14 research outputs found


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    AbstrakHibiscus rosa-sinensis L. atau kembang sepatu merupakan tanaman hias yang memiliki banyak manfaat dan merepresentasikan sifat poliploidi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Indeks Mitosis (IM) dan jumlah kromosom pucuk daun H. rosa-sinensis pada beberapa variasi waktu. Indeks Mitosis dan waktu pengambilan pucuk sangat diperlukan untuk studi kromosom karena pada tahap tersebut karakter-karakter kromosom dapat diamati dengan jelas dan mudah dihitung. Waktu pengambilan pucuk yang dilakukan yaitu pada 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 WIB. Pembuatan sediaan kromosom dilakukan menggunakan metode squash menggunakan pewarna Aceto-orcein. Tahapan perlakuan meliputi perendaman pucuk daun di dalam air dingin selama 3 jam, fiksasi dalam larutan Carnoy selama ±24 jam, dan hidrolisis dalam larutan HCl 5N selama 30 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai IM tertinggi meristem pucuk daun H. rosa-sinensis variasi single pink besar muncul pada pukul 10:00 sebesar 94%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa waktu sampling yang optimal untuk analisis kromosom H. rosa-sinensis L. variasi single pink besar adalah pukul 10:00 dengan jumlah kromosom 2n= ca. 69-111.  Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan dasar untuk studi kromosom selanjutnya serta acuan untuk sampling variasi lainnya.Abstract Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. is an ornamental plant that has many benefits and represents the character of polyploidy. The purpose of this study is to find out the Mitotic Index of leaf shoots Hibiscus rosa-sinensis on several shoots sampling times. The Mitotic Index and the timing of shoots sampling time are very necessary for chromosome studies because at this stage chromosomes characters can be clearly observed and easily calculated. Period time of collection the leaf shoots is from 08:00 AM to 16:00 PM, with two hours interval each at 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 . The chromosome preparation was carried out by using the squash method and aceto-orcein staining. The treatment steps included soaking the leaf shoots in cold water for 3 hours, fixation in Carnoy solution for ± 24 hours, and hydrolysis in 5N HCl solution for 30 minutes. The results showed that chromosomes were clearly visualized during the phase with the highest Mitotic Index.  In addition, the percentage of Mitotic Index was found to be in line with the percentage of cells in late prophase. Among several sampling time variations, the highest Mitotic Index of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaf shoots appeared at 10:00 at 94% with the chromosome numbers of 2n= ca. 69-111. According to the data obtained, it is concluded that 10 AM is the most optimum sampling time that can be used as the basic information for further chromosome studies

    The Development of In Vitro Culture Sterilization Method of Gametophyte Explant Lopholejeunea sp.

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    In vitro cultures of leafy liverworts are still facing significant challenges due to high-level of explant contamination. The sterilization process can easily damage the structure of liverwort after exposure to the disinfectant. This study was to determine the concentration and time exposure of commercial bleach as a disinfectant to suppress contamination using the gametophyte culture of Lopholejeunea sp. The experiment consisted of control and six treatment combinations of commercial bleach with concentration 0.5, 0.75, and 1% (v/v), and exposure time (60 and 90 seconds). The type and location of contamination, the color of the explants after sterilization, and response after 30 days were observed. The results showed that the 0.75% bleach with 60 and 90 seconds exposure time had a lower contamination until the 7th day of culture. The most common type of contamination is bacteria and fungi that arise from the explant. Despite the contamination, it did not inhibit shoot formation. Further studies still needed to determine the type of fungicides and antibiotics with the most potent concentration and exposure time should be tested to obtain an axenic and viable culture of liverworts Lopholejeunea sp

    The Development of Gametophyte Sterilization Method for Liverworts Acrolejeunea fertilis (Reinw., Blume and Nees) Schiffn. In vitro Culture

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    In vitro culture gametophytes of leafy liverworts often have problems in their sterilization process. These problems due to the high level of contamination and the fragile structure of the gametophyte leafy liverworts. The structures can be easily to damage after exposure to disinfectant. This study aimed to observe the concentration and the exposure time of “Bayclin” commercial bleach to suppress contamination with the viability of Acrolejeunea fertilisgametophytic explants. This research was conducted using control and 6 combination treatments with “Bayclin” concentration (1.00%, 1.25%, and 1.50%) and exposure time 60 and 120 seconds, then accompanied by the addition of Tetracycline 2.5 mg/ml. The qualitative parameters observed were the explant color, the type and location of contamination, and the growth of explants. The quantitative parameters were the percentage of contamination, the percentage of growth, and the number of new branches. The results showed that “Bayclin” 1.25% and 1.50% with 60 seconds exposure time has the lowest percentage of contamination which is 70% until the 7th days after planting. The most common type of internal contamination from the explant is bacteria and fungi. However, the growth of the new branch still occurs in some explants even though it has been contaminated and browned

    Karakteristik Lumut di Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Area Permukiman Jakarta Selatan

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    AbstrakPermukiman merupakan salah satu ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) yang terdapat di daerah urban, khususnya Jakarta. Salah satu kelompok tumbuhan yang ditemui pada RTH tersebut adalah lumut. Keberadaan lumut di permukiman urban menunjukkan adanya kemampuan lumut untuk bertahan pada lingkungan yang terganggu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies lumut serta karakteristik lumut di salah satu permukiman Jakarta Selatan. Lumut dikoleksi dengan metode transect-line pada 6 titik tepi jalan dan jelajah bebas pada 3 taman di permukiman tersebut Jakarta Selatan. Pengamatan karakteristik morfologi dan anatomi lumut dilakukan dengan penilaian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat 2 divisi lumut, yaitu Bryophyta (lumut sejati) dan Marchantiophyta (lumut hati) di lokasi penelitian. Bryophyta terdiri dari 6 famili, 9 genus, dan 16 spesies. Sementara itu,  Marchantiophyta terdiri dari 2 famili, 2 genus, dan 3 spesies. Pottiaceae merupakan famili dengan jumlah spesies terbanyak ditemukan, yaitu 5 spesies. Fissidens biformis adalah spesies dengan jumlah sampel terbanyak. Lumut tersebut ditemukan pada substrat tanah, batu, dan batang pohon. Kisaran luas tutupan lumut yang ditemukan yaitu 2–100%. Karakteristik seperti ukuran tubuh yang kecil, bentuk hidup, bentuk daun, ornamentasi pada permukaan daun, modifikasi sel daun, serta keberadaan sporofit atau gemma diduga mendukung lumut beradaptasi di lingkungan urban.AbstractSettlement is one of urban green open spaces in Jakarta. One of the plant groups found in the open green spaces is the bryophytes. The presence of bryophytes in the settlement areas indicates the ability of bryophytes to survive in a disturbed environment. This study aims to determine bryophytes species and their characteristic in the settlements area of South Jakarta. Bryophyte collected by transect-line at 6 sites of roadside and broad survey at 3 sites of park. The morphological and anatomical characteristics were observed with qualitative and quantitative assessments. Mosses and liverworts are groups that found in study sites. The mosses consists of 6 families, 9 genera, and 16 species. Meanwhile, the liverworts consists of 2 families, 2 genera, and 3 species. Pottiaceae is has the highest species richness in the location. Meanwhile the highest number of samples was Fissidens biformis. The bryophytes were attached in the soil, rock, and tree trunk. The coverage of bryophyte is about 2–100%. Characteristics such as small body size, life-forms, leaf shape, the ornamentation on the leaf surface, modified leaf cells, and the presence of sporophyte or gemmae are thought to support the adaptation of bryophyte in urban environments

    Effect of Oral Administration of Dehydroepiandrosterone on PCOS-Like Phenotype of Female C57BL/6 Mice

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    We aim to evaluate the efficacy and optimal dose of orally administered DHEA in the PCOS mice model by assessing their ovarian morphology and serum FSH, LH, and testosterone levels. Female C57BL/6 mice were divided into a control group (n=5, received daily injections of 0.2 ml sesame oil) and an experimental group, which was further classified into 1) D-45 group (n=5), 2) D-60 (n=5), and 3) D-90 group (n=5) that were treated with 45, 60, and 90 mg/Kg body weight of oral DHEA. After modelling, mice in the control group had a regular estrous cycle, while mice in all experimental groups had a disturbed estrous cycle. Ovarian histology showed several growing follicles and some corpora lutea (CL) in the control, D-60, and D-90 groups. However, some large antral follicles and decreased CL were observed in the D-45 group. Serum FSH was significantly lower in the D-45 group than in the control group (3.73 ± 0.12 vs. 5.28 ± 0.31 mIU/mL, P<0.01), but D-60 and D-90 groups had a similar FSH level to the control group (P>0.05). The serum level of LH and testosterone were significantly elevated in the D-45 group than in the control group (2.52 ± 0.43 vs. 1.30 ± 0.33 mIU/mL, P<0.01 and 1.80 ± 0.32 vs. 1.24 ± 0.23 ng/mL, P<0.01, respectively). Still, the level of LH and testosterone in the D-60 and the D-90 groups was comparable to the control group (P>0.05). Our study suggests that oral administration of DHEA is efficacious in establishing PCOS-like phenotype in mice with the suggested optimal dosage of 45 mg/Kg body weight

    The origin and possible mechanism of embryonic cell‑free DNA release in spent embryo culture media: a review

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    The presence of cell-free DNA in spent embryo culture media (SECM) has unveiled its possible utilization for embryonic ploidy determination, opening new frontiers for the development of a non-invasive pre-implantation genetic screening tech- nique. While a growing number of studies have shown a high concordance between genetic screening using cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and trophectoderm (TE), the mechanism pertaining to the release of cfDNA in SECM is largely unknown. This review aims to evaluate research evidence on the origin and possible mechanisms for the liberations of embryonic DNA in SECM, including findings on the self-correction abilities of embryos which might contribute to the presence of cfDNA. Several databases including EMBASE, PUBMED, and SCOPUS were used to retrieve original articles, reviews, and opinion papers. The keywords used for the search were related to the origins and release mechanism of cfDNA. cfDNA in SECM originates from embryonic cells and, at some levels, non-embryonic cells such as maternal DNA and exogenous foreign DNA. The apoptotic pathway has been demonstrated to eliminate aneuploid cells in developing mosaic embryos which might culminate to the release of cfDNA in SECM. Nonetheless, there is a recognized need for exploring other pathways such as cross-talk molecules called extracellular vesicles (EVs) made of small, round bi-layer membranes. During in vitro develop- ment, embryos physiologically and actively expel EVs containing not only protein and microRNA but also embryonic DNA, hence, potentially releasing cfDNA of embryonic origin into SECM through EVs. Keywords Apoptosis · Cell-free DNA · In vitro fertilization · Spent embryo culture media · niPGT-


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    Kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) memiliki daya tarik sebagai tanaman hias dan juga memiliki potensidi bidang medis sehingga sering digunakan sebagai bahan obat. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis memiliki banyak variasi,baik dari sisi bentuk (Single, Double, Crested), ukuran, maupun warna petal. Selain itu, jumlah kromosom H.rosa-sinensis juga menunjukkan variasi yang sangat tinggi. Meskipun variasi jumlah kromosom H. rosa-sinensistelah dilaporkan, namun jumlah kromosom dari tiga variasi bentuk bunga H. rosa-sinensis (Single, Double,Crested) yang dibudidaya di Indonesia belum diketahui. Keterkaitan antara variasi morfologi bunga denganjumlah kromosom juga perlu diteliti. Dalam penelitian ini, jumlah kromosom tiga variasi H. rosa-sinensis, yaituSingle pink, Double red, dan Crested peach dianalisa. Sediaan kromosom disiapkan dari pucuk batang/daunketiga variasi tersebut dengan metode squash. Tahapan preparasi meliputi fiksasi, hidrolisis, pewarnaan,squashing, observasi, dan penghitungan kromosom. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, H. rosa-sinensis variasiSingle pink, Double red, dan Crested peach bersifat mixoploid dengan jumlah kromosom berturut-turut 2n=ca.96-111 pada variasi Single pink, 2n= ca.31-46 pada variasi Double red, dan 2n=ca. 46-52 pada variasi Crestedpeach. Selain itu, diketahui juga adanya asosiasi jumlah kromosom dengan ukuran bunga ketiga variasi tersebut.Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar dalam studi hubungan sitogenetika dan fenotiptumbuhan poliploid lainnya

    Study of Nisi Chicken Diversity Based on Morphometric Analysis and Bioacoustic Analysis

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    — This study aims to obtain data on the diversity of nisi chickens based on morphometric analysis of body weight bioacoustic analysis of the crowing sound. The number of studies that link morphometric analysis with bioacoustic analysis is one of the reference sources used as a reference in conducting this study. In the future, it is hoped that this research will be one of the contributions of knowledge for further research or similar research. The parameters used in the analysis are neck length for morphometric analysis and bioacoustic parameters using the number of crowing syllables, crowing duration, and wave frequency. The data generated from the morphometric analysis were then analyzed statistically for the average test using ANOVA which was analyzed together with the data generated from the Cold Edit Pro software to conclude the resulting data. The parameters observed were the number of crowed syllables, crowing duration, wave frequency, and crowing frequency. The results showed that the duration of the crowing of the nisi chicken ranged from 1.922 seconds to -2.064 seconds with an average duration of 1.9837 seconds. The results of morphometric analysis of neck length obtained that the average neck length of 30 chicken samples was 10.25 cm with the shortest range being 10.0 cm and the longest being 10.8 cm. The results of sound analysis for the wavelength frequency of the crowing of the nisi chicken ranged from 698.10 Hz - 786.22 Hz with an average wavelength of 733.89 Hz. For the number of syllables produced from the crowing sound, uniform results are obtained in the form of 7 syllables. The results of the analysis using ANOVA obtained an F count of 0.001447 smaller than F table 1.656383. The conclusion in this study is that the neck length morphometric analysis does not affect the bioacoustic analysis so that the diversity of nisi chickens analyzed shows uniformity