45 research outputs found

    Nitrous oxide: a unique official French addictovigilance national survey

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    IntroductionNitrous oxide has become over the last few years a public health problem in many countries. France has a dedicated health monitoring system dedicated to the surveillance of the abuse, dependence and consequences associated with the use of psychoactive substances coordinated by the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products.We present the French national survey of nitrous oxide.Materials and methodsWe analyzed all the cases with nitrous oxide from 2012 to 2021: number of notifications, characteristics of the subjects and consumption, consequences reported and their evolutions over time. In addition, we have made a special focus on the four main complications reported.ResultsA total of 525 cases were received with an exponential increase since 2019. We observed changes in the characteristics of the notifications with an increase in the proportion of women [42.7% in 2021 vs. 30.8% in 2020 (p = 0.02)]; an increase in the quantities consumed (use of cylinders); a negative evolution of the contexts of use with a search for self-therapeutic effects and use in violent contexts; an increasing trend of the severity of cases [78.1% in 2021 vs. 70.0% in 2020 (p = 0.07)].The main effects were substance use disorders and/or associated criteria (82.5%), neurological disorders (75.4%), psychiatric symptoms (15.4%) and cardiovascular events (8.6%). In terms of evolution, we observed a significant increase in cases with a use disorder and an increase in neurological complications. Moreover, new serious effects, notably cardiovascular events were reported.DiscussionThe combination of high availability, varied effects from euphoria to relief of discomfort in a stressful global pandemic context and the development of dependence could explain the rapid growth of consumption and the seriousness of the cases.It must now be taken into account that (i) Substance use disorders are associated with nitrous oxide consumption; (ii) clinicians must consider “nitrous oxide” in young subjects presenting different types of manifestations; and (iii) stopping consumption is imperative and is the first treatment. In this context, an addictological assessment must also be carried out

    Cost-effectiveness of district-wide seasonal malaria chemoprevention when implemented through routine malaria control programme in Kita, Mali using fixed point distribution

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    Background Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is a strategy for malaria control recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2012 for Sahelian countries. The Mali National Malaria Control Programme adopted a plan for pilot implementation and nationwide scale-up by 2016. Given that SMC is a relatively new approach, there is an urgent need to assess the costs and cost effectiveness of SMC when implemented through the routine health system to inform decisions on resource allocation. Methods Cost data were collected from pilot implementation of SMC in Kita district, which targeted 77,497 children aged 3–59 months. Starting in August 2014, SMC was delivered by fixed point distribution in villages with the first dose observed each month. Treatment consisted of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine once a month for four consecutive months, or rounds. Economic and financial costs were collected from the provider perspective using an ingredients approach. Effectiveness estimates were based upon a published mathematical transmission model calibrated to local epidemiology, rainfall patterns and scale-up of interventions. Incremental cost effectiveness ratios were calculated for the cost per malaria episode averted, cost per disability adjusted life years (DALYs) averted, and cost per death averted. Results The total economic cost of the intervention in the district of Kita was US 357,494.Drugcostsandpersonnelcostsaccountedfor34357,494. Drug costs and personnel costs accounted for 34% and 31%, respectively. Incentives (payment other than salary for efforts beyond routine activities) accounted for 25% of total implementation costs. Average financial and economic unit costs per child per round were US 0.73 and US 0.86,respectively;totalannualfinancialandeconomiccostsperchildreceivingSMCwereUS0.86, respectively; total annual financial and economic costs per child receiving SMC were US 2.92 and US 3.43,respectively.Accountingforcoverage,theeconomiccostperchildfullyadherent(receivingallfourrounds)wasUS3.43, respectively. Accounting for coverage, the economic cost per child fully adherent (receiving all four rounds) was US 6.38 and US 4.69,ifweightedhighlyadherent,(receiving3or4roundsofSMC).Whencostswerecombinedwithmodelledeffects,theeconomiccostpermalariaepisodeavertedinchildrenwasUS4.69, if weighted highly adherent, (receiving 3 or 4 rounds of SMC). When costs were combined with modelled effects, the economic cost per malaria episode averted in children was US 4.26 (uncertainty bound 2.83–7.17), US 144(135–153)perDALYavertedandUS144 (135–153) per DALY averted and US 14,503 (13,604–15,402) per death averted. Conclusions When implemented at fixed point distribution through the routine health system in Mali, SMC was highly cost-effective. As in previous SMC implementation studies, financial incentives were a large cost component

    Front Public Health

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    INTRODUCTION: Nitrous oxide has become over the last few years a public health problem in many countries. France has a dedicated health monitoring system dedicated to the surveillance of the abuse, dependence and consequences associated with the use of psychoactive substances coordinated by the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products.We present the French national survey of nitrous oxide. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed all the cases with nitrous oxide from 2012 to 2021: number of notifications, characteristics of the subjects and consumption, consequences reported and their evolutions over time. In addition, we have made a special focus on the four main complications reported. RESULTS: A total of 525 cases were received with an exponential increase since 2019. We observed changes in the characteristics of the notifications with an increase in the proportion of women [42.7% in 2021 vs. 30.8% in 2020 (p = 0.02)]; an increase in the quantities consumed (use of cylinders); a negative evolution of the contexts of use with a search for self-therapeutic effects and use in violent contexts; an increasing trend of the severity of cases [78.1% in 2021 vs. 70.0% in 2020 (p = 0.07)].The main effects were substance use disorders and/or associated criteria (82.5%), neurological disorders (75.4%), psychiatric symptoms (15.4%) and cardiovascular events (8.6%). In terms of evolution, we observed a significant increase in cases with a use disorder and an increase in neurological complications. Moreover, new serious effects, notably cardiovascular events were reported. DISCUSSION: The combination of high availability, varied effects from euphoria to relief of discomfort in a stressful global pandemic context and the development of dependence could explain the rapid growth of consumption and the seriousness of the cases.It must now be taken into account that (i) Substance use disorders are associated with nitrous oxide consumption; (ii) clinicians must consider "nitrous oxide" in young subjects presenting different types of manifestations; and (iii) stopping consumption is imperative and is the first treatment. In this context, an addictological assessment must also be carried out

    Notre PlanĂšte

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    Mémoire sur Antoine de Montchrétien, sieur de Vateville, auteur du premier Traité d'économie politique /

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    "Extrait du Compte-rendu de l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques ... t. LXXXV et LXXXVI."Half-title: Un économiste inconnu du XVIIe siècle : Traité de l'économie politique par Antoine de Montchrétien, sieur de Vateville.Includes bibliographical references.Mode of access: Internet