8,105 research outputs found

    The Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian beyond one loop

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    We review what is presently known about higher loop corrections to the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian and its Scalar QED analogue. The use of those corrections as a tool for the study of the properties of the QED perturbation series is outlined. As a further step in a long-term effort to prove or disprove the convergence of the N photon amplitudes in the quenched approximation, we present a parameter integral representation of the three-loop Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian in 1+1 dimensional QED, obtained in the worldline formalism.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, talk given by Christian Schubert at QFEXT11, Benasque, Spain, Sept. 18-24, 2011, to appear in the conference proceeding

    Symmetry Aspects and Finite-Size Scaling of Quantum Hall Fluids

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    The exactness and universality observed in the quantum Hall effect suggests the existence of a symmetry principle underlying Laughlin's theory. We review the role played by the infinite W∞W_{\infty } and conformal algebras as dynamical symmetries of incompressible quantum fluids and show how they predict universal finite-size effects in the excitation spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, CERN-TH-6784/93, LateX fil

    Exotic galilean symmetry and the Hall effect

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    The ``Laughlin'' picture of the Fractional Quantum Hall effect can be derived using the ``exotic'' model based on the two-fold centrally-extended planar Galilei group. When coupled to a planar magnetic field of critical strength determined by the extension parameters, the system becomes singular, and ``Faddeev-Jackiw'' reduction yields the ``Chern-Simons'' mechanics of Dunne, Jackiw, and Trugenberger. The reduced system moves according to the Hall law.Comment: Talk given by P. A. Horvathy at the Joint APCTP- Nankai Symposium. Tianjin (China), Oct.2001. To appear in the Proceedings, to be published by Int. Journ. Mod. Phys. B. 7 pages, LaTex, IJMPB format. no figure

    Exotic plasma as classical Hall Liquid

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    A non-relativistic plasma model endowed with an ``exotic'' structure associated with the two-parameter central extension of the planar Galilei group is constructed. Introducing a Chern-Simons statistical gauge field provides us with a self-consistent system; when the magnetic field takes a critical value determined by the extension parameters, the fluid becomes incompressible and moves collectively, according to the Hall law.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, no figures. Revised version: Some details better explained. To appear in Int. Journ. Mod. Phys.

    Geometrical foundations of fractional supersymmetry

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    A deformed qq-calculus is developed on the basis of an algebraic structure involving graded brackets. A number operator and left and right shift operators are constructed for this algebra, and the whole structure is related to the algebra of a qq-deformed boson. The limit of this algebra when qq is a nn-th root of unity is also studied in detail. By means of a chain rule expansion, the left and right derivatives are identified with the charge QQ and covariant derivative DD encountered in ordinary/fractional supersymmetry and this leads to new results for these operators. A generalized Berezin integral and fractional superspace measure arise as a natural part of our formalism. When qq is a root of unity the algebra is found to have a non-trivial Hopf structure, extending that associated with the anyonic line. One-dimensional ordinary/fractional superspace is identified with the braided line when qq is a root of unity, so that one-dimensional ordinary/fractional supersymmetry can be viewed as invariance under translation along this line. In our construction of fractional supersymmetry the qq-deformed bosons play a role exactly analogous to that of the fermions in the familiar supersymmetric case.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Mass Spectra of N=2 Supersymmetric SU(n) Chern-Simons-Higgs Theories

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    An algebraic method is used to work out the mass spectra and symmetry breaking patterns of general vacuum states in N=2 supersymmetric SU(n) Chern-Simons-Higgs systems with the matter fields being in the adjoint representation. The approach provides with us a natural basis for fields, which will be useful for further studies in the self-dual solutions and quantum corrections. As the vacuum states satisfy the SU(2) algebra, it is not surprising to find that their spectra are closely related to that of angular momentum addition in quantum mechanics. The analysis can be easily generalized to other classical Lie groups.Comment: 17 pages, use revte

    On the QED Effective Action in Time Dependent Electric Backgrounds

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    We apply the resolvent technique to the computation of the QED effective action in time dependent electric field backgrounds. The effective action has both real and imaginary parts, and the imaginary part is related to the pair production probability in such a background. The resolvent technique has been applied previously to spatially inhomogeneous magnetic backgrounds, for which the effective action is real. We explain how dispersion relations connect these two cases, the magnetic case which is essentially perturbative in nature, and the electric case where the imaginary part is nonperturbative. Finally, we use a uniform semiclassical approximation to find an expression for very general time dependence for the background field. This expression is remarkably similar in form to Schwinger's classic result for the constant electric background.Comment: 27 pages, no figures; reference adde

    A Gauge-Gravity Relation in the One-loop Effective Action

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    We identify an unusual new gauge-gravity relation: the one-loop effective action for a massive spinor in 2n dimensional AdS space is expressed in terms of precisely the same function [a certain multiple gamma function] as the one-loop effective action for a massive charged scalar in 4n dimensions in a maximally symmetric background electromagnetic field [one for which the eigenvalues of F_{\mu\nu} are maximally degenerate, corresponding in 4 dimensions to a self-dual field, equivalently to a field of definite helicity], subject to the identification F^2 \Lambda, where \Lambda is the gravitational curvature. Since these effective actions generate the low energy limit of all one-loop multi-leg graviton or gauge amplitudes, this implies a nontrivial gauge-gravity relation at the non-perturbative level and at the amplitude level.Comment: 6 page
