429 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Dusseault, Eusebe (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Alien Registration- Dusseault, Joseph (Biddeford, York County)

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    Draft only: Not for citation. The structure of Russia’s energy sector: Expectations and challenges in Tomsk Oblast

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    This paper intends to dig deeper into the Russian energy sector and investigate the relationship between the variable presence of hydrocarbon resources and their influence over policy preferences of regional economic and political elites of Tomsk Oblast in Western Siberia

    Nck1 depletion induces activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway by attenuating PTP1B protein expression

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    Investigating variability in marine mollusk carbonates using infrared spectroscopy and radiocarbon analysis

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    Marine bivalve mollusks are complex hierarchical calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) materials that are frequently used in archaeological studies and in chronologies that are used to study marine environment and climate change. Radiocarbon (Âč⁎C) analysis of these materials is central to most of these studies. I study the variability of Âč⁎C signatures within marine bivalve mollusk shells from British Columbia, Canada by considering both the raw, uncalibrated fraction of modern carbon measurements and the calibrated age ranges. I use infrared (IR) spectroscopy as a method to screen for diagenesis - contamination or alteration of the original shell CaCO₃ - prior to radiocarbon analysis, and as a method to investigate the natural variability in the composition and structure of the shell CaCO₃. Using IR spectroscopy, I show that in three archaeological samples of the butter clam (Saxidomus gigantea) from Sechelt, British Columbia, only one shell contained contaminating calcite. However, analysis of the relative IR peak intensities showed a consistent difference between the inner nacreous aragonite layer and the outer crossed lamellar aragonite layer for all three shells. This consistent difference is likely correlated with that natural variability in aragonite microstructures. Three other archaeological shell samples from Deep Bay and Comox, British Columbia, were analyzed for Âč⁎C at three different locations within each of the shells. One sample displayed a variation in fraction of modern carbon within the shell while the others did not. I highlight that Âč⁎C measurements are meaningless without an understanding of date calibration and the choices that must be made when calibrating marine and mixed marine-terrestrial samples. My results are a starting point for developing best practices for Âč⁎C dating marine shell samples and for more focused studies on the links between crystallinity, diagenesis, and Âč⁎C

    Elite Bargaining and the Evolution of Centre-Periphery Relations in Post-Soviet Russia : A Comparative Analysis

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    This work is concerned with presenting a modified theoretical approach to the study of centre-periphery relations in the Russian Federation. In the widely accepted scientific discourse, the Russian federal system under the Yeltsin Administration (1991-2000) was asymmetrical; largely owing to the varying amount of structural autonomy distributed among the federation s 89 constituent units. While providing an improved understanding as to which political and socio-economic structures contributed to federal asymmetry, it is felt that associated large N-studies have underemphasised the role played by actor agency in re-shaping Russian federal institutions. It is the main task of this thesis to reintroduce /re-emphasise the importance of actor agency as a major contributing element of institutional change in the Russian federal system. By focusing on the strategic agency of regional elites simultaneously within regional and federal contexts, the thesis adopts the position that political, ethnic and socio-economic structural factors alone cannot fully determine the extent to which regional leaders were successful in their pursuit of economic and political pay-offs from the institutionally weakened federal centre. Furthermore, this work hypothesises that under conditions of federal institutional uncertainty, it is the ability of regional leaders to simultaneously interpret various mutable structural conditions then translate them into plausible strategies which accounts for the regions ability to extract variable amounts of economic and political pay-offs from the Russian federal system. The thesis finds that while the hypothesis is accurate in its theoretical assumptions, several key conclusions provide paths for further inquiry posed by the initial research question. First, without reliable information or stable institutions to guide their actions, both regional and federal elites were forced into ad-hoc decision-making in order to maintain their core strategic focus: political survival. Second, instead of attributing asymmetry to either actor agency or structural factors exclusively, the empirical data shows that both agency and structures interact symbiotically in the strategic formulation process, thus accounting for the sub-optimal nature of several of the actions taken in the adopted cases. Third, as actor agency and structural factors mutate over time, so, too do the perceived payoffs from elite competition. In the case of the Russian federal system, the stronger the federal centre became, the less likely it was that regional leaders could extract the high degree of economic and political pay-offs that they clamoured for earlier in the Yeltsin period. Finally, traditional approaches to the study of federal systems which focus on institutions as measures of federalism are not fully applicable in the Russian case precisely because the institutions themselves were a secondary point of contention between competing elites. Institutional equilibriums between the regions and Moscow were struck only when highly personalised elite preferences were satisfied. Therefore the Russian federal system is the product of short-term, institutional solutions suited to elite survival strategies developed under conditions of economic, political and social uncertainty.Tutkimus tarkastelee VenÀjÀn federaation keskustan ja periferian vÀlisiÀ suhteita mukautetun teoreettisen mallin avulla. Yleisesti hyvÀksytyn tieteellisen diskurssin mukaan Boris Jeltsinin valtakauden (1991 2000) aikainen federaatiojÀrjestelmÀ oli epÀsymmetrinen paljolti siksi, ettÀ federaation 89 osan mahdollisuudet rakenteelliseen autonomiaan vaihtelivat. Tarkastelemalla alueellisten eliittien toimintastrategioita sekÀ alueellisella ettÀ liittovaltiotasolla tutkimuksessa on pÀÀdytty siihen lopputulokseen, ettÀ poliittiset, etniset tai taloudellis-sosiaaliset tekijÀt eivÀt yksin voi selittÀÀ alueellisten johtajien institutionaalisesti heikentyneeltÀ liittovaltiokeskukselta saavuttamia taloudellisia tai poliittisia etuja. Tutkimuksen hypoteesi onkin se, ettÀ kun liittovaltion instituutiot ovat epÀvarmoja, alueellisten johtajien kyky luovia ja hyödyntÀÀ erilaisia vaihtelevia rakenteellisia olosuhteita ratkaisee sen, miten nÀmÀ muunnetaan toimintastrategioiksi. TÀmÀ ratkaisee alueiden kyvyn hankkia erilaisia taloudellisia ja poliittisia etuja VenÀjÀn liittovaltiojÀrjestelmÀssÀ. Instituutioiden vÀlinen tasapaino aluehallinnon ja Moskovan vÀlillÀ saavutettiin vasta sitten, kun hyvinkin yksilöityneet eliitin tarpeet tyydytettiin. NÀin ollen VenÀjÀn liittovaltiojÀrjestelmÀ muodostuu lÀhinnÀ sellaisista lyhytaikaisista institutionaalisista ratkaisuista, joiden pÀÀmÀÀrÀnÀ on ollut turvata eliitin asema epÀvarmassa taloudellisessa, poliittisessa ja sosiaalisessa tilanteessa

    Biocompatibilité des microcapsules d'alginate : purification d'alginate, réaction immunitaire de l'hÎte et protection du receveur

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    L’immuno-isolation des Ăźlots de Langerhans est proposĂ©e comme moyen d’effectuer des transplantations sans prise d’immunosuppresseurs par le patient. Cette immuno-isolation, par l’entremise d’une microcapsule composĂ©e d’alginate et de poly-L-lysine (microcapsule APA), protĂšge le greffon d’une Ă©ventuelle attaque du systĂšme immunitaire du receveur grĂące Ă  sa membrane semi-permĂ©able. Cette membrane empĂȘche le systĂšme immunitaire du receveur de pĂ©nĂ©trer la microcapsule tout en laissant diffuser librement les nutriments, le glucose et l’insuline. Avant l’application de cette technique chez l’humain, quelques dĂ©fis doivent encore ĂȘtre relevĂ©s, dont la biocompatibilitĂ© de ce systĂšme. La biocompatibilitĂ© fait ici rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  la biocompatibilitĂ© du biomatĂ©riau utilisĂ© pour la fabrication des microcapsules, l’alginate, mais aussi la biocompatibilitĂ© des microcapsules reliĂ©e Ă  leur stabilitĂ©. En effet, il a Ă©tĂ© remarquĂ© que, lors d’implantation in vivo de microcapsules fabriquĂ©es avec de l’alginate non purifiĂ©e, ceci induisait un phĂ©nomĂšne nommĂ© RĂ©action de l’HĂŽte contre la Microcapsule (RHM). De plus, il est connu que la stabilitĂ© des microcapsules APA peut influencer leur biocompatibilitĂ© puisqu’une microcapsule endommagĂ©e ou brisĂ©e pourrait laisser s’échapper les cellules du greffon chez le receveur. Nous croyons qu’une comprĂ©hension des processus d’initiation de la RHM en fonction de l’efficacitĂ© des procĂ©dĂ©s de purification d’alginate (et donc des quantitĂ©s de contaminants prĂ©sents dans l’alginate) ainsi que l’augmentation de la stabilitĂ© des microcapsules APA pourront amĂ©liorer la biocompatibilitĂ© de ce dispositif, ce que tente de dĂ©montrer les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cette thĂšse. En effet, les rĂ©sultats obtenus suggĂšrent que les protĂ©ines qui contaminent l’alginate jouent un rĂŽle clĂ© dans l’initiation de la RHM et qu’en diminuant ces quantitĂ©s de protĂ©ines par l’amĂ©lioration des procĂ©dĂ©s de purification d’alginate, on amĂ©liore la biocompatibilitĂ© de l’alginate. Afin d’augmenter la stabilitĂ© des microcapsules APA, nous dĂ©crivons une nouvelle technique de fabrication des microcapsules qui implique la prĂ©sence de liaisons covalentes. Ces nouvelles microcapsules APA rĂ©ticulĂ©es sont trĂšs rĂ©sistantes, n’affectent pas de façon nĂ©gative la survie des cellules encapsulĂ©es et confinent les cellules du greffon Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des microcapsules. Cette derniĂšre caractĂ©ristique nous permet donc d’augmenter la biocompatibilitĂ© des microcapsules APA en protĂ©geant le receveur contre les cellules du greffon.Islet of Langerhans inmmunoisolation is proposed as a way to avoid the use of immunosuppressive drugs after transplantation. Microcapsules, the immuno-isolating device, are composed of alginate and poly-L-lysine and the protection of the graft is granted by a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane allows small molecules to freely diffuse within the microcapsule, such as nutrients, glucose and insulin while protecting the graft against the host immune system. Biocompatibility is one of the challenges that must be addressed before the successful clinical application of this device. Microcapsules biocompatibility is related, first, to the biocompatibility of alginate, the polymer used to made microcapsules and second, to the in vivo stability of these microcapsules. In facts, it is well know that the use of an unpurified alginate containing many foreign contaminants to make microcapsules induce the host reaction against microcapsule (HRM). Moreover, damaged or broken microcapsules can allow the dissemination of cells from the encapsulated graft, activating the host immune system. We believe that a better understanding of the initiation processes of the HRM in terms of alginate purification efficacy to remove contamination as well as an improve microcapsule stability will increase microcapsules biocompatibility. Results reported in this thesis suggest that foreign proteins found in alginate are playing a key role in the initiation of HRM and that the reduction of these foreign proteins, by the improvement of alginate purification processes, improves microcapsules biocompatibility. In order to increase microcapsules stability, we also described and characterized an innovative type of microcapsules which involve covalent bonds. These covalently cross-linked microcapsules were found to by highly resistant and stable. The novel fabrication process of these microcapsules was not harmful for the encapsulated cell survival and was also found to confine the graft inside the microcapsules. This characteristic enables us to increase microcapsules biocompatibility by the protection of the host from the encapsulated cells

    Microseismic Monitoring Developments in Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation

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    The last decade has seen a significantly increased interest in microseismic monitoring by the hydrocarbon industry due to the recent surge in unconventional resources such as shale-gas and heavy-oil plays. Both hydraulic fracturing and steam injection create changes in local pore pressures and in situ stresses and thereby brittle failure in intact rock plus additional slip/shearing in naturally fractured rock. Local rock failure or slip yields an acoustic emission, which is also known as a microseismic event. The microseismic cloud represents thus a volumetric map of the extent of induced fracture shearing, opening and closing. Microseismic monitoring can provide pertinent information on in situ reservoir deformation due to fluid stimulation, thus ultimately facilitating reservoir drainage. This paper reviews some of the current key questions and research in microseismicity, ranging from acquisition, processing to interpretation

    Natural Fractures Characterization and In Situ Stresses Inference in a Carbonate Reservoir—An Integrated Approach

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    In this paper, we characterized the natural fracture systems and inferred the state of in situ stress field through an integrated study in a very complex and heterogeneous fractured carbonate heavy oil reservoir. Relative magnitudes and orientations of the in-situ principal stresses in a naturally fractured carbonate heavy oil field were estimated with a combination of available data (World Stress Map, geological and geotectonic evidence, outcrop studies) and techniques (core analysis, borehole image logs and Side View Seismic Location). The estimates made here using various tools and data including routine core analysis and image logs are confirmatory to estimates made by theWorld Stress Map and geotectonic facts. NE-SW and NW-SE found to be the dominant orientations for maximum and minimum horizontal stresses in the study area. In addition, three dominant orientations were identified for vertical and sub-vertical fractures atop the crestal region of the anticlinal structure. Image logs found useful in recognition and delineation of natural fractures. The results implemented in a real field development and proved practical in optimal well placement, drilling and production practices. Such integrated studies can be instrumental in any E&P projects and related projects such as geological CO2 sequestration site characterization
