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3 research outputs found
Can electrocardiographic strain predict new-onset congestive heart failure in patients with hypertension?
FG Dunn
Francis G Dunn
+3 more
SD Pringle
T Lewis
WB Kannel
Publication venue
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Can electrocardiographic strain predict new-onset congestive heart failure in patients with hypertension?
FG Dunn
Francis G Dunn
+3 more
SD Pringle
T Lewis
WB Kannel
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Inhibition of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Reduces Susceptibility of Hypertrophied Rat Myocardium to Ventricular Fibrillation
Anversa P Loud AV, Giacomelli F, Wiener J
Aronow WS Epstein S, Koenisberg M, Schwartz KS
+50 more
Avkiran M Curtis MJ
Baxter GF Yellon DM
Bishop JE Laurent GJ
Burke AP Farb A, Sessums L, Virmani R
Dakkak R Dreux C
Dunn FG Pringle SD
Hiroyuki Yokoyama
Ibuki C Hearse DJ, Avkiran M
James BM William K, Melvin LM
Kaiser M Kahr O, Shimada Y, Smith P, Kelly M, Mahadeva H, et al
Levy D Anderson KM, Savage DD, Balkus SA, Kannel WB, Castelli WP
Linz W Rainer H, Schö
Linz W Schö
Linz W Wiemer G, Schö
Long CS Kariya K, Karns L, Simpson PC
Maxwell MP Hearse DJ, Yellon DM
Metin Avkiran
Michel JB
Michel JB Lattion AL, Salzmann JL, Cerol ML, Philippe M, Camilleri JP, et al
Milano CA Dolber PC, Rockman HA, Bond RA, Venable ME, Allen LF, et al
Mitra R Morad M
Nadal Ginard B Mahdavi V
Nguyen T Salibi EE, Rouleau JL
Pahor M Bernabei R, Sgadari A, Gambassi G Jr, Lo Giudice P, Pacifici L, et al
Pahor M Gambassi G, Carbonin P
Pike MM Luo CS, Yanagida S, Hageman GR, Anderson PG
Pringle SD Dunn FG, Macfarlane PW, McKillop JH, Lorimer AR, Cobbe SM
Pye MP Cobbe SM
Richard AM Nicholls MG, Crozier IG
Robertson E Hof RP, Ziehut W
Shimada Y Hearse DJ, Avkiran M
Shimada Y Hearse DJ, Avkiran M
Simpson PC Long CS, Waspe LE, Henrich CJ, Ordahl CP
Suba Gunasegaram
Taylor AL Winter R, Thandroyen F, Murphree S, Buja LM, Eckels R, et al
Thakur RK
The SOLVD Investigators
The SOLVD Investigators
Tytgat J
Unger T Mattfeldt T, Bock P, Lamberty V, Mall G, Linz W, et al
Walker MJ Curtis MJ, Hearse DJ, Campbell RW, Janse MJ, Yellon DM, et al
Wallenstein S Zucker CL, Fleiss JL
Weber KT Brilla CG
Webster MWI Fitzpatrick MA, Nicholls MG, Ikram H, Wells JE
Weinberg EO Schoen FJ, George D, Kagaya Y, Douglas PS, Litwin SE, et al
Wollert KC Studer R, von Bulow B, Drexler H
Yamamoto H Avkiran M
Yasuyuki Shimada
Yokoshiki H Kohya T, Tohse N, Kanno M, Nakaya H, Saito H, et al
Zierhut Wp Zimmer HG, Gerdes AM
Publication venue
'Japanese Circulation Society'
Publication date
Field of study
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