6 research outputs found

    Socio-metrics of digital payments in demographic dividend: Descriptive analysis of dichotomous preferences

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    171-177Innovation in financial services has attracted a lot of attention and becomes the focal point in some jurisdiction further taking a very effective approach for facilitation of the technology enabled innovation. Digital disruptions have affected the all aspect of social mechanism and economic function, with higher density of mobile consumers and internet penetrations as compared to banking and other financial services facilitation. Technical firms have been providing new integrated faster, effective and inclusive innovative solutions; and it accelerates the inclusive digital payment systems. The variant methods of digital payments adopted by urban and semi urban consumers for their usual financial transactions is growing exponentially; however, post demonetization by Government of India, there was urgent need for alternative payment mechanism not only for urban consumers but also support the utilization by rural consumers in demographic dividend. The concept for the study has been to explore strategic advantages of digital payments and diagnosis for the current ecosystem in the support for better adoption of digital payments by the retail consumers in given mixed demography. In the present study, we have approached the Dhanbad district and collected data from different demography for our pilot survey. We have analyzed structured questionnaire based data to understand the various challenged with digital payments in demographic dividend for study area getting dichotomous preferences


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    Globally, dairy sector is undergoing phenomenal changes in terms of technology, feed quality, health & quality of breed, quality assurance, equipment & machineries, diversification of milk products and marketing concept. This is forcing the dairy sector to relook at the current strategy. With consideration of existing challenges and opportunities at milk producers, milk processors, marketers and consumers level, this review article has outlined overarching viewpoints and subsequently, has explored how the dairy sector needs to adapt. Study has been extended from global to National level including the state of West Bengal. Indian Dairy sector needs to take care of a few basic problems like shortage of quality feed & fodder, quality bovine breed and below par milk producers’ selling price. In addition, a few relevant opportunities should be availed through co-product generation as a part of holistic approach in handling dairy farming and dairy industry. In view of significant socio-economic dependency in Indian context, revenue model needs routine exploitation from biogas generation, culling of unproductive animals, adoption of economies of scale at milk federation level and effective institutionalization in states like West Bengal to establish this dairy sector as a sustainable source of livelihood

    Socio-metrics of digital payments in demographic dividend: Descriptive analysis of dichotomous preferences

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    Innovation in financial services has attracted a lot of attention and becomes the focal point in some jurisdiction further taking a very effective approach for facilitation of the technology enabled innovation. Digital disruptions have affected the all aspect of social mechanism and economic function, with higher density of mobile consumers and internet penetrations as compared to banking and other financial services facilitation. Technical firms have been providing new integrated faster, effective and inclusive innovative solutions; and it accelerates the inclusive digital payment systems. The variant methods of digital payments adopted by urban and semi urban consumers for their usual financial transactions is growing exponentially; however, post demonetization by Government of India, there was urgent need for alternative payment mechanism not only for urban consumers but also support the utilization by rural consumers in demographic dividend. The concept for the study has been to explore strategic advantages of digital payments and diagnosis for the current ecosystem in the support for better adoption of digital payments by the retail consumers in given mixed demography. In the present study, we have approached the Dhanbad district and collected data from different demography for our pilot survey. We have analyzed structured questionnaire based data to understand the various challenged with digital payments in demographic dividend for study area getting dichotomous preferences

    Organizacija proizvođača mlijeka i indijski mljekarski sektor - strateško usklađivanje

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    The needs of the Milk Producers’ Organization are achieved by strengthening the scattered and poorly organized Indian milk producers, who lack access to resources and services. In fact, the Milk Producers’ Organization has emerged as an interface between the business environment and individual milk producers through forward and backward linkages, while facilitating the strength of collective action, bargaining power and economies of scale. It has thus responded appropriately to the economic and socio-cultural needs of producer members and surrounding entities. The National Accounts Statistics (2020) of India estimates that the contribution of livestock in total agriculture and allied sectors Gross Value Added (at Constant Prices) has reached to 28.63 per cent (2018-19) which again shows the importance of the Milk Producers’ Organization in a populous country such as India. The Organization extends its assistance in the form of financial support, technical inputs, milk productivity, quality produce, managing value chains, access to market actors and handling environmental and business regulation. This review paper outlines the key viewpoints and aims to explore how the Milk Producers’ Organization has built capabilities and optimized capacities in the existing scope and challenges of the Indian dairy sector. The livestock sector supports the livelihood of approximately 20.5 million people in India. India’s milk production is at 4.8% CAGR as opposed to 1.8% CAGR of global milk production. However, the Organization faces conflicting areas of interest, such as social concern and business demands and this ambivalence necessitates enabling policy and professionalism to steer organizational growth and sustainability. In view of the globalized business environment, the Milk Producers’ Organization has taken on the responsibility to compete both on the domestic and global markets. In view of emerging international trade practices, further study is required to establish mechanisms to deal with Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures. A co-operative business model can be further explored with additional utilization of bovine manure and unproductive bovines to re-establish a more cost efficient model to deal with global price levels of milk and dairy products.Potreba za osnivanjem Organizacije proizvođača mlijeka temeljena je na nužnosti za ojačanjem raštrkanih i neorganiziranih, siromašnih indijskih proizvođača mlijeka koji nemaju pristup resursima i uslugama. Organizacija proizvođača mlijeka nastala je na sučeljavanju poslovnog okruženja i pojedinačnih proizvođača mlijeka kroz veze unaprijed i unatrag (forward i backward linkages), istovremeno omogućujući osnaživanje kolektivnog djelovanja, pregovaračke moći i ekonomskih razmjera. Time je prikladno odgovoreno na ekonomske i socijalno-kulturalne potrebe članova proizvođača i subjekata koji ih okružuju. Prema procjeni Statistike nacionalnih računa (2020.) Indije, doprinos stočarstva ukupnoj bruto dodanoj vrijednosti (pri stalnim cijenama) poljoprivrede i srodnog sektora dosegnuo je 28,63 % (2018.- 2019.) što ukazuje na važnost Organizacije proizvođača mlijeka u mnogoljudnoj zemlji poput Indije. Organizacija proizvođača mlijeka pruža svoju pomoć s aranžmanima financijskog kredita, tehničkim ulaznim informacijama, produktivnošću mlijeka, kvalitetnim proizvodima, upravljanjem vrijednosnim lancima, pristupom dionicima na tržištu i bavljenjem ekološkim i poslovnim regulativama. U ovom preglednom članku opisana su ključna gledišta i pokušalo se istražiti kako je Organizacija proizvođača mlijeka izgradila sposobnost i optimizirala kapacitet u postojećem opsegu i izazovima indijskog mljekarskog sektora. Stočarski sektor pomaže izdržavati oko 20,5 milijuna stanovnika Indije. Složena godišnja stopa rasta (CAGR) proizvodnje mlijeka u Indiji iznosi 4,8 % u odnosu na 1,8 % CAGR globalne proizvodnje mlijeka. Međutim, Organizacija proizvođača mlijeka suočava se sa sukobljenim područjima interesa: poput socijalnih pitanja, kao i poslovnih zahtjeva i ta ambivalentnost iziskuje poticajne politike i profesionalizam za upravljanje rastom i održivošću Organizacije. S obzirom na globalizirano poslovno okruženje, Organizacija proizvođača mlijeka preuzela je odgovornost natjecanja na domaćem i globalnom tržištu. S obzirom na nove prakse međunarodnog trgovanja, potrebna je dodatna studija za uspostavljanje mehanizma koji će se baviti sanitarnim i fitosanitarnim (SPS) mjerama. Suradnički se poslovni model može dalje istražiti dodatnom uporabom gnojiva goveda i neproduktivnih goveda za ponovnu uspostavu ekonomičnijeg modela kako bi se moglo nositi s globalnim razinama cijene mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda