3,454 research outputs found

    Relativistic shape invariant potentials

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    Dirac equation for a charged spinor in electromagnetic field is written for special cases of spherically symmetric potentials. This facilitates the introduction of relativistic extensions of shape invariant potential classes. We obtain the relativistic spectra and spinor wavefunctions for all potentials in one of these classes. The nonrelativistic limit reproduces the usual Rosen-Morse I & II, Eckart, Poschl-Teller, and Scarf potentials.Comment: Corrigendum: The last statement above equation (1) is now corrected and replaced by two new statement

    Predicting Nitrogen Transformations and osmotic Potentials in Warm Desert Soils

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    Predicting Nitrogen Transformations and Ammonia Volatilization in Warm Desert Soils

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    Representation reduction and solution space contraction in quasi-exactly solvable systems

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    In quasi-exactly solvable problems partial analytic solution (energy spectrum and associated wavefunctions) are obtained if some potential parameters are assigned specific values. We introduce a new class in which exact solutions are obtained at a given energy for a special set of values of the potential parameters. To obtain a larger solution space one varies the energy over a discrete set (the spectrum). A unified treatment that includes the standard as well as the new class of quasi-exactly solvable problems is presented and few examples (some of which are new) are given. The solution space is spanned by discrete square integrable basis functions in which the matrix representation of the Hamiltonian is tridiagonal. Imposing quasi-exact solvability constraints result in a complete reduction of the representation into the direct sum of a finite and infinite component. The finite is real and exactly solvable, whereas the infinite is complex and associated with zero norm states. Consequently, the whole physical space contracts to a finite dimensional subspace with normalizable states.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures (2 in color

    Graded extension of SO(2,1) Lie algebra and the search for exact solutions of Dirac equation by point canonical transformations

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    SO(2,1) is the symmetry algebra for a class of three-parameter problems that includes the oscillator, Coulomb and Morse potentials as well as other problems at zero energy. All of the potentials in this class can be mapped into the oscillator potential by point canonical transformations. We call this class the "oscillator class". A nontrivial graded extension of SO(2,1) is defined and its realization by two-dimensional matrices of differential operators acting in spinor space is given. It turns out that this graded algebra is the supersymmetry algebra for a class of relativistic potentials that includes the Dirac-Oscillator, Dirac-Coulomb and Dirac-Morse potentials. This class is, in fact, the relativistic extension of the oscillator class. A new point canonical transformation, which is compatible with the relativistic problem, is formulated. It maps all of these relativistic potentials into the Dirac-Oscillator potential.Comment: Replaced with a more potrable PDF versio

    Supersymmetric quantum mechanics based on higher excited states

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    We generalize the formalism and the techniques of the supersymmetric (susy) quantum mechanics to the cases where the superpotential is generated/defined by higher excited eigenstates. The generalization is technically almost straightforward but physically quite nontrivial since it yields an infinity of new classes of susy-partner potentials, whose spectra are exactly identical except for the lowest m+1 states, if the superpotential is defined in terms of the (m+1)-st eigenfunction, with m=0 reserved for the ground state. It is shown that in case of the infinite 1-dim potential well nothing new emerges (the partner potential is still of P\"oschl-Teller type I, for all m), whilst in case of the 1-dim harmonic oscillator we get a new class of infinitely many partner potentials: for each m the partner potential is expressed as the sum of the quadratic harmonic potential plus rational function, defined as the derivative of the ratio of two consecutive Hermite polynomials. These partner potentials of course have m singularities exactly at the locations of the nodes of the generating (m+1)-st wavefunction. The susy formalism applies everywhere between the singularities. A systematic application of the formalism to other potentials with known spectra would yield an infinitely rich class of "solvable" potentials, in terms of their partner potentials. If the potentials are shape invariant they can be solved at least partially and new types of analytically obtainable spectra are expected. PACS numbers: 03.65.-w, 03.65.Ge, 03.65.SqComment: 15 pages LaTeX file, no figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: accepted for publication

    ρ\rho-ω\omega mixing and spin dependent CSV potential

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    We construct the charge symmetry violating (CSV) nucleon-nucleon potential induced by the ρ0\rho^0-\o mixing due to the neutron-proton mass difference driven by the NNNN loop. Analytical expression for for the two-body CSV potential is presented containing both the central and non- central NNNN interaction. We show that the ρ\rhoNNNN tensor interaction can significantly enhance the charge symmetry violating NNNN interaction even if momentum dependent off-shell ρ0\rho^0-ω\omega mixing amplitude is considered. It is also shown that the inclusion of form factors removes the divergence arising out of the contact interaction. Consequently, we see that the precise size of the computed scattering length difference depends on how the short range aspects of the CSV potential are treated.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    PCA based health indicator for remaining useful life prediction of wind turbine gearbox

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    Fault prognosis of wind turbine gearbox has received considerable attention as it predicts the remaining useful life which further allows the scheduling of maintenance strategies. However, the studies related towards the RUL prediction of wind turbine gearbox are limited, because of the complexity of gearbox, acute changes in the operating conditions and non-linear nature of the acquired vibration signals. In this study, a health indicator is constructed in order to predict the remaining useful life of the wind turbine gearbox. Run to fail experiments are performed on a laboratory scaled wind turbine gearbox of overall gear ratio 1:100. Vibration signals are acquired and decomposed through continuous wavelet transform to obtain the wavelet coefficients. Various statistical features are computed from the wavelet coefficients which return form high-dimensional input feature set. Principal component analysis is performed to reduce the dimensionality and principal components (PCs) are computed from the input feature set. PC1 is considered as the health indicator and subjected to further smoothening by linear rectification technique. Exponential degradation model is fit to the considered health indicator and the model is able to predict the RUL of the gearbox with an error percentage of 2.73 %

    Scattering of relativistic particles with Aharonov-Bohm-Coulomb interaction in two dimensions

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    The Aharonov-Bohm-Coulomb potentials in two dimensions may describe the interaction between two particles carrying electric charge and magnetic flux, say, Chern--Simons solitons, or so called anyons. The scattering problem for such two-body systems is extended to the relativistic case, and the scattering amplitude is obtained as a partial wave series. The electric charge and magnetic flux is (q-q, ϕ/Z-\phi/Z) for one particle and (ZqZq, ϕ\phi) for the other. When (Zq2/c)21(Zq^2/\hbar c)^2\ll 1, and qϕ/2πcq\phi/2\pi\hbar c takes on integer or half integer values, the partial wave series is summed up approximately to give a closed form. The results exhibit some nonperturbative features and cannot be obtained from perturbative quantum electrodynamics at the tree level.Comment: revtex, 11 pages, no figur

    Stopping power of hot QCD plasma

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    The partonic energy loss has been calculated taking both the hard and soft contributions for all the 222 \to 2 processes, revealing the importance of the individual channels. Cancellation of the intermediate separation scale has been exhibited. Subtleties related to the identical final state partons have properly been taken into account. The estimated collisional loss is compared with its radiative counter part. We show that there exists a critical energy (EcE_c) below which the collisional loss is more than its radiative counterpart. In addition, we present closed form formulas for both the collision probabilities and the stopping power (dE/dxdE/dx)Comment: revised version, section added, 9pages with 5 figure