32 research outputs found

    Chance-Constrained Equilibrium in Electricity Markets With Asymmetric Forecasts

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    We develop a stochastic equilibrium model for an electricity market with asymmetric renewable energy forecasts. In our setting, market participants optimize their profits using public information about a conditional expectation of energy production but use private information about the forecast error distribution. This information is given in the form of samples and incorporated into profit-maximizing optimizations of market participants through chance constraints. We model information asymmetry by varying the sample size of participants' private information. We show that with more information available, the equilibrium gradually converges to the ideal solution provided by the perfect information scenario. Under information scarcity, however, we show that the market converges to the ideal equilibrium if participants are to infer the forecast error distribution from the statistical properties of the data at hand or share their private forecasts

    Electricity Market Equilibrium under Information Asymmetry

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    We study a competitive electricity market equilibrium with two trading stages, day-ahead and real-time. The welfare of each market agent is exposed to uncertainty (here from renewable energy production), while agent information on the probability distribution of this uncertainty is not identical at the day-ahead stage. We show a high sensitivity of the equilibrium solution to the level of information asymmetry and demonstrate economic, operational, and computational value for the system stemming from potential information sharing

    A Consensus-ADMM Approach for Strategic Generation Investment in Electricity Markets

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    This paper addresses a multi-stage generation investment problem for a strategic (price-maker) power producer in electricity markets. This problem is exposed to different sources of uncertainty, including short-term operational (e.g., rivals' offering strategies) and long-term macro (e.g., demand growth) uncertainties. This problem is formulated as a stochastic bilevel optimization problem, which eventually recasts as a large-scale stochastic mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem with limited computational tractability. To cope with computational issues, we propose a consensus version of alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), which decomposes the original problem by both short- and long-term scenarios. Although the convergence of ADMM to the global solution cannot be generally guaranteed for MILP problems, we introduce two bounds on the optimal solution, allowing for the evaluation of the solution quality over iterations. Our numerical findings show that there is a trade-off between computational time and solution quality

    Price-Aware Deep Learning for Electricity Markets

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    While deep learning gradually penetrates operational planning, its inherent prediction errors may significantly affect electricity prices. This letter examines how prediction errors propagate into electricity prices, revealing notable pricing errors and their spatial disparity in congested power systems. To improve fairness, we propose to embed electricity market-clearing optimization as a deep learning layer. Differentiating through this layer allows for balancing between prediction and pricing errors, as oppose to minimizing prediction errors alone. This layer implicitly optimizes fairness and controls the spatial distribution of price errors across the system. We showcase the price-aware deep learning in the nexus of wind power forecasting and short-term electricity market clearing

    Multi-Stage Decision Rules for Power Generation & Storage Investments with Performance Guarantees

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    We develop multi-stage linear decision rules (LDRs) for dynamic power system generation and energy storage investment planning under uncertainty and propose their chance-constrained optimization with performance guarantees. First, the optimized LDRs guarantee operational and carbon policy feasibility of the resulting dynamic investment plan even when the planning uncertainty distribution is ambiguous. Second, the optimized LDRs internalize the tolerance of the system planner towards the stochasticity (variance) of uncertain investment outcomes. They can eventually produce a quasi-deterministic investment plan, which is insensitive to uncertainty (as in deterministic planning) but robust to its realizations (as in stochastic planning). Last, we certify the performance of the optimized LDRs with the bound on their sub-optimality due to their linear functional form. Using this bound, we guarantee that the preference of LDRs over less restrictive -- yet poorly scalable -- scenario-based optimization does not lead to financial losses exceeding this bound. We use a testbed of the U.S. Southeast power system to reveal the trade-offs between the cost, stochasticity, and feasibility of LDR-based investments. We also conclude that the LDR sub-optimality depends on the amount of uncertainty and the tightness of chance constraints on operational, investment and policy variables

    Emission-Aware Optimization of Gas Networks: Input-Convex Neural Network Approach

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    Gas network planning optimization under emission constraints prioritizes gas supply with the least CO2_2 intensity. As this problem includes complex physical laws of gas flow, standard optimization solvers cannot guarantee convergence to a feasible solution. To address this issue, we develop an input-convex neural network (ICNN) aided optimization routine which incorporates a set of trained ICNNs approximating the gas flow equations with high precision. Numerical tests on the Belgium gas network demonstrate that the ICNN-aided optimization dominates non-convex and relaxation-based solvers, with larger optimality gains pertaining to stricter emission targets. Moreover, whenever the non-convex solver fails, the ICNN-aided optimization provides a feasible solution to network planning

    Stochastic Control and Pricing for Natural Gas Networks

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    We propose stochastic control policies to cope with uncertain and variable gas extractions in natural gas networks. Given historical gas extraction data, these policies are optimized to produce the real-time control inputs for nodal gas injections and for pressure regulation rates by compressors and valves. We describe the random network state as a function of control inputs, which enables a chance-constrained optimization of these policies for arbitrary network topologies. This optimization ensures the real-time gas flow feasibility and a minimal variation in the network state up to specified feasibility and variance criteria. Furthermore, the chance-constrained optimization provides the foundation of a stochastic pricing scheme for natural gas networks, which improves on a deterministic market settlement by offering the compensations to network assets for their contribution to uncertainty and variance control. We analyze the economic properties, including efficiency, revenue adequacy and cost recovery, of the proposed pricing scheme and make them conditioned on the network design.Comment: for associated GitHub repository, see https://github.com/anubhavratha/ng_stochastic_control_and_pricin

    Multi-Stage Linear Decision Rules for Stochastic Control of Natural Gas Networks with Linepack

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    The disturbances from variable and uncertain renewable generation propagate from power systems to natural gas networks, causing gas network operators to adjust gas supply nominations to ensure operational security. To alleviate expensive supply adjustments, we develop control policies to leverage instead the flexibility of linepack -- the gas stored in pipelines -- to balance stochastic gas extractions. These policies are based on multi-stage linear decision rules optimized on a finite discrete horizon to guide controllable network components, such as compressors and valves, towards feasible operations. Our approach offers several control applications. First, it treats the linepack as a main source of flexibility to balance disturbances from power systems without substantial impacts on nominal gas supply. Second, these policies can be optimized to minimize the variability (due to intermittency of renewables) and variance (due to their uncertainty) of network state variables, such as pressures. Finally, it enables topology optimization to decouple network parts and prevent uncertainty propagation through the network. This is demonstrated using illustrative numerical experiments

    Differentially Private Optimal Power Flow for Distribution Grids

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    Although distribution grid customers are obliged to share their consumption data with distribution system operators (DSOs), a possible leakage of this data is often disregarded in operational routines of DSOs. This paper introduces a privacy-preserving optimal power flow (OPF) mechanism for distribution grids that secures customer privacy from unauthorised access to OPF solutions, e.g., current and voltage measurements. The mechanism is based on the framework of differential privacy that allows to control the participation risks of individuals in a dataset by applying a carefully calibrated noise to the output of a computation. Unlike existing private mechanisms, this mechanism does not apply the noise to the optimization parameters or its result. Instead, it optimizes OPF variables as affine functions of the random noise, which weakens the correlation between the grid loads and OPF variables. To ensure feasibility of the randomized OPF solution, the mechanism makes use of chance constraints enforced on the grid limits. The mechanism is further extended to control the optimality loss induced by the random noise, as well as the variance of OPF variables. The paper shows that the differentially private OPF solution does not leak customer loads up to specified parameters