12 research outputs found
Profile Wisatawan Nusantara Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango
Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGGP) merupakan salah satu destinasi pariwisata di Jawa Barat dengan luas kurang lebih 29 hektar yang berada di tiga kabupaten. Keanekaragaman daya tarik wisata khususnya alam yang ada di TNGGP menjadi salah satu alasan kunjungan wisatawan ke TNGGP, jumlah kunjugan wisatawan tahun 2019 sebanyak 251.222. Dengan kunjungan wisatawan yang konsisten dari tahun ke tahun sementara belum adanya data mengenai profil wisatawan nusantara membuat perencanaan produk wisata dan strategi pemasaran tidak terarah, oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian mengenai karakteristik wisatawan nusantara yang bekunjung ke TNGGP sehingga memudahkan dalam strategi pemasaran maupun dalam perencanaan kebijakan dan produk wisata TNGGP. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif sedangkan Teknik samplingnya adalah random sampling dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada 50 wisatawan yang kemudian dilakukan Analisa Statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa profil wisatawan nusantara di TNGGP merupakan wisatawan dengan karakteristik allocentric dan Mid Centric dengan latar Pendidikan yang baik serta relatif baik dari segi ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini sangat penting untuk pengembangan TNGGP sebagai destinasi wisata, terlebih penelitian yang dilakukan di TNGGP cenderung banyak kepada penelitian produk dan dampak
Religious Travel to Sheikh Quro’s Tomb, Karawang, West Java
The tomb of Sheikh Quro Karawang attracts many visitors for religious tourism. The visitors, called pilgrims in the context of this study, have different motivations or purposes and reasons. This study aims to determine the motivation of the pilgrims to conduct religious tourism to the Tomb of Sheikh Quro. To do this, descriptive survey research is undertaken in association with quantitative methods. The data were collected using questionnaires and observation in addition to the study of documentation, and expert interviews. The study results reveal that various motives encourage pilgrims to come to this region, this includes both religious and traditional motives: seeking blessings; achieving desired outcomes; motives related to warding off misfortune and distress, and; motivations related to obtaining supernatural powers. Travellers perform unique rituals, praying by using offerings and sacred water. In conclusion, it was found that the pilgrims who visit the tomb of Sheikh Quro have a range of different motivations and these are attached to their purposes and reasons
Characteristics of Groundwater on the Eastern Slope of Mount Ciremai, Kuningan Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Water is a very important component for the survival of living things. Groundwater is water that has better quality compared to other water types, so groundwater is widely used to meet the needs of clean water. The research area is located on the eastern slope of Mount Ciremai which is a volcanic area that has great groundwater potential, it is seen from the many springs with large groundwater discharge. The study aims to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of groundwater on the eastern slopes of Mount Ciremai which also the district of Kuningan. The research method is done by collecting geological data and hydrogeological data. To find characteristics of groundwater chemistry, groundwater sampling was taken at 10 locations, and then tested the laboratory to determine the chemical content of groundwater. Based on the results of the research, the physical characteristics of water were shown with EC values ranging from 76,8 to 228 µS/Cm, TDS from 50 to 151 mg/L, pH value from 6.4 to 7.65, water temperature 19.3 to 25.9 oC. While one of the observation location is HC. 11 is a hot springs that has a water temperature of 36.1 oC , EC 832 µS/Cm, TDS 428 mg/L and pH 6.8. Chemical analysis results from pipe diagram show the developing facies are Ca:HCO3, Ca.Mg:HCO3, Na.K:Cl
Theoretical Chasm on Waste Management in Bandung Regency
This study discusses the theoretical constraints in understanding the program of Bandung Regency’s Environment Agency related to waste problems, how it is implemented, especially in Kamasan Village, Banjaran District, Bandung Regency and the supporting and inhibiting factors that occur in the village Kamasan, Banjaran District, Bandung Regency. This research refers to Talcott Parsons's theory of Structural Functionalism. Talcott Parsons is famous for four functional imperatives for the "action" system, namely AGIL scheme. Parsons believes that there are four functional imperatives that are needed or become characteristic of the whole system, namely: adaptation, achievement of goals, integration and maintenance of patterns. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data source in this study uses primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, in-depth interviews with informants and documentation. Analysis of the data used is data reduction, data display, drawing conclusions and verification. The location chosen as the research object is Village Kamasan, Banjaran District, Bandung Regency. The research results prove that by implementing the Zero Waste program at the community units (RW) level, the society can process the waste into zero and can utilize the waste efficiently
Kontrol Geologi Terhadap Perubahan Kimia Airtanah Pada Sistem Akuifer Vulkanik Di Lereng Timur Gunung Ciremai Jawa Barat
Gunung Ciremai adalah gunung berapi Strato dengan tingkat curah hujan yang tinggi di bagian barat pulau Jawa. Hal ini menjadikan Gunung Ciremai sebagai sumber air tanah di daerah sekitarnya sehingga membutuhkan keseimbangan antara pengisian dan pembuangan untuk keberlanjutan air tanah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mnentukan kontrol geologis terhadap perubahan kimia dalam air tanah sebagai dasar untuk menentukan langkahlangkah keberlanjutan air tanah. Adapun metode yang dilakukan adalah pemetaan geologi, pangamatan mata air, pengujian laboratorium dan menganalisis dengan diagram pipper, diagram durov dan diagram Gibbs. Hasilnya menunjukan terdapat 4 zona perubahan kimia airtanah yang dikontrol geologi diantaranya Zone 1 memiliki nilai EC dan TDS yang rendah dengan fasies kimia air tanah Ca-HCO3. Zone 2 memiliki nilai EC dan TDS yang rendah dengan fasies kimia air tanah Ca-Na + K - HCO3-Cl. Zona 3 memiliki nilai EC dan TDS yang tinggi dengan sumber ion Ca dan Mg yang seimbang. Zone 4 memiliki nilai EC dan TDS yang sangat tinggi dengan fasies kimia air tanah Na + K Cl.Perubahan kimia air tanah daerah penelitian dipengaruhi mengontrol perubahan kimia air tanah adalah jenis litologi dan morfologi, sedangkan pada daerah tenggara dan selatan proses yang paling dominan mengontrol adalah struktur geologi. Proses lain yang berpengaruh di daerah penelitian adalah aktivitas panas bumi dan interaksi air dengan batuan sedimen tua
Karakteristik Air Tanah Dangkal Kota Semarang Pada Musim Penghujan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Isotop Stabil (18O, 2H) dan Kimia Air
Pada bulan Maret 2014 telah dilakukan penelitian air tanah di wilayah Kota Semarang dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik air tanah dangkal pada saat musim penghujan melalui pendekatan isotop stabil (18O, 2H) dan kimia air yang didukung dengan data hidrogeologi setempat. Sejumlah sampel air tanah dangkal diambil di beberapa lokasi dengan kedalaman antara 0 — 35 m di bawah permukaan tanah setempat (dbpts). Analisis isotop stabil 18O dan 2H serta kimia air dilakukan di laboratorium Hidrologi, Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi, BATAN Jakarta. Hasil analisis isotop stabil 18O dan 2H menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 63 % air tanah cenderung berada di dekat garis meteorik Semarang dan sekitar 37 % sisanya mengalami evaporasi, interaksi dengan oksida batuan dan sedikit pengaruh interaksi atau mixing dengan air laut. Dari hasil analisis kimia air dengan ionic balancesekitar 3 % menunjukkan bahwa pada saat musim penghujan akuifer air tanah dangkal di wilayah Kota Semarang didominasi oleh ion bikarbonat (HCO3-) dengan tipe air didominasi CaHCO3. Sedangkan dari data parameter Chloride Bicarbonate Ratio, sekitar 24 % air tanah dangkal di wilayah Kota Semarang terindikasi mengalami intrusi air laut dansisanya sekitar 76 % masih menunjukkan karakteristik sebagai air tanah tawar.Kata kunci : karakteristik air tanah, air tanah dangkal, Semarang, musim penghujan, isotopstabil dan kimia ai
Shallow Aquifer Groundwater Facies At Multiple Landuse Sites In Manglayang Volcanic Area, Jatinangor And Surroundings, Indonesia
Manglayang Mountain is generally composed by old and young volcanic materials. Older rocks are located around the northern part of mountain peak, in medial and distal parts. In the southern and southeastern parts composed by relatively young volcanic rocks starting from the proximal, medial to distal. These geologic conditions produce diverse aquifer systems. These differences in land use environments contribute to water quality conditions in local shallow aquifers. The research is therefore carried out in order to the effect of difference in land use environments on groundwater facies by dividing the area based on each land use. Land use in the research area is dominated by allotment of agricultural land, settlement, and industry. The study was conducted from the medial area to distal to the southern part of Manglayang Mountain, administratively including Sukasari, Jatinangor, and Rancaekek districts. To observe the groundwater conditions in the aquifer from the study area, physical and chemical parameters were tested. Chemical parameter test results were plotted using piper diagrams and Durov diagrams as a method that can illustrate the condition of groundwater facies. Physical characteristics of groundwater may reflect groundwater interactions with rocks. Measurable TDS concentrations of 48 - 299 mg / L and measured EC 100 - 1020 μmhos / cm, show different interaction conditions between groundwater with rocks or have received different material subsidies. Similarly, the occurrence of temperatures that vary considerably between air and water indicates the distance of groundwater sources with various water bodies. The groundwater facies that developed in the research area are generally dominated by Ca, HCO3 in the agricultural land use area, Mg, HCO3 in the settlement area, and in some Cl-facing evolving places in the industrial land use zones. In addition, there are also indications of mixing of anions and cations in groundwater samples in all three land use areas. This indicates that there has been a change in groundwater characteristics in some areas of land use utilization in the research are
A Preliminary Study of Paleoflood Deposits of the Lukulo, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, based on River Geomorphology
Lukulo is a river that flows through pre-tertiary rocks to the recent. The long Lukulo fluvial processes which included erosion, transportation, and deposition were depicted in extensive alluvial deposits downstream of the river. This vast alluvial plain may be a deposit result of the Lukulo flood in the past. The paleo-flood study is a study of flood events in the past with the technique used, namely knowing slack water deposits (Steding & Baker, 1987). Delineation of slackwater deposits is necessary to determine the location of paleoflood deposition. Geomorphology of Lukulo watershed is needed as a preliminary study to determine the characteristics of the Lukulo watershed. Based on the analysis of the Lukulo watershed, DEM, with the systematic method of literature review, the result of this watershed geomorphology was obtained, namely; the morphology of the Lukulo watershed included an elongated oblong shape of the watershed, with an average Rc value of all three segments (upstream, middle, and downstream) of 0,52. The average drainage density (Dd) of river flows in the Lukulo watershed is 8,05 km/km2 (middle class). The Lukulo gradient upstream is 450, entering the middle is reduced to 300, and downstream the gradient is reduced to 100. The morphology and morphometry of the Lukulo watershed are interpreted to mean that Lukulo belongs to the medium-spanned watershed in terms of flood runoff and erosion. The lithology is a mixture of impermeable and permeable rocks. Delineation of diluvial and alluvial deposits is found in the upstream, middle, and downstream, of the Lukulo river. It depicts delineated paleoflood deposits in all segments of the river
Gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 7,6 skala richter terjadi di kota padang pada 30 September 2009,
merusak infrastruktur, bangunan, menimbulkan korban jiwa dan mengakibatkan terjadinya proses
liquifaksi. Proses liquifaksi merupakan peristiwa hilangnya kekuatan tanah akibat terjadinya getaran
didalam tanah dimana terjadi peningkatan tekanan air pori. faktor yang menyebabkan liquifaksi
diantaranya adalah litologi dan kedalaman muka air tanah. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan di
Kota Padang Sumatera Barat dengan kondisi geologi terdiri dari litologi batuan vulkanik tersier,
batuan vulkanik Plio-plistosen dan endapan alluvial quarter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mendeliniasi daerah yang memiliki potensi liquifaksi di daerah penelitian. Data kedalaman muka air
tanah sebagai data primer di korelasikan dengan data pengamatan terdahulu mengenai likuifaksi yang
terjadi setelah gempa bumi dan dihasilkan peta zonasi daerah yang berpotensi terjadinya likuifaksi.
Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pita ukur untuk mengukur kedalaman muka air
tanah di sebanyak 95 sumur gali yang tersebar di 11 kecamatan di Kota Padang. Dari data tersebut,
daerah dengan kedalaman air tanah dangkal dengan posisi terjadinya likuifaksi memiliki korelasi yang
tinggi. Rata-rata kedalaman air tanah terjadinya likuifaksi adalah 1,56 m. Terdapat tiga kategori
tingkat daerah yang berpotensi terjadinya likuifaksi yaitu tinggi, sedang, rendah. dan sebagian besar
daerah penelitian menunjukkan potensi yang tinggi untuk terjadi likuifaksi.
Kata kunci : Kota Padang, Potensi Likuifaksi, Muka Air Tanah, Litolog