9 research outputs found
Inovasi Pembelajaran Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi Pada Generasi –Z: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Based
The learning model commonly used in the History of Economic Thought course is a conventional model. This model is considered less in accordance with the characteristics of Generation Z who tend to like modern methods. The research method or evaluation carried out in this study is using student self-assessment. In self-assessment, students evaluate the overall process of learning action or action on concepts through performance outcomes or products. The project-based learning model (PjBL) is based on a constructivist learning theory based on the idea that students acquire knowledge based on their own experience. To complement PjBL innovation, it is accompanied by an ability assessment, namely Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Where HOTS requires students to build their own knowledge and apply knowledge so as to produce output that can be useful. The results of the study show that the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model with Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) innovation has a very positive influence on increasing students' critical thinking power and can trigger students' enthusiasm and activeness in the learning process
Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya lingkungan dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai di Biro Kepegawaian Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan naik turunnya kehadiran pegawai setiap tahunnya dan hasil Penilaian Prestasi Kerja (PPK) yang dinilai belum maksimal. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga variabel yaitu, Lingkungan Kerja (X1) yang terdiri dari indikator; kualitas udara, penerangan/cahaya, keamanan, kebersihan, suara/kebisingan, fasilitas kerja, hubungan dengan atasan, hubungan dengan sesama pegawai, hubungan dengan bawahan, Disiplin Kerja (X2) yang terdiri dari indikator; kesadaran, kesediaan, ketaatan, etika kerja dan Kinerja Pegawai (Y) yang terdiri dari indikator; kualitas kerja, kuantitas kerja, pengetahuan, kreativitas, kerjasama, kesadaran, inisiatif, kualitas diri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai lingkungan kerja pegawai, memperoleh gambaran mengenai disiplin kerja pegawai, memperoleh gambaran mengenai hasil kinerja pegawai, dan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh dari lingkungan kerja dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai di Biro Kepegawaian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksplanatory survey. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara penyebaran angket dengan model skala likert, yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dan analisis regresi ganda. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai Biro Kepegawaian Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia sebanyak 28 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh informasi bahwa lingkungan kerja berada pada kategori cukup kondusif dan indikator terendah adalah hubungan dengan bawahan, disiplin kerja berada pada kategori sedang dan indikator terendah adalah etika kerja, sedangkan kinerja pegawai berada pada kategori cukup baik dan indikator terendah adalah kuantitas kerja dan kualitas diri. Dari hasil uji hipotesis menunjukan bahwa lingkungan dan disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai di Biro Kepegawaian Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.;---The problem studied in this research was the low of workplace environment and discipline toward the performance of employees in the Bureau of Personnel of Indonesia University of Education. It was marked by the unstable of employees’ attendance every year and the results of the Job Performance Assessment which is considered not maximal. This study consisted of three variables, namely Work Environment (X1) consists of indicators; air quality, lighting, security, cleanliness, noise, work facilities, relationships with superiors, relationships with fellow employees, relationships with subordinates, Work Discipline (X2) consists of indicators; awareness, willingness, obedience, work ethic and Employee Performance (Y) consists of indicators; quality of work, quantity of work, knowledge, creativity, cooperation, awareness, initiative, quality of self. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the working environment of employees, to get an overview of employees’ discipline, to get an overview of employees’ performance outcomes, and to determine whether there was an effect of workplace environment and discipline toward employees’ performance in the Bureau of Personnel. The method used in this research was explanatory survey. The data were collected by questionnaire with likert scale model, which was analyzed by using simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. The respondents in this research were 28 personnel of the Bureau of Personnel of Indonesia University of Education. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the workplace environment was in the quite conducive category and the lowest indicator was the relationship with the subordinate, the discipline was in the medium category and the lowest indicator was the work ethic, while the employees’ performance was in good enough category and the lowest indicator was the quantity of work and quality of themself. From result of hypothetical test, it was showed that workplace environment and discipline had positive and significant influence toward employees’ performance at Bureau of Personnel of Indonesia University of Educatio
Implementasi model case method dalam meningkatkan inovasi pembelajaran mahasiswa dan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada mata kuliah teknik perdagangan Internasional
This study analyzes how the case method improves learning innovation among students by improving critical thinking skills in International trade technique. This is motivated by the large number of students with various problems related to the ability to be critical and active in each lecture. Therefore, towards students' critical thinking skills in international trade engineering courses through the application of a discussion-based participatory learning model to solve cases or problems or case-based methods. The design used in this study is a One-Shot Case Study experimental design. Where in the implementation of the International trade technique course, students of the Development Economics Study Program use learning using the case method. After observing the results in the form of students' critical thinking skills in class, it can be seen that there is a student's desire to help sharpen, think critically, conduct discussions, communicate with friends and lecturers in solving problems that are appointed as case studies. The results of this study indicate that through the application of the case method learning model or case study it is able to encourage students' creative and critical thinking skills in solving cases from various different points of view so as to bring up the best solution.This study analyzes how the case method improves learning innovation among students by improving critical thinking skills in International trade technique. This is motivated by the large number of students with various problems related to the ability to be critical and active in each lecture. Therefore, towards students' critical thinking skills in international trade engineering courses through the application of a discussion-based participatory learning model to solve cases or problems or case-based methods. The design used in this study is a One-Shot Case Study experimental design. Where in the implementation of the International trade technique course, students of the Development Economics Study Program use learning using the case method. After observing the results in the form of students' critical thinking skills in class, it can be seen that there is a student's desire to help sharpen, think critically, conduct discussions, communicate with friends and lecturers in solving problems that are appointed as case studies. The results of this study indicate that through the application of the case method learning model or case study it is able to encourage students' creative and critical thinking skills in solving cases from various different points of view so as to bring up the best solution
Pengolahan Limbah Organik Rumah Tangga di Desa Renah Alai Kabupaten Merangin
Sebagai salah satu Desa yang memiliki potensi wisata dan SDA yang tinggi Desa Renah Alai dijuluki sebagai Desa sentra produksi bahan pertanian menjadikan aktivitas Desa Renah Alai semakin tinggi. Dengan kondisi wilayah yang dingin karena berada di daerah pegunungan lembah Masurai menjadikan Desa Renah Alai potensial sebagai penghasil bahan-bahan kebutuhan pokok seperti padi, kopi, jagung, sayuran, singkong, strawberry, dan lain-lain. Aktivitas masyarakat yang tinggi menyebabkan tingginya limbah organik yang dihasilkan dari sisa-sisa produksi masing-masing rumah tangga. Seiring dengan perkembangan jumlah penduduk maka akan semakin tingginya aktivitas masyarakat Desa Renah Alai dalam melakukan konsumsi kebutuhan sehari-harinya yang meninggalkan limbah organik yang tidak digunakan. Jika kondisi ini terjadi secara terus menerus maka akan terjadi penumpukan limbah rumah tangga yang akan meninggalkan bau tidak sedap yang akhirnya akan menganggu kenyamanan masyarakat. Limbah yang kita sering disebut sampah memiliki dampak negatif dan positif tergantung dari cara penangananya. Berdampak negatif Jika dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa ada pengelolahan.Sedangkan limbah organik akan berdampak positif jika limbah organic diolah menjadi pupuk dan dimanfaatkan kembali untuk kesuburan tanaman. Melaui pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani yang dapat memanfaatkan pupuk sebagai salah satu solusi karena mahalnya harga pupuk kimia saat in
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
• Leiomyoma is still the most common case in women aged 41–50 years.
• Women who have an obese BMI are the main risk factor for abnormal uterine bleeding, so it is urged for women to maintain an ideal weight because it can be bad for health.
Objective: This study identified the incidence of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, Indonesia, in 2020-2021.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Sampling was taken using total sampling and using retrospective data in the form of medical records with a diagnosis of AUB at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital Medan in 2020–2021.
Results: There were 197 cases of AUB, with the highest distribution in the age group of 41–50 years with 84 people (42.6%). The most cases of AUB with an obese BMI were 91 people (46.2%), married status as many as 176 people (89.3%), had the last education level of senior high school as many as 99 people (50.3%), 144 people (73.1%) got their first menstruation when they were >12 years old, 80 people (40.6%) had multiparity, 90 people (45.7%) received medical therapy. Based on the PALM-COEIN classification, the most AUB cases were AUB-L with 99 people (50.3%). Based on the classification of AUB-L locations, most locations were submucosa with 38.6%.
Conclusion: AUB-L cases were still the most common cases at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, Indonesia, in 2020–2021
Correlation Between Candidiasis And Mortality In Gastric Ulcer Perforation Patients
Background: Gastric ulcer disease remains the most common gastrointestinal disease. This affects about 4 million people every year worldwide with an incidence of 1.5%-3% and 2-14% of these will progress to perforation. Mortality is reported in 30% of cases and caused morbidity in 50% of patients. Some studies have suggested that mortality in patients with peritonitis accompanied by candidiasis ranges from 20%-75%, whereas others have argued that the presence of fungal isolates in patients with perforated peptic ulcer does not affect the outcome. A recent study reported an incidence of 45% of patients peptic ulcer perforation cases accompanied by candidiasis in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya in 2019.Methods: This was a cross sectional study based on medical record data of patients with gastric ulcer perforation accompanied by candidiasis who underwent laparotomy and gastric repair surgery at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya from January 2019 to December 2020.Results: There was no significant correlation between candidiasis and mortality in gastric ulcer perforation patients (p=0.989).Conclusion: Candidiasis does not increase mortality in patients with gastric ulcer perforation
Correlation between serum vitamin D levels and bone mass density evaluated by radiofrequency echographic multi-spectrometry technology (REMS) in menopausal women
Osteoporosis is a common condition associated with an increased risk of bone fractures due to fragility. Bone mineral density (BMD) is lower in menopausal women due to estrogen deficiency, age-related decline in osteoblast function, decreased calcium absorption, and reduced synthesis of vitamin D, which lead to osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between serum vitamin D levels and BMD assessed using radiofrequency echographic multi-spectrometry technology (REMS) in menopausal women. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Prof. Dr. Chairuddin P. Lubis Hospital of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia, from May 2023 to August 2023. Consecutive sampling method was employed to sample menopausal women with no history of hysterectomy or oophorectomy (unilateral or bilateral), and no history of hormone replacement therapy or vitamin D supplementation. Interviews and physical examinations were conducted to obtain the characteristics of the subjects (age, duration of menopause, and body mass index). The 25(OH)D level was measured using immunoassay and REMS examination was conducted to assess BMD. The Spearman correlation test was used to assess the correlation between serum vitamin D levels and BMD. A total of 32 menopausal women were included in this study with the average vitamin D level was 18.05±5.81 ng/mL, and the mean BMD level was -2.13±1.23. The data showed a significant positive correlation between serum vitamin D levels and BMD in menopausal women (r=0.710; p=0.020). This study highlights that REMS could be useful as an alternative to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to assess DMD in postmenopausal women