142 research outputs found

    LINGUISTICS: An Overview of the Study of Language

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    Linguistics and its branches play important role for language users to understand and examine the study of language. As the basis knowledge of language, it is very essential for them to learn and acquire more and deeper especially in comprehending the theoretical and also the practice. It is why the author tries to introduce this book as a handbook for the beginner to initiate and establish all the linguistics material related English language related to the history English development, morphology, syntax, discourse analysis, pragmatics, semantics, structure of English text, and etc. Decisively, it is counted on that it could enhance the language users 'familiarity, awareness, expertise, insight and know-how to determine linguistics

    Types of World Formation in English

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    The word formation process can be defined as a way of forming and creating new words from the use of old words. In other words, the use of word formation can be determined of value when the rules for the formation of words are not identical to the rules for the formation of sentences. It means that word formation is specifically formed words with the certain processes. Many types of word formation processes are discussed in morphology. These are blending, clipping, acronyms, back formation, inflection, multiple processes, echoism, reduplication, prefixation, suffixation, conversion, coinage, borrowing, derivation, and hypocorism. All of them are important to learn in order to know how the process of word formation

    CEK PLAGIASI BUKU MEMBUMI DI UDARA Kumpulan Esai Pengabdian di Radio Perkasa FM

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    Di masa pandemi yang sudah menginvasi Indonesia sejak 2019 ini. Para civitasas akademika harus memutar otak untuk melakukan kegiatan salah satu tri dharma perguruan tinggi. Pengabdian masyarakat. Terhitung sejak diberlakukan PSBB dan PPKM sistem perkuliahan menjadi daring dan tidak lagi membutuhkan kelas ini dari segi mengajar. Sementara dari segi penelitian, Dosen khususnya yang berkaitan dengan terjun ke lapangan untuk mencari data tidak bisa atau setidaknya sangat sulit dilakukan. Kemudian dari segi pengabdian seluruh program yang berhubungan dengan mengumpulkan masa dalam jumlah tertentu mendapatkan teguran keras dari pemerintah daerah setempat. Kesulitan dalam melakukan tridharma perguruan tinggi ini tidak menjadi halangan civitas akademika UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung untuk tetap mengabdi kepada bangsa ini. Tercetusnya program pengabdian masyarakat via on air di sebuah stasiun radio adalah bentuk sebuh profesionalitas civitas akademika untuk tetap melakukan program pengabdian. Dengan memberikan semacam taujihat dan irsyadat kepada publik yang lebih luas lewat sebuah radio. Buku ini merupakan materi-materi para pengabdi yang sudah disiapkan untuk disampaikan di acara di radio Perkasa yang kebetulan berada tidak jauh dari Kampus UIN Satu (sebutan akrab UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

    Work From Home “Produktivitas Kerja Selama di Rumah” (1)

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    Tidak ada yang pernah menduga jika kondisinya seperti ini. Semuanya berlangsung dengan cepat. Mobilitas hidup pun bergerak menuju ruang lokalitas yang sangat terbatas. Pertengahan Maret 2020, dunia pendidikan mengalami perubahan secara drastis. Model pendidikan yang awalnya klasikal berubah menjadi daring. Belajar kini tidak lagi di ruang-ruang kelas, tetapi berubah menjadi ruang-ruang maya. IAIN Tulungagung juga melakukan hal yang sama. Perkuliahan kelas berubah menjadi kuliah daring. Kampus pun bergeser menjadi kampus maya. Kampus yang berada di Jalan Mayor Sujadi Timur menjadi sepi dari aktivitas fisik. Aktivitas fisik memang harus dihindari semaksimal mungkin. Pertemuan antar manusia dapat menjadi sarana persebaran virus yang membahayakan. Sulit dibayangkan bagaimana kondisinya jika mahasiswa yang hampir 20.000 itu tetap beraktivitas, berinteraksi, dan saling membangun relasi satu sama lain. Keputusan kuliah daring merupakan keputusan yang harus diambil demi kebaikan semuanya. Semuanya karena satu hal, yaitu Corona. Tidak ada yang tahu pasti bagaimana keberadaan virus ini. Bahkan hingga hari ini pun belum ada obat yang bisa mencegahnya. Aspek yang bisa dilakukan adalah menghindarinya. Protokol kesehatan mengatur secara ketat hal ini. Masyarakat dianjurkan untuk tetap di rumah, rajin mencuci tangan, dan memakai masker jika terpaksa keluar rumah. Pentingnya menaati protokal kesehatan ini berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa Corona merupakan penyakit yang sangat berbahaya. Boleh saja orang sombong terhadap penyakit ini, tetapi kesombongan ini hampir pasti akan terhenti ketika orang terinfeksi. Seluruh kesombongan akan luruh dan berganti dengan kesedihan. Pilihan terbaik adalah menaati protokal kesehatan yang sudah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah. Pilihan ini merupakan pilihan terbaik yang semestinya dipahami oleh masyarakat luas. Persoalannya, protokal kesehatan ini tampaknya belum dipahami dan dilaksanakan. Jika ingin mencari bukti, tidak terlalu sulit. Saya sempat terkejut setelah berdiam diri di rumah beberapa hari. Ketika kebutuhan hidup menipis, saya pun terpaksa keluar untuk belanja. Ternyata suasana nyaris tidak berbeda. Orang tetap saja ramai di jalanan. Juga di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan. Sebagian memang memakai masker, sementara sebagian lainnya dengan sangat santai tanpa memakai masker. Mereka bergerombol di sudut-sudut kota. Begitulah faktanya. Tampaknya kita tidak bisa menutup mata terhadap realitas yang ada. Kebijakan untuk Work From Home (WFH) memang pada awalnya disambut dengan suka cita.Tidak hanya para mahasiswa, tetapi juga para dosennya. Rasanya bahagia bisa memiliki waktu bersama keluarga. Jika bukan karena WFH, rasanya sulit memiliki waktu kebersamaan yang sedemikian panjang. Satu minggu berlalu. Semuanya masih normal. Memasuki minggu kedua mulai tampak ada persoalan. Kegabutan mulai melanda. Tidak hanya para mahasiswa, tetapi juga dosen. Kuliah daring ternyata menutup ruang relasi emosional antara dosen dan mahasiswa. Kita sebagai dosen tidak mengetahui secara pasti bagaimana sesungguhnya sikap, pengetahuan, wawasan, dan keterampilan para mahasiswa. Pada titik ini, kuliah dalam kelas sungguh dirindukan. Kuliah daring sesungguhnya sangat diperlukan. Zaman telah berkembang sedemikian pesat. Mengembangkan kuliah daring secara profesional merupakan sebuah keharusan. Meskipun demikian, kuliah daring tidak berjalan dalam seluruh proses perkuliahan. Ia seharusnya hanya menjadi pelengkap. Kuliah kelas tetap memiliki banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan kuliah daring. Realitas kegabutan ini tidak boleh dibiarkan. Saya sejak awal kebijakan WFH sudah menggagas penulisan buku antologi. Tema awalnya adalah Kuliah Daring. Sukses dengan antologi tersebut, ditindaklanjuti dengan buku antologi berikutnya. Maka lahirlah buku ini. Antologi semacam ini penting untuk terus dirawat agar iklim akademik di era WFH yang sarat kegabutan ini tetap disikapi secara waras. Kewarasan dalam bentuk kreativitas semacam ini penting untuk terus ditumbuhkembangkan agar tradisi literasi bisa semakin membumi di IAIN Tulungagung

    Exploring Indonesian Interference on Morpho- Syntactic Properties by Javanese Speakers: A Case Study of English Lecturers and Students’ Interaction in Two Colleges in East Java, Indonesia

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    This paper presents an analysis of integrating morpho-syntactic theory in Indonesian interference which is influenced by lexical terms in L1 (Javanese) and L2 (Indonesian). The data were collected through questionnaires with a set of 12 open-ended questions, 14 durative texts containing interference in lecturer-student interaction, observation, interviews, and discussions with some experts in related research. This study involves 249 Indonesian undergraduate students who were majoring in English, and took speaking class, and joined presentations in content courses, together with their 10 English lecturers. The students and English lecturers conducted communicative classroom interactions in English teaching and learning process in IAIN and STKIP PGRI Tulungagung, East Java Indonesia. The data was analysed using a descriptive qualitative approach. The finding revealed that nine morpho-syntactic types and patterns of Indonesian interference are developed significantly with morpho-syntactic classification and properties including number, case, tense, mood, diathesis, agreement, comparative degree, aspect, and word class; three main patterns consisting of phrases (NP, VP, Adj P, Adv P), clauses and sentences. Interference is defined as the tendency to misuse English, which is students’ L3 (third language) in student-student and student-lecturer interaction due to the influence of Indonesian and Javanese structures. The study also showed that both L1 and L2 could not be the predicting factors in interference occurrence. This may be attributed to their competence in acquiring a foreign language such as English. The results highlight that contextual English learning efforts based on students’ needs and English lecturers’ competence should be created. As English teachers and lecturers, they can make an effort by fulfilling the requirements as professional advanced models. Keywords: English lecturers, interference, Indonesian, Javanese, morpho-syntactic, undergraduate student

    Utilizing Critical Reading Task to Advance Students' Reading Comprehension

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    Reading books with the goal of completely understanding them is known as critical reading. It entails raising concerns regarding the meaning of specific words and phrases, the framework and goal of the work, and the author's intention. Critical readers evaluate the context in which a piece was produced as well as how different audiences might understand it. All that is required of readers when reading critically is to detect and assess a text's "quality." The meaning of quality might vary based on the text's context and goal. Be aware that this quality differs from the "quality" of other fiction, movies, or books. Certain quality indicators are present in these situations, but they have to do with the capacity to communicate a work of fiction that is engaging (tell a "good story," for example). The reader is meant to gradually acquire some truth about themselves or the world around them through the use of dialogue to develop characters, setting to ground conflicts, and the weaving of a cohesive narrative through dozens of little occurrences. Instead of technique assessing fiction, several critical reading strategies such as inferring, claim/counter-claim, journaling, marking the text, adjusting reading rate, monitoring understanding, SPQ: Stop, Paraphrase, and Question, the contrarian, critical lenses can be deployed to assist and determine the quality of text


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    This problem highlighted in this study is the low of reading comprehension of the students at MTsN Pucanglaban Tulungagung that is caused by (1) the students’ difficulties to understand about meaning in the text; (2) the students’difficulties to read and spell it correctly whether in spoken form or written form.; (3) the lack of vocabulary. The research design in this study was pre-experimental research with one group pre-test post-test design. This design involves only one group by using pre-test and post-test as the instrument. The sample was VIIIA class which consists of 34 students. The result showed that the students’ mean score in teaching reading comprehension before they are taught using summary technique was 84.37. While the students’ mean score after they are taught using summary technique was 90.43. By comparing significant level in t table at 0.05, it is known that t count is bigger than t table. Summary technique can be used as an alternative teaching technique to teach reading comprehension to the students at JHS level

    Development of Macromedia Captivate-Based Instructional Media of Social Studies on Scarcity and Human Needs Material of Grade VII at Islamic Junior High School of Assyafiiyah Gondang Tulungagung

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    This research is driven by the phenomenon of numerous students who often fail to notice the previous material, and due to inadequate learning media of Social Studies. Based on the results of observation during the learning process, students often forgot the previous materials, lacked focus on the materials, and had inadequate learning resources. This research aims to analyze the level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of a macromedia captivate-based instructional media of social studies on scarcity and human needs material of grade VII at Islamic Junior High School of Assyafiiyah, Gondang, Tulungagung. This research was a development research that is used to produce a product. Procedures of this research and development consisted of research and data collection, planning, product draft development, product validation, product revision, and field test. The result of the validation by media experts indicated that the instructional media met the valid criteria with the average percentage of 95.75%. In addition, the validation of materials showed that the media met the valid criteria with the percentage of 93.65%. The practicality test result showed that the media met 4 practicality criteria, which generally indicated that the media was practical. The validators stated that the media can be used with a minor revision. This result was evident in the score comparison obtained by both groups. The experimental group score was higher than that of the control group, that is, 84.13>71.93. Therefore, the macromedia captivate-based instructional media was declared effective

    Cek Plagiasi Buku Permasalahan & Tips Penulisan Karya Ilmiah

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    Karya tulis ilmiah adalah karya tulis yang dibuatdari hasil penelitian dan pengembangan gagasan atau pemikiran seseorang. Penelitian adalah kegiatan meneliti atau menguji sesuatu untuk memecahkan suatu masalah atau menemukan sesuatu yang baru. Penelitian merupakan suatu bentuk kegiatan pengumpulan data yang diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan, kemudian digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan. Dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian juga dilakukan untuk menemukan pengetahuan baru. Penelitian meliputi karya ilmiah berdasarkan analisis data yang sistematis. Penelitian berguna untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dalam bidang tertentu. Selain itu, penelitian sebagai bentuk pemecahan masalah. Melalui penelitian, dapat mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan


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    Purpose: Agrarian conflict is the outcome of the land policy that includes problems in land administration and land use. This research aims to analyse the agrarian conflict phenomenon as one of the contemporary social problems in Indonesia by referring to the aspects of agrarian conflict causes, agrarian conflict as a social problem, and impacts and resolutions of agrarian conflict. Methodology: This research adopted a descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by studying literature and previous research. Causes of agrarian conflict included agrarian reform policy that was still blocked by the disorganised land administration, corruption issue, and land control of some groups. Main Findings: That condition shoved various moves to generate resistance, notably people who suffered from the poor agrarian reform policy that resulted in agrarian conflict. The agrarian conflict occurred in several sectors such as plantation, property, infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, marine, and mining. In each sector, agrarian conflict was caused by distinct factors. Agrarian conflict is classified as a social problem since it is undergone by many people; it is an unpleasant situation, and it is a condition demanding a resolution that must be done through collective social action. Impacts of agrarian conflict involved casualties, criminalisation, and job losses, which were suffered by people as the victims of the conflict. Efforts to resolve agrarian conflict generally adopt litigation and non-litigation approaches. The litigation approach is performed in court, while a non-litigation approach is carried out via negotiation, mediation, repressive approach, and community-based approach through the empowerment of local people. Implications: In resolving agrarian conflicts, it is recommended to adopt a non-litigation approach to achieve conflict resolution as a win-win solution and prioritise the parties’ concerns involved in the conflict. One of the non-litigation approaches is known as community-based conflict resolution. Novelty/Originality of this study: The current study is unique as it contributes to the literature by highlighting the conflict and problems aroused in the agrarian society and reforms developed against them. It will also shed light on the agrarian conflict phenomenon as one of the contemporary social problems in Indonesia
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