6 research outputs found


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    Despite the substantial threat that macroeconomic crisis and war pose to the economic activity of organizations, little attention is paid in the existing literature to the rigorous identification and quantification of such effects. Given this fact, the purpose of the study is to rigorously estimate and quantify the effects of military aggression on the economic activity of organizations in the context of macroeconomic crises. The research methodology includes empirical and quantitative analysis. The empirical analysis was conducted on the basis of official statistical data of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Quantitative analysis is based on Event Study and Difference-in-Difference methods to quantify the impact of macroeconomic crises and the war on the organization. Quantitative estimates of the negative impacts of two macroeconomic crises (2009 and 2014–2015) and military action (which began in 2014, but does not take into account its new stage – war from 2022) in Ukraine on the freight traffic of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia" were obtained. The application of the proposed approach to assessing the effect of war due to its universality is possible for the needs and goals not only of transport companies but also of other organizations. The novelty – among the available developments on this issue, a formal assessment of the effect of military aggression which began in 2014 in the macroeconomic crises’ context was conducted for the first time using the existing methods, which allows obtaining parameter estimates resistant to individual-specific and time-specific heterogeneity

    Perspective sources of small and medium business financing in Ukraine

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    Introduction. The article investigates the role of small and medium-sized businesses and its financing in the development of Ukraine’s economy and describes some perspective financing sources, which can lead to increasing the efficiency of small and medium business activity. Purpose. To highlight the main problems in financing of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine and to develop proposals and recommendations for its solution with the help of modern untraditional sources of financing of enterprises. Results. The literature sources, statistical data, official web portals related to the chosen topic are analyzed. The main obstacles of doing business in the country are analyzed, the main sources of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises are identified, such as internal financing, bank loans, repurchase agreements, bond issues, commercial lending. The features of bank lending, interest rates of leading Ukrainian banks and the system of state support to small and medium-sized businesses are described, the main disadvantages of using the traditional financing sources are highlighted. Alternative types of financing sources for enterprises such as leasing, venture funding, factoring are considered, nonconventional structures for Ukrainian small and medium businesses, such as business incubators and business angels, are investigated. The programs of international financial organizations that are implemented in Ukraine to support small and medium business are analyzed. The key problems of financing of small and medium business in Ukraine are highlighted. Conclusions. The priority directions of financing development for increase of efficiency of activity of small and average business in Ukraine are suggested. The measures to improve the state support of Ukrainian business are recommended

    Strategic development of cargo transit services: a case study analysis

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    Purpose. Recently, foreign economic activity in Ukraine has gradually shifted towards the European Union (EU). The EU’s special interest in the potential of Ukraine’s transit transport lies in the geographical position of the country, which is located on the main routes of international freight traffic. The article aims to study the status and development opportunities in the field of transit freight transport of the Ukrainian railway joint-stock company (JSC Ukrzaliznytsya) within the framework of European integration

    Digitalization of the Marketing Activities of Enterprises: Case Study

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    The pace and scale of the digitalization of today’s global information society open up new opportunities for business. At the same time, they set new challenges for business owners and managers in the field of marketing. Given this fact, the purpose of the study was to present the impact of digitalization on the marketing activity of the enterprise in the field of services by promoting the use of online sales via electronic distribution channels, social networks, and mobile applications. A comparative system of estimating the parameters of the influence of digitalization on the marketing activity of the enterprise was proposed as a confirmation of this impact. Based on the developed “tree of goals,” the dynamics of the digitalization of services were projected and the prospects of development of this sphere of activity were outlined. For testing the proposed methodology, the railway passenger transportation company (JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”) was chosen as the object of the research. Research methods used in the study include: (1) statistical; (2) SWOT analysis; (3) systematization, comparative, and structural-dynamic analysis; and (4) an expert survey. As a result of revealing the impact of individual elements of digitalization on the level of marketing activity, the number of recommendations regarding the development of digitalization of electronic ticket sales services and their accounting for enterprises dealing with railway passenger transportation were proposed

    Diagnostics of the structural risk level in the sphere of waste management at Ukrainian railways

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    The article focuses on the problem of the structural risk level diagnostics in the sphere of waste management at the railway transport objects. The specifics of the railway enterprises activity are the multi-vector business processes executed, which determines a significant nomenclature and volumes of formation, accumulation of wastes of different danger classes. A retrospective analysis of this problem on Ukrainian railways for 2007 – 2018 showed significant structural fluctuations both in terms of volume formation and in the costs and ecological payments for environmental protection in sphere of waste management. The method of sensitivity analysis, the peculiarity of which is to calculate the elasticity coefficients for determining the degree of environmental costs interaction in the field of waste management with the change of their components (capital investment, current costs, environmental tax and environmental services), is implemented. The corresponding elasticities for 2008 – 2018 showed a considerable variation of the most significant risk factors that were atypical for JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and 6 railways. The existing structure needs to be better diagnosed with a purpose of ensuring stability and predictability of environmental costs in order to reduce structural risk, rational environmental management and to ensure the ecology of rolling stock and objects of railway transport infrastructure

    Walidacja ekologów w systemie zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem : analiza studium przypadku

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    The article is devoted to the study of the influence of personnel validation on the efficiency of the enterprise management system. These components of validity, such as the accordance of a person's qualifications to the position occupied or applied for (vacancy profile), education by specialty and other characteristics of an individual labor supply, etc., are the key determinants in the selection of managers and contribute to the effective application of their specific management functions and the transformation of the latter through the management methods into effective management decisions. Confirmation of the certainty of such an impact are the results of applied research in the area of responsibility of environmental managers (for example, the dependence of the level of environmental safety of the enterprise on the validity of environmentalists). The management of railway transport enterprises (RTE) of the joint stock company "Ukrainska zaliznytsia" (JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia") was selected for analysis, the competence of which concerns the use of natural resources and environmental protection (environmentalists) as one of the components of sustainable development. The method of integrated assessment of the level of ecological safety is proposed based on the application of taxonomic analysis, which provides the opportunity to use a scenario approach to the development of situations taking into account the different levels of validity of RTE environmentalists.Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniu wpływu walidacji personelu na efektywność systemu zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Elementy ważności, takie jak zgodność kwalifikacji danej osoby z zajmowanym lub wnioskowanym stanowiskiem (profil wakatu), wykształcenie według specjalności i inne cechy indywidualnej podaży pracy itp., są kluczowymi wyznacznikami wyboru menedżerów i przyczyniają się do skutecznego stosowania ich specyficznych funkcji zarządzania i przekształcania tych ostatnich poprzez metody zarządzania w skuteczne decyzje zarządcze. Potwierdzeniem pewności takiego wpływu są wyniki badań prowadzonych w obszarze odpowiedzialności menedżerów środowiska (np. zależność poziomu bezpieczeństwa środowiskowego przedsiębiorstwa od ważności ekologów). Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwami transportu kolejowego (RTE) spółki akcyjnej „Ukrainska zaliznytsia” (JSC „Ukrzaliznytsia”) zostało wybrane do analizy, której kompetencja dotyczy wykorzystania zasobów naturalnych i ochrony środowiska (ekologów) jako jednego ze składników zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zaproponowano metodę zintegrowanej oceny poziomu bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego w oparciu o analizę taksonomiczną, która daje możliwość zastosowania podejścia scenariuszowego do rozwoju sytuacji z uwzględnieniem różnych poziomów ważności ekologów RTE