3,741 research outputs found

    Automorphisms of Partially Commutative Groups II: Combinatorial Subgroups

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    We define several "standard" subgroups of the automorphism group Aut(G) of a partially commutative (right-angled Artin) group and use these standard subgroups to describe decompositions of Aut(G). If C is the commutation graph of G, we show how Aut(G) decomposes in terms of the connected components of C: obtaining a particularly clear decomposition theorem in the special case where C has no isolated vertices. If C has no vertices of a type we call dominated then we give a semi-direct decompostion of Aut(G) into a subgroup of locally conjugating automorphisms by the subgroup stabilising a certain lattice of "admissible subsets" of the vertices of C. We then characterise those graphs for which Aut(G) is a product (not necessarily semi-direct) of two such subgroups.Comment: 7 figures, 63 pages. Notation and definitions clarified and typos corrected. 2 new figures added. Appendix containing details of presentation and proof of a theorem adde

    Do Patients Taking Warfarin Experience Delays to Theatre, Longer Hospital Stay, and Poorer Survival After Hip Fracture?

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    BACKGROUND: Patients sustaining a fractured neck of the femur are typically of advanced age with multiple comorbidities. As a consequence, the proportion of these patients receiving warfarin therapy is approximately 10%. There are currently few studies investigating outcomes in this subset of patients. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: The purpose of this study was to assess the association between warfarin therapy and time to surgery, length of hospital stay, and survival in patients sustaining a fractured neck of the femur. METHODS: Data for 2036 patients admitted to our center between July 2009 and July 2014 with a fractured neck of the femur were extracted from the National Hip Fracture Database. Fifty-seven patients received no surgical treatment and were excluded from analysis. Multivariable ordinary least squares regression was performed to test the association between warfarin treatment on time to surgery and length of stay, and Cox proportional hazards to test followup survival. Variables included in the regression model were age, sex, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, admission Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS), fracture type, operation type, and premorbid Work Ability Index (WAI). One hundred fifty-two of 1979 surgically treated patients (8%) were receiving warfarin therapy at the time of admission. RESULTS: After controlling for age, sex, ASA score, AMTS, fracture type, operation type, and WAI, we found that patients taking warfarin were less likely to go to surgery by 36 hours (odds ratio [OR], 0.20; 95% CI, 0.14-0.30), and less likely to go to surgery by 48 hours (OR, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.11-0.24). Patients taking warfarin had a longer length of stay (median, 15 days; interquartile range [IQR], 12-22 days) compared with patients not taking warfarin (median, 13 days; IQR, 9-20 days; p < 0.001). Survival analysis to June 2015 showed a higher mortality for patients taking warfarin (12-month survival, 66% vs 76%; hazard ratio, 1.57; 95% CI, 1.21-2.04; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: After controlling for multiple prognostic factors such as age, ASA score, AMTS, and WAI, warfarin therapy at the time of injury is associated with increased time to surgery, length of stay, and decreased survival. This study highlights the need to view warfarin therapy as a 'red flag' in patients presenting with a fractured neck of the femur. Preoperatively, prompt warfarin reversal together with adequate investigation and optimization of the patient should ensure timely, safe surgery. Early involvement of the anesthesia team should ensure an appropriate level of postoperative care for these patients. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III, therapeutic study.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11999-016-5056-

    Periodic Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts from GS 1826-24 and the Fuel Composition as a Function of Accretion Rate

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    We analyze 24 type I X-ray bursts from GS 1826-24 observed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer between 1997 November and 2002 July. The bursts observed between 1997-98 were consistent with a stable recurrence time of 5.74 +/- 0.13 hr. The persistent intensity of GS 1826-24 increased by 36% between 1997-2000, by which time the burst interval had decreased to 4.10 +/- 0.08 hr. In 2002 July the recurrence time was shorter again, at 3.56 +/- 0.03 hr. The bursts within each epoch had remarkably identical lightcurves over the full approx. 150 s burst duration; both the initial decay timescale from the peak, and the burst fluence, increased slightly with the rise in persistent flux. The decrease in the burst recurrence time was proportional to Mdot^(-1.05+/-0.02) (where Mdot is assumed to be linearly proportional to the X-ray flux), so that the ratio alpha between the integrated persistent and burst fluxes was inversely correlated with Mdot. The average value of alpha was 41.7 +/- 1.6. Both the alpha value, and the long burst durations indicate that the hydrogen is burning during the burst via the rapid-proton (rp) process. The variation in alpha with Mdot implies that hydrogen is burning stably between bursts, requiring solar metallicity (Z ~ 0.02) in the accreted layer. We show that solar metallicity ignition models naturally reproduce the observed burst energies, but do not match the observed variations in recurrence time and burst fluence. Low metallicity models (Z ~ 0.001) reproduce the observed trends in recurrence time and fluence, but are ruled out by the variation in alpha. We discuss possible explanations, including extra heating between bursts, or that the fraction of the neutron star covered by the accreted fuel increases with Mdot.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by ApJ. Minor revisions following the referee's repor

    Subjective SES is Associated with Children's Neurophysiological Response to Auditory Oddballs

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    Language and reading acquisitions are strongly associated with a child’s socioeconomic status (SES). There are a number of potential explanations for this relationship. We explore one potential explanation—a child’s SES is associated with how children discriminate word-like sounds (i.e., phonological processing), a foundational skill for reading acquisition. Magnetoencephalography data from a sample of 71 children (aged 6 years and 11 months–12 years and 3 months), during a passive auditory oddball task containing word and nonword deviants, were used to test “where” (which sensors) and “when” (at what time) any association may occur. We also investigated associations between cognition, education, and this neurophysiological response. We report differences in the neural processing of word and nonword deviant tones at an early N200 component (likely representing early sensory processing) and a later P300 component (likely representing attentional and/or semantic processing). More interestingly we found “parental subjective” SES (the parents rating of their own relative affluence) was convincingly associated with later responses, but there were no significant associations with equivalized income. This suggests that the SES as rated by their parents is associated with underlying phonological detection skills. Furthermore, this correlation likely occurs at a later time point in information processing, associated with semantic and attentional processes. In contrast, household income is not significantly associated with these skills. One possibility is that the subjective assessment of SES is more impactful on neural mechanisms of phonological processing than the less complex and more objective measure of household income

    Critical success index or F measure to validate the accuracy of administrative healthcare data identifying epilepsy in deceased adults in Scotland

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    Background: Methods to undertake diagnostic accuracy studies of administrative epilepsy data are challenged bylack of a way to reliably rank case-ascertainment algorithms in order of their accuracy. This is because it isdifficult to know how to prioritise positive predictive value (PPV) and sensitivity (Sens). Large numbers of truenegative (TN) instances frequently found in epilepsy studies make it difficult to discriminate algorithm accuracyon the basis of negative predictive value (NPV) and specificity (Spec) as these become inflated (usually &gt;90%).This study demonstrates the complementary value of using weather forecasting or machine learning metricscritical success index (CSI) or F measure, respectively, as unitary metrics combining PPV and sensitivity. Wereanalyse data published in a diagnostic accuracy study of administrative epilepsy mortality data in Scotland.Method: CSI was calculated as 1/[(1/PPV) + (1/Sens) – 1]. F measure was calculated as 2.PPV.Sens/(PPV +Sens). CSI and F values range from 0 to 1, interpreted as 0 = inaccurate prediction and 1 = perfect accuracy. Thepublished algorithms were reanalysed using these and their accuracy re-ranked according to CSI in order to allowcomparison to the original rankings.Results: CSI scores were conservative (range 0.02–0.826), always less than or equal to the lower of the correspondingPPV (range 39–100%) and sensitivity (range 2–93%). F values were less conservative (range0.039–0.905), sometimes higher than either PPV or sensitivity, but were always higher than CSI. Low CSI and Fvalues occurred when there was a large difference between PPV and sensitivity, e.g. CSI was 0.02 and F was0.039 in an instance when PPV was 100% and sensitivity was 2%. Algorithms with both high PPV and sensitivityperformed best in terms of CSI and F measure, e.g. CSI was 0.826 and F was 0.905 in an instance when PPV was90% and sensitivity was 91%.Conclusion: CSI or F measure can combine PPV and sensitivity values into a convenient single metric that is easierto interpret and rank in terms of diagnostic accuracy than trying to rank diagnostic accuracy according to the twomeasures themselves. CSI or F prioritise instances where both PPV and sensitivity are high over instances wherethere are large differences between PPV and sensitivity (even if one of these is very high), allowing diagnosticaccuracy thresholds based on combined PPV and sensitivity to be determined. Therefore, CSI or F measures maybe helpful complementary metrics to report alongside PPV and sensitivity in diagnostic accuracy studies ofadministrative epilepsy data

    Functional reorganisation and recovery following cortical lesions: A preliminary study in macaque monkeys.

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    Damage following traumatic brain injury or stroke can often extend beyond the boundaries of the initial insult and can lead to maladaptive cortical reorganisation. On the other hand, beneficial cortical reorganisation leading to recovery of function can also occur. We used resting state FMRI to investigate how cortical networks in the macaque brain change across time in response to lesions to the prefrontal cortex, and how this reorganisation correlated with changes in behavioural performance in cognitive tasks. After prelesion testing and scanning, two monkeys received a lesion to regions surrounding the left principal sulcus followed by periodic testing and scanning. Later, the animals received another lesion to the opposite hemisphere and additional testing and scanning. Following the first lesion, we observed both a behavioural impairment and decrease in functional connectivity, predominantly in frontal-frontal networks. Approximately 8 weeks later, performance and connectivity patterns both improved. Following the second lesion, we observed a further behavioural deficit and decrease in connectivity that showed little recovery. We discuss how different mechanisms including alternate behavioural strategies and reorganisation of specific prefrontal networks may have led to improvements in behaviour. Further work will be needed to confirm these mechanisms.This work was supported by the MRC intramural program MC-A060-5PQ10 (MA, DM, JD, AB), an MRC Career Development Award G0800329 (AM)

    Models of Type I X-ray Bursts from GS 1826-24: A Probe of rp-Process Hydrogen Burning

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    The X-ray burster GS 1826-24 shows extremely regular Type I X-ray bursts whose energetics and recurrence times agree well with thermonuclear ignition models. We present calculations of sequences of burst lightcurves using multizone models which follow the rp-process nucleosynthesis with an extensive nuclear reaction network. The theoretical and observed burst lightcurves show remarkable agreement. The models naturally explain the slow ~5s rise and long ~100s tails of these bursts, as well as their dependence on mass accretion rate. This comparison provides further evidence for solar metallicity in the accreted material in this source, and constrains the distance to the source. The main difference is that the observed lightcurves do not show the distinct two-stage rise of the models. This may reflect the time for burning to spread over the stellar surface, or may indicate that our treatment of heat transport or nuclear physics needs to be revised. The trends in burst properties with accretion rate are well-reproduced by our spherically symmetric models which include chemical and thermal inertia from the ashes of previous bursts. Changes in the covering fraction of the accreted fuel are not required.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in ApJ letter
