2 research outputs found

    Building an interactive online textbook: a tool at our fingertips

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    BACKGROUND: Last year, we reported on the Health SciencesToolkit,which is an intensive bridging program that covers basic concepts in the disciplines of chemistry and biology, and then applies them to anatomy and physiology(Kapoor, Megaw, Harrison, Simcock & Miller 2018). We needed a resource that would lay the foundations for this diverse range of disciplines. As today's university students are often considered digital natives, we triedto source anE-book. Unable to finda commercially available text book pitched at an appropriate level, we decided to build our own, embracing Macknight's advice on creating online content to create ahealthylearning environment(2019).Here,we report on the development of a custom-made online textbook for ToolKit. PROCESS: The educational software company TopHat provided us access to online resources from which we could source and modify content. We produced a 10-chapter text book; each chapter matched a content module and explicitly linked with the learning outcomes of the subject. The modification included the insertion of links to interactive learning resources for student exploration. Each chapter concluded with a list of key words and concepts, a summary discussion, and selected multiple choice questions for knowledge consolidation and review; we were able to regulate the timing of the release of chapters.The textbook was hosted within the TopHatlearning platform and students were given access on payment of a minimal fee(11).REFLECTION:Wefoundthedevelopmentofthecustomtextbookaveryefficientandeffectiveprocess.Wedidnothavetoworryaboutcopyrightissues;orthetime−consumingeditingprocessforconsistency,asthe11). REFLECTION: We found the development of the custom textbook a very efficient and effective process. We did not have to worry about copyright issues; or the time-consuming editing process for consistency, as the 6000 contract outlay to TopHat covered that. The resource can be edited, scaffolded and customised to future cohort needs(we can report on this process as we have also utilized this resource for an AQF-5 level diploma subject based on the ToolKit). Most importantly, the majority of students found the interactive text book useful for their understanding of the subject content, a finding supported by others (for example,Chen 2018) who have used custom-built online textbooks to create engaging digital learning environments

    Effects of self-regulated learning training on foundation bioscience students

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    BACKGROUND: The study of biosciences has been an area of particular difficulty for students studying Nursing and Allied Health programs. Achievement within biosciences subjects can often be a stumbling block to advancement within their chosen degree (McVicar, Andrew & Kemble, 2015). Here we investigate whether it is possible to assist and support these students by incorporating self-regulated learning (SRL) skills training within foundation bioscience subjects. DESCRIPTION OF INTERVENTION: Training in cognitive and metacognitive SRL skills were embedded in the weekly content of a foundation bioscience subject. The subject forms part of an enabling program, which provides a pathway for students to nursing and allied health degrees. The aim was to improve students’ selfregulated learning strategy use. DESIGN AND METHODS: The study was a pre/post design using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and achievement as measures. Sampling was undertaken at the start and end of Semester 2, 2019. Students were also invited to participate in post-intervention semi-structured interviews. RESULTS: Of the 15 subscales measured by the MSLQ, only critical thinking showed a significant increase in the post-survey. CONCLUSIONS: It was hoped that the intervention would produce improvements in self-efficacy and the development of a repertoire of learning strategies. However, this was not detected by the MSLQ