6 research outputs found

    Toward A Mentoring Model For Promotion And Tenure: Progress And Pitfalls

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    This article provides a qualitative analysis of a pretenure mentoring model that was designed to enhance the likelihood of retaining diverse faculty recruited for a multidisciplinary undergraduate department.The data capture the experiences of pretenure and tenured faculty after the first 4 years of the implementation of this mentoring system.The mentoring system and data collection process are described, followed by the research findings and implications for practice

    Creating A Model For Graduate Student Inclusion And Success

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    Mentoring and advising are critical aspects of the graduate student experience, and can have a significant impact on the professional lives of future postsecondary faculty and staff and a rippling effect throughout higher education and the global economy. This paper describes the process a new department undertook to create a graduate program that puts the inclusion and success of students first

    Enacting The Spirit Of The United Nations Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities: The Role Of Postsecondary Faculty In Ensuring Access

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    Nations throughout the world have signed the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities.  Many postsecondary educators support the ideals of access and equity for students with disabilities, but have received no training in how to ensure that these goals are achieved.  This paper introduces the concepts of universal design and universal instructional design and provides specific guidelines for general communication and for creating accessible classrooms, lectures or presentations, documents, media, websites, and distance education courses

    Students\u27 Experiences in Learning Centers: Socioeconomic Factors, Grades, and Perceptions of the Math Center

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    In this article, we discuss the importance, specifically for developmental educators, of understanding diverse students\u27 use and perceptions of learning centers. Among the results of a survey of students\u27 perceptions of the mathematics program in the General College, University of Minnesota, we found statistically significant differences in how often students from different ethnic backgrounds used the Math Center. In addition, we found differences in students\u27 use and perceptions of the Math Center according to the students\u27 fall semester course grades. Based on these findings, we make suggestions for learning center administration and developmental education pedagogy as well as indicate directions for future research in this area