7 research outputs found

    Muzeul și democratizarea culturii. O perspectivă de ansamblu

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    Research and Science Today No.3

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    Research and Science Today Journal is a publication founded in 2011 and it is dedicated to the students of all levels (license, master and doctoral) of faculties in the country and abroad. We want to offer the participants the opportunity to present their scientific works in the following areas: Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Legal Sciences, Humanities, Education Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Sport. This journal provides students the opportunity to create and / or to improve their abilities to write scientific papers. So each appearance (two appearances per year at which we can add supplements) contains a number of papers written by students, masters and doctoral from the faculties from the country or / and abroad. The journal promotes original studies contributing to the progress of knowledge and it is motivated by the need to address issues of theory and practice in the areas mentioned above. The Journal is a training means of the factors involved in the conceptualization, development, implementation and evaluation , aiming the formation of creative personalities who could be able to adapt through the changing conditions of life. Journal wants to be a forum for debates disciplinaries and interdisciplinaries theoretical topics, to become a research support, to leverage this work at regional, national and international levels. We believe that this gathering will enjoy the support from both parts of the researchers and of the practitioners, and will provide appropriate training sources held professional through the current problems

    Research and Science Today No.3

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    Research and Science Today Journal is a publication founded in 2011 and it is dedicated to the students of all levels (license, master and doctoral) of faculties in the country and abroad. We want to offer the participants the opportunity to present their scientific works in the following areas: Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Legal Sciences, Humanities, Education Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Sport. This journal provides students the opportunity to create and / or to improve their abilities to write scientific papers. So each appearance (two appearances per year at which we can add supplements) contains a number of papers written by students, masters and doctoral from the faculties from the country or / and abroad. The journal promotes original studies contributing to the progress of knowledge and it is motivated by the need to address issues of theory and practice in the areas mentioned above. The Journal is a training means of the factors involved in the conceptualization, development, implementation and evaluation , aiming the formation of creative personalities who could be able to adapt through the changing conditions of life. Journal wants to be a forum for debates disciplinaries and interdisciplinaries theoretical topics, to become a research support, to leverage this work at regional, national and international levels. We believe that this gathering will enjoy the support from both parts of the researchers and of the practitioners, and will provide appropriate training sources held professional through the current problems


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    În acest demers științific am dorit să analizăm comemorările și rolul lor în societate, elementele care le definesc, motivele care determină ca statele și oamenii să celebreze, să-și readucă aminte despre fapte și personalități exemplare sau mai puțin faste. Comemorările se plasează între solemnitate și conștiință națională, necesitatea rememorării trectului prin aceste acte constituind laitmotivul studiului de față. De asemenea, sunt prezentate în mod sintetic funcțiile și tipurile de comemorare, misiunea istoricului în contextul acestor evenimente, „locurile memoriei” ca spații cu valențe come­mo­rative, dar și posibilitatea unei manipulări și „abuzurile memoriei”.COMMEMORATIONS – BETWEEN SOLEMNITY AND NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESSIn this scientific work we aim to investigate the commemorations and their role in society, the features that define them, the motivations that determine states and people to celebrate, to recall exemplary – or on the contrary, less fortu­nate – events and personalities. Commemorations can be placed between solemnity and national consciousness, and the need of remembering the past in this way is the leitmotif of this paper. Furthermore, we expose synthetically the functions and types of commemorations, as well as the mission of the historian in the context of these events, the “places of me­mory” as locations with commemorative signification, but also the potential for manipulation and the “abuses of memory”.</p

    Presidential Elections 2014 - Klaus Iohannis and the Condemnation of Communist Past

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    Throughout this study, we are presenting a proposal to highlight the main reasons which led to Klaus Werner Iohannis winning the presidential elections in 2014, and we are also analyzing one of the situations that identifies the standpoint of the former mayor of Sibiu towards the condemnation of communist past. A symbolic gesture of disapproval of the communist crimes, which led to controversy in the public opinion, was also the decoration of the former political prisoner Octav Bjoza with the National Order „Star of Romania“ with the rank of Knight; but this event underlined Iohannis’s great respect towards those who suffered in the communist prisons of Romania. Sustaining the founding of a museum of communism and also the visit to the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (CNSAS), represented moments that denoted, on the one hand- the condemnation and the assuming of communism, and on the other hand-the fact of „always remembering“ and „the obligation not to forget“ the dramatic events of that time period

    Reflections on the Romanian Revolution from 1989

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    Review of: Mărcău Flavius Cristian, Revoluţia română din decembrie 198

    Research and Science Today No. 1(3)/2012

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    RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY is a biannual science journal established in 2011. The journal is an informational platform that publishes assessment articles and the results of various scientific research carried out by academics. We provide the authors with the opportunity to create and/or perfect their science writing skills. Thus, each issue of the journal (two per year and at least two supplements) will contain professional articles from any academic field, authored by domestic and international academics. The goal of this journal is to pass on relevant information to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students as well as to fellow academics and researchers; the topics covered are unlimited, considering its multi-disciplinary profile. Regarding the national and international visibility of Research and Science Today, it is indexed in over 30 international databases (IDB) and is present in over 200 online libraries and catalogues; therefore, anybody can easily consult the articles featured in each issue by accessing the databases or simply the website