348 research outputs found

    El profesorado y su percepción sobre la igualdad de género en la universidad

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    The article makes important contributions in order to clarify if we can continue talking about a situation of gender inequality in the universities. We performed a systematic literature review, which includes from pioneers in the field to the more recent work. From this review it appears that even though universities have taken steps in recent years to promote gender equality in their structures and practices, there is still inequality, in that it confirms the low female presence in some of the areas of university life in our country. The second contribution the results are derived from research conducted in two Spanish universities, using qualitative methodology in order to delve into the perceptions of academic people in relation to gender equality. The methodology is qualitative and is based on 22 interviews. The participants are academics from two Spanish public universities. The need to balance work and family life, which is still a need associated with female gender, despite the greater involvement of men in family responsibilities, for men still the family responsibilities don not requires an effort comparable to the women involved, that still bears the bulk of the workload, beyond motherhood, which directly determines who can get the same merit than men during their academic career. Also the organizational culture of our universities, which has been and remains very masculine, is a reason for female exclusion. Finally, our results of our investigation warn about the lack of gender equity in different academic fields, especially present in research and management.En este artículo se cuestiona si actualmente podemos seguir hablando de una situación de inequidad de género en las universidades. Desde la revisión bibliográfica se puede decir que a pesar de que en las universidades se han tomado medidas en los últimos años para fomentar la igualdad de género en sus estructuras y prácticas, todavía existe desigualdad, en tanto que se constata la escasa presencia femenina en algunos de los ámbitos de la vida universitaria de nuestro país. La principal aportación del artículo la constituyen los resultados derivados de una investigación realizada en dos universidades españolas, utilizando metodología cualitativa, a fin de ahondar en las percepciones de las personas académicas en relación a la igualdad de género. Se llevan a cabo 22 entrevistas en profundidad. Los resultados de la investigación señalan que sigue existiendo inequidad y ofrecen datos más concretos sobre los posibles motivos que la perpetúan. Por un lado aquellos relativos a lo personal y lo organizativo. Uno de ellos la necesidad de conciliar vida profesional y familiar. La atención a la familia sigue estando asociada al género femenino. A pesar de la mayor implicación masculina, para los hombres todavía el trabajo familiar no les supone un esfuerzo comparable al que supone a las mujeres, que siguen llevando la mayor parte de la carga de trabajo, más allá de la maternidad, lo que condiciona directamente que puedan obtener los mismos méritos que los hombres durante su carrera académica. Otro motivo de desigualdad se halla también en la cultura organizativa de las universidades españolas, que ha sido y sigue siendo muy masculinizada y tiende a conllevar la exclusión femenina. Por otro lado, las políticas de igualdad, que no son percibidas como suficientemente satisfactorias por las personas entrevistadas. Los resultados de la investigación indican también  la falta de equidad de género entre el personal docente universitario, sobre todo en lo relacionado a la función investigadora y gestora y de su perfil profesional

    Factores que afectan a la participación de las mujeres en formación continua en España y Cataluña

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    Women are still not being offered equal opportunities in the workplace, be-cause apart from being workers, they are also caregivers, i.e. they do double shifts. One way to enhance women’s job opportunities is through their professional development. Training is one of the best strategies for professional development. Nonetheless, in Spain, there is a series of factors which hinder female workers’ access to training. In fact, scientific literature do not usually compares these factors from a gender perspective; therefore, the aim of this paper is to describe differences between male and female participation levels in training over the last five years, and analyse the factors that affect women’s participation. The methodology consisted of a mixed non-simultaneous approach: the analysis of three Spanish and Catalan sources of official data (n = 10,879), and interviews with 5 experts in gender policies and 6 trainer managers from 6 companies. The integrated results yield different types of difficulties to access training based on gender and a necessity to relate training policies to gender policies. Because of these differences, it is possible to establish a list of features related to women who participate in training, which allow both academics and practitioners to intervene to promote women’s training participation and therefore, their professional development.Todavía hoy en día a las mujeres no se les ofrecen oportunidades laborales equitativas, dado que además de ser trabajadoras, también son cuidadoras, es decir, trabajan doble turno. Una vía para promover las oportunidades laborales de las mujeres es a través de su desarrollo profesional. La formación continua es una de las mejores estrategias de desarrollo profesional. Sin embargo, en España, hay una serie de factores que dificultan el acceso de las mujeres trabajadoras a la formación. De hecho, la bibliografía científica no suele comparar estos factores desde una perspectiva de género; por lo tanto, el objetivo de este artículo es describir las diferencias entre los niveles de participación en formación continua de hombres y mujeres durante los últimos cinco años, y analizar los factores que afectan dicha participación en las mujeres. La metodología consiste en una metodología mixta no-simultánea: análisis de tres bases de datos oficiales (n = 10,879) españolas y catalanas, y entrevistas a 5 expertos de políticas de género y 6 gestores de la formación de 6 empresas. Los resultados integrados señalan varios tipos de dificultades para acceder a la formación, basadas en el género, y una necesidad de relacionar las políticas de formación con políticas de género. Debido a estas diferencias, es posible establecer un listado de características relacionadas con las mujeres que participan en formación, lo que permite tanto a académicos como a organizaciones intervenir para promover la participación en formación continua de las mujeres y, por lo tanto, su desarrollovprofesional

    Teaching staff and their perception about gender equality at university

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    The article makes important contributions in order to clarify if we can continue talking about a situation of gender inequality in the universities. We performed a systematic literature review, which includes from pioneers in the field to the more recent work. From this review it appears that even though universities have taken steps in recent years to promote gender equality in their structures and practices, there is still inequality, in that it confirms the low female presence in some of the areas of university life in our country. The second contribution the results are derived from research conducted in two Spanish universities, using qualitative methodology in order to delve into the perceptions of academic people in relation to gender equality. The methodology is qualitative and is based on 22 interviews. The participants are academics from two Spanish public universities. The need to balance work and family life, which is still a need associated with female gender, despite the greater involvement of men in family responsibilities, for men still the family responsibilities don not requires an effort comparable to the women involved, that still bears the bulk of the workload, beyond motherhood, which directly determines who can get the same merit than men during their academic career. Also the organizational culture of our universities, which has been and remains very masculine, is a reason for female exclusion. Finally, our results of our investigation warn about the lack of gender equity in different academic fields, especially present in research and management.</p

    How to measure transfer of training in Higher Education: the questionnaire of transfer factors

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    [ES] Este artículo tiene por objetivo presentar los principales resultados de una investigación acerca de los factores que influyen en la transferencia de la formación docente del profesorado universitario. Basádose en un estudio previo (Feixas y Zellweger, 2010), se diseña el Cuestionario de Factores de Transferencia Docente y se analizan e interpretan los resultados tras su aplicación en contextos de desarrollo docente del profesorado universitario. Complementariamente, se realiza un análisis de las acciones formativas de dichas universidades y se llevan a cabo tres grupos de discusión con expertos en planificación y desarrollo de estas acciones formativas. La aplicación del instrumento a 18 universidades (n=1.026) y el correspondiente análisis factorial exploratorio que nos ha permitido examinar la validez de constructo del modelo (alpha de Cronbach: .91), han dado como resultado la emergencia de ocho factores que inciden en la transferencia: factores de la formación (el diseño de la formación y aprendizaje realizado), factores del entorno (apoyo del responsable docente, predisposición al cambio, recursos del entorno, feedback del estudiante, reconocimiento institucional, cultura docente del equipo de trabajo) y factores del individuo (organización personal del trabajo). El análisis de las acciones formativas nos arroja una tendencia predominantemente técnica, prescriptiva y concebida para el desarrollo puntual de habilidades.[EN] This article aims to present the main outcomes of a research about the factors influencing the transfer potential of university teachers’ training into the daily practice. Based on a previous study (Feixas and Zellweger, 2010), a Questionnaire on Factors Conditioning Learning Transfer of Teacher’s Training has been designed and applied to participants of academic development activities of Spanish universities. Additionally, an analysis of the training activities of Spanish universities and three focus groups with experts, trainers and participants have been conducted. The application of the instrument to 18 universities (n=1.026) and the corresponding exploratory factor analysis allowed us to examine the model’s construct validity (Cronbach’s alpha: .91) and have resulted in the emergence of eight factors that affect learning transfer: factors related to the training design (training design and learning achieved), environmental factors (support of the study program’s coordinator, readiness to change, environment resources, student feedback , institutional recognition, teaching culture of the teachers’ team) and individual factor (personal organization of the work). The analysis of the training designs informs us of a trend predominantly technical and prescriptive which is conceived for the punctual development of skills.Feixas, M.; Duran, MDM.; Fernández, I.; Fernández, A.; Garcia San Pedro, MJ.; Márquez, MD.; Pineda, P.... (2013). ¿Cómo medir la transferencia de la formación en Educación Superior?: el Cuestionario de Factores de Transferencia. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 11(3):219-248. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2013.5527OJS219248113Baldwin, T. T. & Ford, J. K. (1988). Transfer of training: A review and directions for future research. Personnel Psychology, 41 (1), 63-105.Blume, B. D., Ford, J. K., Baldwin, T. T. & Huang, J. L. (2010). Transfer of training: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Management, 36(4), 1065-1105.Burke, L. A. & Hutchins, H. M. (2008). A study of Best Practices in Training Transfer and Proponed Model of Transfer. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 19 (2), 107-128.Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.De Rijdt, C.; Stes, A.; Van der Vleuten, C. & Dochy, F. (2013). Influencing variables and moderators of transfer of learning to the workplace within the area of staff development in higher education: research review. Educational Research Review, 8, 48-74.Dearn, J., Fraser, K. & Ryan, Y. (2002). Investigation into the provision of professional development for university teaching in Australia: A discussion paper. A DEST commissioned project funded through the HEIP program. www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/D8BDFC55-1608-4845-B172- 3C2B14E79435/935/uni_teaching.pdf.EU High Level Group (2013). Improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europe's higher education institutions. Report to the European Commission. Junio 2013. http://ec.europa.eu/education/higher-education/doc/modernisation_en.pd. Consultado el 20-7-2013.Feixas, M. & Euler, D. (2013). Academics as teachers: New approaches to teaching and learning and implications for professional development programmes. International HETL Review, Volume 2, Article 12, http://hetl.org/allcategories/academics-as-teachers-new-approaches-to-teaching-and-learning.Feixas, M. & Zellweger, F. (2010). Faculty development in context: changing learning cultures in higher education. En Ehlers, U. & Schneckenberg, D. (Eds.) Changing cultures in higher education- moving ahead to future learning. A Handbook for strategic change. Netherlands: Springer.Fernández, I.; Gisasola, J.; Garmendia, M.; Alkorta, I. & Madinabeitia, A. (2013). ¿Puede la formación tener efectos globales en la universidad? Desarrollo docente, metodologías activas y curriculum híbrido. Infancia y aprendizaje, 36 (3), 387- 400.Gibbs, G., Habeshaw, T. & Yorke, M. (2000) Institutional Learning and Teaching Strategies in English Higher Education. Higher Education. 40 (3), 351-372.GIFD - Grup Interuniversitari de Formació Docent (2011). Memoria del Proyecto: Identificación, desarrollo y evaluación de competencias docentes en la aplicación de planes de formación dirigidos a profesorado universitario (EA2010-0099). Programa estudios y análisis destinado a la mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza superior y de la actividad del profesorado universitario, Ministerio de Educación, España.Gilbert, A. & Gibbs, G. (1999). A proposal for an international collaborative research programme to identify the impact of initial training on university teachers. Research and Development in Higher Education. 21, 131-143.Guskey, T. (2002). Does it make a difference? Evaluating professional development. Educational Leadership, 59 (6), 45-51.Hicks, M., Smigiel, H., Wilson, G. & Luzeckyj, A. (2010). Preparing academics to teach in higher education: final report. Australian Learning and Teaching Council, Sydney, NSW.Hicks, O. (1999). Integration of central and departmental development - reflections from Australian universities. International Journal for Academic Development, 4,1, 43-51.Holton, E. F. III, Bates R. A. & Ruona, W. E. A. (2000). Development of a generalized learning transfer system inventory. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11(4), 333-360.Kirkpatrick D. L. (1998). Evaluating training programs. The four levels. (2nd edition). San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.Kreber, C. & Brook, P. (2001). Impact evaluation of educational development programmes. International Journal for Academic Development, 6 (2), 96-108.McAlpine, L., & Weston, C. (2000). Reflection: Issues related to improving professors' teaching and students' learning. Instructional Science, 28, 363-385.Olsen, J. H. (1998). The evaluation and enhancement of training transfer. International Journal of Training and Development, 2 (1), 61-75.Parsons, D.J., Hill, I., Holland, J. & Willis, D. (2012). Impact of teaching development programmes in higher education. The Higher Education Academy. HEA research series.Pineda, P.; Quesada, C. & Ciraso, M. (2011). Evaluating training effectiveness: results of the FET model in the public administration in Spain. The 7th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning. Shanghai, China.Stefani, L. (Ed.) (2011). Evaluating the effectiveness of academic development: Principles and practice. New York: Routledge.Stes, A., Min-Leliveld M., Gijbels, D. & Van Petegem, P. (2010). The impact of instructional development in Higher Education: The state-of-the-art of the research. Educational Research Review. 5, 25-49.Viskovic, A. (2006). Becoming a tertiary teacher: learning in communities of practice. Higher Education Research & Development, 25 (4), 323-339.Zabalza, M.A. (2011). Evaluación de los planes de formación docente de las universidades. Educar, 47, 181-197

    Rheological Behaviour of an Insoluble Lemon Fibre as Affected by Stirring, Temperature, Time and Storage

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comIn this work, the effect the preparation method (two different stirring systems at two temperatures and times), fibre concentration (between 2% and 3%), temperature (between 10 °C and 50 °C) and storage time (between 24 h and 50 days at 5 °C) had on the flow properties of a suspension of dietary lemon fibre prepared with a 45° Brix sucrose solution were evaluated. This information will be helpful in order to discover the best possibilities of using fibre to increase the viscosity of certain kinds of products, depending on the processing, storage and consumption conditions. The obtained results indicate that all the aspects which contribute to increase component solubilisation and the interaction of the insoluble fraction with the aqueous phase when preparing the suspension, such as a decrease in particle size, a rise in temperature or a longer homogenization time, entail a higher apparent viscosity. Moreover, favoring the solubilisation in the preparation process leads to a more stable rheological behaviour of the suspension during storage. As expected, the apparent viscosity of suspensions was dependent on the shear rate, concentration and temperature. A thixotropic behaviour of fibre suspension was only observed at a very low shear rate (5 s -1). © 2010 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.Córdoba Sequeira, A.; Camacho Vidal, MM.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2012). Rheological Behaviour of an Insoluble Lemon Fibre as Affected by Stirring, Temperature, Time and Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 5(3):1083-1092. doi:10.1007/s11947-010-0478-2S1083109253Akdogan, H., & McHugh, T.-H. (2000). Flow characterization of peach products during extrusion. Food Engineering and Physical Properties, 65(3), 471–475.Alonso, M.-L., Larrodé, O., & Zapico, J. (1995). Rheological behaviour of infant foods. Journal of Texture Studies, 26, 193–202.Duran, L., & Costell, E. (1982). 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Journal of Texture Studies, 10, 67–82.Paredes, M.-D.-C., Rao, M.-A., & Bourne, M.-C. (1998). Rheological characterization of salad dressings: 1. Steady shear, thixotropy and effect of temperature. Journal of Texture Studies, 19, 247–258.Raghavendra, S.-N., Ramachandra Swamy, S.-R., Rastogi, N.-K., Raghavarao, K.-S.-M.-S., Kumar, S., & Tharanathan, R.-N. (2006). Grinding characteristics and hydration properties of coconut residue: A source of dietary fiber. Journal of Food Engineering, 72, 281–286.Sakata, T., & Saito, M. (2007). Insoluble dietary fiber of wheat bran increased viscosity of pig whole cecal contents in vitro. Journal of Nutrition Science and Vitaminology, 53(4), 380–381.Saldaña, S., Martínez-Navarrete, N., & Chiralt, A. (2000). Caracterización Reológica de Alimentos de alta viscosidad. In P. Fito, A. Chiralt, A. Andrés, & N. Martínez-Navarrete (Eds.), Series de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Alimentos. Investigación del postgrado del IAD-DTA. Vol I (p. 383). Valencia: Editorial de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Sangnark, A., & Noomhorm, A. (2003). Effect of particle sizes on functional properties of dietary fibre prepared from sugarcane bagasse. Food Chemistry, 80(2), 221–229

    Segmentación computacional de la vena cava superior y procesos hipertensivos

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    Se propone una estrategia para la segmentaci&oacute;ntridimensional de la vena cava superior (SVC) en20 im&aacute;genes cardiacas de tomograf&iacute;a computarizadamulticapa, correspondientes al ciclo cardiaco completode un sujeto. Esta estrategia est&aacute; basada en la t&eacute;cnica derealce por similaridad global y consta de las etapas de preprocesamiento,segmentaci&oacute;n y entonaci&oacute;n de par&aacute;metros.El pre-procesamiento se aplica, preliminarmente, al instantede di&aacute;stole final y se divide en dos fases denominadas: Filtradoy Definici&oacute;n de una regi&oacute;n de inter&eacute;s. Estas fases abordanlos problemas de ruido, artefactos y bajo contraste de lasim&aacute;genes. Para la segmentaci&oacute;n, de la SVC, se implementael algoritmo de crecimiento de regiones el cual es aplicadoa las im&aacute;genes pre-procesadas y es inicializado con un v&oacute;xeldetectado con m&aacute;quinas de soporte vectorial de m&iacute;nimoscuadrados. Durante la entonaci&oacute;n de par&aacute;metros, se usa elcoeficiente de Dice (Dc) para comparar las segmentacionesobtenidas mediante la estrategia propuesta y la segmentaci&oacute;ngenerada, manualmente, por un cardi&oacute;logo. La combinaci&oacute;nde t&eacute;cnicas de filtrado que gener&oacute; el Dc m&aacute;s elevado considerandoel instante de di&aacute;stole se aplica luego a las 19 im&aacute;genes3D restantes, obteni&eacute;ndose un Dc promedio superior a 0.9 locual indica una excelente correlaci&oacute;n entre las segmentacionesgeneradas por un experto cardi&oacute;logo y las producidas porla estrategia desarrollad

    Desarrollo educativo al servicio del desarrollo social

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    La publicación recoge las aportaciones y los trabajos realizados con motivo del "Proyecto de apoyo y fortalecimiento educacional en gestión directiva y competencias profesionales docentes", promovido por varias instituciones, coordinado por el Equipo de Desarrollo Organizacional (EDO) de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; y subvencionado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). La finalidad del proyecto, en el que se enmarcan las aportaciones de la publicación, es construir una red de cooperación y apoyo con y entre los centros educativos dependientes de la municipalidad de Coyhaique (Chile), para impulsar la mejora educativa y con ella el desarrollo social y cultural del territorio. La temática enlaza con la labor promotora del desarrollo y el liderazgo que las universidades han de realizar en su contexto referencial; además, de potenciar el rol y el compromiso del profesorado en esos procesos. Durante los dos años y medio transcurridos en la materialización del proyecto, la labor realizada en 12 escuelas dependientes del Departamento de Educación de la municipalidad de Coyhaique ha sido intensa por la cantidad de acciones y actividades desarrolladas, fructífera en relación al proceso de desarrollo de colaboración interuniversitaria de la Universidad de Talca y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y muy satisfactoria en relación a los procesos iniciados y a los indicadores de éxito ya alcanzados. La aportación recoge reflexiones sobre la temática y realizaciones de los doce centros. La proyección última es la de mejorar la capacidad de los centros para promover los cambios que posibiliten aumentar su calidad educativa e, indirectamente, mejorar el desarrollo social a partir de una mejor cualificación de sus recursos humanos y de una mayor implicación social de los promotores del mismo

    Measurement of t(t)over-bar normalised multi-differential cross sections in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV, and simultaneous determination of the strong coupling strength, top quark pole mass, and parton distribution functions

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    An embedding technique to determine ττ backgrounds in proton-proton collision data

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    An embedding technique is presented to estimate standard model tau tau backgrounds from data with minimal simulation input. In the data, the muons are removed from reconstructed mu mu events and replaced with simulated tau leptons with the same kinematic properties. In this way, a set of hybrid events is obtained that does not rely on simulation except for the decay of the tau leptons. The challenges in describing the underlying event or the production of associated jets in the simulation are avoided. The technique described in this paper was developed for CMS. Its validation and the inherent uncertainties are also discussed. The demonstration of the performance of the technique is based on a sample of proton-proton collisions collected by CMS in 2017 at root s = 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 41.5 fb(-1).Peer reviewe

    Measurement of the Splitting Function in &ITpp &ITand Pb-Pb Collisions at root&ITsNN&IT=5.02 TeV

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    Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading partons, resolved as subjets, provides information about the parton shower evolution. This substructure observable, known as the splitting function, reflects the process of a parton splitting into two other partons and has been measured for jets with transverse momentum between 140 and 500 GeV, in pp and PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. In central PbPb collisions, the splitting function indicates a more unbalanced momentum ratio, compared to peripheral PbPb and pp collisions.. The measurements are compared to various predictions from event generators and analytical calculations.Peer reviewe