6 research outputs found

    Intentional replantation: case report

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    Intentional reimplantation is a procedure in which an intentional tooth extraction is performed followed by reinsertion of the extracted tooth. We present the case of a 50-year-old male patient who came to the consultation due to incrustation detachment in tooth #37, when performing the radiographic study an extensive apical lesion was observed in tooth #36 with a sinuous path and the presence of purulent exudate. The tooth #36 was extracted, apicoectomy, retro preparation and retrograde filling were carried out for later reimplantation, showing bone regeneration after one year of evolution

    Treatment of maxillary transverse deficiency with rapid expansion of the palate with mini-implant: a review

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    One of the most prevalent malocclusions is maxillary constriction, which is a narrowing of the upper arch; its etiology is multifactorial, including mainly genetic factors and parafunctional habits. It is characterized by a posterior crossbite that can be unilateral or bilateral, total or partial, and may even not occur in cases with simultaneous constriction of the mandibular arch. Transverse deficiency or maxillary hypoplasia affects facial growth and the integrity of the dentoalveolar structures. Therefore, it must be corrected as soon as it is diagnosed. As the maxilla widens, the midpalatal suture and the intermaxillary suture expand. When they are not fused, it is connective tissue and behaves viscoelastically in response to externally applied forces. In order to effectively treat any dentofacial deformation, an early diagnostic and therapeutic approach is required

    Complications and treatment of dens in dente: case report

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    Dens in dente is an anomaly of dental development characterized by focal or multifocal invaginations of the enamel in the dental papilla before its mineralization, it can result in additional layers of enamel, cementum, dentin or pulp tissue, it is also known as invaginated tooth or invaginated odontoma. The clinical case of an 18-year-old female patient is presented, she comes to the clinic for referring halitosis and purulent exudate for 1 month, a clinical and radiographic examination of tooth 22 was performed, a radiopaque invagination line was observed that penetrates the portion radicular in the cervical third, wide radiolucent area in the apical third, sinuous course and purulent exudate. Root canal treatment was performed with a flexible rotary system and canal obturation with a lateral technique and vertical compaction, restored with resin

    Endodontic regenerative treatment for internal radicular resorption using bio-ceramic material, case report

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    The internal resorption of the internal radicular conduct is a process than can be both physiological or pathological, being the osteoclasts, odontoclasts and dentinoclast responsible for said process. 49-year-old female patient, refers orthodontic treatment at age 20, attends a dental check-up due to pain when chewing. Dental organ (DO) #11 was diagnosed with internal root resorption and symptomatic, suppurative apical periodontitis. Treatment started performing an endodontic access and taking a conductometry reading with an apical foramen locator, using a precision hybrid instrumentation technique and applying hypochlorite irrigation, the intra-canal was medicated with chemically pure calcium hydroxide for 7 days. The canal obturation was repaired infiltrating a bio-ceramic material (BIO-C Sealer) followed by the placement of the single cone using a vertical condensation technique

    Dental crowding: a review

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    Dental crowding is a frequent characteristic of dental malocclusion and is the reduction in the perimeter of the arch that can manifest as space closure, rotation and/or movement of the teeth. The temporary dentition is important as it guides the eruption of the permanent teeth, thus establishing the ideal occlusion; the lack of spaces can cause disproportionate sizes between the jaws and the permanent teeth. Treatment options include the orthopedic phase and orthodontic phase in which the extraction of teeth may or may not be necessary. Timely treatment with personalized planning helps us achieve correct dental occlusion, which is essential for good chewing and correct passage of the bolus, in addition to playing an important role for phonation and the aesthetic results for the patient.

    Dental fluorosis: a review

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    Ingesting fluoride for prolonged periods or in doses higher than those recommended during enamel formation produces changes from the appearance of very thin white lines to serious structural defects, resulting in a pathological entity known as dental fluorosis. The severity of the changes depends on the amount of fluoride ingested; it is a disease that has an epidemiological behavior with endemic characteristics. The indicated management for TF1 and TF2 lesions is dental whitening or infiltrating resin; for TF3 and TF4 micro abrasion and/or whitening and in TF5 combined technique with macro, micro abrasion and dental whitening. It is essential that public health actions be prioritized to mitigate potential complications due to fluorosis, especially in areas identified as endemic