a proposal to standardize the screening procedure for diabetic patients to assist the health team in managing the flow of patients in the service. It is an experience report, prepared by a group from PET-Saúde / Interprofessionality that works at the Diabetic and Hypertensive Care Center (CADH), in the municipality of Feira de Santana-Ba. Results: The protocol describes the flow of screening for patients seen at the CADH, including recommendations for the isolation area in the initial screening, use of mandatory masks, clinical management of suspected cases and referral flow. Conclusion: The implementation of protocols can result in benefits for staff and users, enabling greater security and assistance in pandemic periods by Covid-19.</p