3 research outputs found

    Targeting the NPL4 Adaptor of p97/VCP Segregase by Disulfiram as an Emerging Cancer Vulnerability Evokes Replication Stress and DNA Damage while Silencing the ATR Pathway

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    Research on repurposing the old alcohol-aversion drug disulfiram (DSF) for cancer treatment has identified inhibition of NPL4, an adaptor of the p97/VCP segregase essential for turnover of proteins involved in multiple pathways, as an unsuspected cancer cell vulnerability. While we reported that NPL4 is targeted by the anticancer metabolite of DSF, the bis-diethyldithiocarbamate-copper complex (CuET), the exact, apparently multifaceted mechanism(s) through which the CuET-induced aggregation of NPL4 kills cancer cells remains to be fully elucidated. Given the pronounced sensitivity to CuET in tumor cell lines lacking the genome integrity caretaker proteins BRCA1 and BRCA2, here we investigated the impact of NPL4 targeting by CuET on DNA replication dynamics and DNA damage response pathways in human cancer cell models. Our results show that CuET treatment interferes with DNA replication, slows down replication fork progression and causes accumulation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Such a replication stress (RS) scenario is associated with DNA damage, preferentially in the S phase, and activates the homologous recombination (HR) DNA repair pathway. At the same time, we find that cellular responses to the CuET-triggered RS are seriously impaired due to concomitant malfunction of the ATRIP-ATR-CHK1 signaling pathway that reflects an unorthodox checkpoint silencing mode through ATR (Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related) kinase sequestration within the CuET-evoked NPL4 protein aggregates

    Effect of Sepatronium Bromide (YM-155) on DNA Double-Strand Breaks Repair in Cancer Cells

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    Survivin, as an antiapoptotic protein often overexpressed in cancer cells, is a logical target for potential cancer treatment. By overexpressing survivin, cancer cells can avoid apoptotic cell death and often become resistant to treatments, representing a significant obstacle in modern oncology. A survivin suppressor, an imidazolium-based compound known as YM-155, is nowadays studied as an attractive anticancer agent. Although survivin suppression by YM-155 is evident, researchers started to report that YM-155 is also an inducer of DNA damage introducing yet another anticancer mechanism of this drug. Moreover, the concentrations of YM-155 for DNA damage induction seems to be far lower than those needed for survivin inhibition. Understanding the molecular mechanism of action of YM-155 is of vital importance for modern personalized medicine involving the selection of responsive patients and possible treatment combinations. This review focuses mainly on the documented effects of YM-155 on DNA damage signaling pathways. It summarizes up to date literature, and it outlines the molecular mechanism of YM-155 action in the context of the DNA damage field