43 research outputs found

    A novel paradigm for attributing the diagnosis of CF disease

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    Treatment failure in celiac disease due to coexistent exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

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    A 17-year-old white adolescent had a history of chronic diarrhea, delayed puberty, and growth failure. Investigations excluded cystic fibrosis, Shwachman syndrome, and endocrine causes of growth failure. Severe steatorrhea was diagnosed from fecal fat studies, and a jejunal suction biopsy showed total villus atrophy, consistent with a diagnosis of celiac diseases. Following introduction of a gluten-free diet, his appetite and growth improved, but he continued to have abdominal discomfort and loose offensive bowel motions. One year later, severe steatorrhea was present. A repeat jejunal biopsy showed partial recovery of villus architecture. Serum immunoreactive trypsinogen level was low, which was highly suggestive of exocrine pancreatic failure. Results of quantitative pancreatic stimulation test confirmed the presence of primary pancreatic insufficiency. After introduction of oral pancreatic enzyme supplements with meals, his gastrointestinal symptoms resolved and growth velocity accelerated. Previously, primary pancreatic insufficiency has only been described in elderly patients with long-standing untreated celiac disease. This case, however, emphasizes that pancreatic failure can occur with celiac disease at any age. Determination of a serum immunoreactive trypsinogen level should be considered a useful screening tool for pancreatic insufficiency in patients with celiac disease who have not responded to a gluten-free diet

    Serum Immunoreactive Cationic Trypsinogen - a Useful Indicator of Severe Exocrine Dysfunction in the Pediatric-Patient Without Cystic-Fibrosis

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    We evaluated serum cationic trypsinogen as a marker of exocrine pancreatic function in children without cystic fibrosis. The ability of this test to determine steatorrhoea of pancreatic origin, and its relationship to a wide range of exocrine pancreatic function were assessed. Serum trypsinogen was measured in 32 children with steatorrhoea, 10 with pancreatic and 22 with non-pancreatic causes. In patients with pancreatic steatorrhoea, serum cationic trypsinogen was 4·9±4·9 μg/l (mean ±SD), significantly below values in patients with non-pancreatic steatorrhoea (47·0±22·1 μg/l, p<0·001) and 50 control subjects (31·4±7·4 μg/l, p<0·001). Serum cationic trypsinogen values in patients with pancreatic steatorrhoea all fell below the lower limit of our control range and below all values for patients with non-pancreatic steatorrhoea. Serum cationic trypsinogen was also evaluated against pancreatic trypsin output in 47 patients (range 0·2-17·0 yr) who underwent a hormonal pancreatic stimulation test. In 17 patients, serum cationic trypsinogen was low (<-2SD or 16·6 μg/l), and associated with greatly impaired pancreatic trypsin output, ranging from 0-8% of mean normal trypsin output. Five of these 17 patients did not have steatorrhoea. In 30 patients with normal or raised serum cationic trypsinogen (≥16·6 μg/l), pancreatic trypsin output ranged from 15-183% of mean normal values. In conclusion, low serum cationic trypsinogen suggests severely impaired exocrine pancreatic function, with sensitivity extending above the steatorrhoeic threshold. In the presence of steatorrhoea, low serum cationic trypsinogen indicates a pancreatic aetiology. Normal serum cationic trypsinogen, however, does not exclude impaired pancreatic function, above the steatorrhoeic threshold