774 research outputs found

    Nuclear collective dynamics within Vlasov approach

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    We discuss, in an investigation based on Vlasov equation, the properties of the isovector modes in nuclear matter and atomic nuclei in relation with the symmetry energy. We obtain numerically the dipole response and determine the strength function for various systems, including a chain of Sn isotopes. We consider for the symmetry energy three parametrizations with density providing similar values at saturation but which manifest very different slopes around this point. In this way we can explore how the slope affects the collective response of finite nuclear systems. We focus first on the dipole polarizability and show that while the model is able to describe the expected mass dependence, A^{5/3}, it also demonstrates that this quantity is sensitive to the slope parameter of the symmetry energy. Then, by considering the Sn isotopic chain, we investigate the emergence of a collective mode, the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR), when the number of neutrons in excess increases. We show that the total energy-weighted sum rule exhausted by this mode has a linear dependence with the square of isospin I=(N-Z)/A, again sensitive to the slope of the symmetry energy with density. Therefore the polarization effects in the isovector density have to play an important role in the dynamics of PDR. These results provide additional hints in the investigations aiming to extract the properties of symmetry energy below saturation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    QGP collective effects and jet transport

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    We present numerical simulations of the SU(2) Boltzmann-Vlasov equation including both hard elastic particle collisions and soft interactions mediated by classical Yang-Mills fields. We provide an estimate of the coupling of jets to a hot isotropic plasma, which is independent of infrared cutoffs. In addition, we investigate jet propagation in anisotropic plasmas, as created in heavy-ion collisions. The broadening of jets is found to be stronger along the beam line than in azimuth due to the creation of field configurations with B_t>E_t and E_z>B_z via plasma instabilities.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Presented at the 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2008 (QM2008), Jaipur, India, 4-10 Feb 200

    Vortex stability in nearly two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates with attraction

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    We perform accurate investigation of stability of localized vortices in an effectively two-dimensional ("pancake-shaped") trapped BEC with negative scattering length. The analysis combines computation of the stability eigenvalues and direct simulations. The states with vorticity S=1 are stable in a third of their existence region, 0<N<(1/3)Nmax(S=1)0<N<(1/3)N_{\max}^{(S=1)}, where NN is the number of atoms, and Nmax(S=1)N_{\max}^{(S=1)} is the corresponding collapse threshold. Stable vortices easily self-trap from arbitrary initial configurations with embedded vorticity. In an adjacent interval, (1/3)Nmax(S=1)<N<(1/3)N_{\max }^{(S=1)}<N< 0.43Nmax(S=1)\allowbreak 0.43N_{\max}^{(S=1)}, the unstable vortex periodically splits in two fragments and recombines. At N>N> 0.43Nmax(S=1)\allowbreak 0.43N_{\max}^{(S=1)}, the fragments do not recombine, as each one collapses by itself. The results are compared with those in the full 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation. In a moderately anisotropic 3D configuration, with the aspect ratio 10\sqrt{10}, the stability interval of the S=1 vortices occupies 40\approx 40% of their existence region, hence the 2D limit provides for a reasonable approximation in this case. For the isotropic 3D configuration, the stability interval expands to 65% of the existence domain. Overall, the vorticity heightens the actual collapse threshold by a factor of up to 2. All vortices with S2S\geq 2 are unstable.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Hamilton - Jacobi treatment of front-form Schwinger model

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    The Hamilton-Jacobi formalism was applied to quantize the front-form Schwinger model. The importance of the surface term is discussed in detail. The BRST-anti-BRST symmetry was analyzed within Hamilton-Jacobi formalism.Comment: 11 pages, to be published in Int. Journ. Mod. Phys.

    Back-to-back correlations of high p_T hadrons in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We investigate the suppression factor and the azimuthal correlation function for high pTp_T hadrons in central Au+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV by using a dynamical model in which hydrodynamics is combined with explicitly traveling jets. We study the effects of parton energy loss in a hot medium, intrinsic kTk_T of partons in a nucleus, and pp_{\perp} broadening of jets on the back-to-back correlations of high pTp_T hadrons. Parton energy loss is found to be a dominant effect on the reduction of the away-side peaks in the correlation function.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Two-point functions for SU(3) Polyakov Loops near T_c

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    We discuss the behavior of two point functions for Polyakov loops in a SU(3) gauge theory about the critical temperature, T_c. From a Z(3) model, in mean field theory we obtain a prediction for the ratio of masses at T_c, extracted from correlation functions for the imaginary and real parts of the Polyakov loop. This ratio is m_i/m_r = 3 if the potential only includes terms up to quartic order in the Polyakov loop; its value changes as pentic and hexatic interactions become important. The Polyakov Loop Model then predicts how m_i/m_r changes above T_c.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; reference adde

    Multi Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of O(3) nonlinear sigma model

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    The O(3) non-linear sigma model is investigated using multi Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. The integrability conditions are investigated and the results are in agreement with those obtained by Dirac's method. By choosing an adequate extension of phase space we describe the transformed system by a set of three Hamilton-Jacobi equations and calculate the corresponding action.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, to be published in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Search for a Ridge Structure Origin with Shower Broadening and Jet Quenching

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    We investigate the role of jet and shower parton broadening by the strong colour field in the Δη\Delta\eta-Δϕ\Delta\phi correlation of high pTp_T particles. When anisotropic momentum broadening (Δpz>ΔpT\Delta p_z > \Delta p_T) is given to jet and shower partons in the initial stage, a ridge-like structure is found to appear in the two hadron correlation. The ratio of the peak to the pedestal yield is overestimated.Comment: Talk given at 20th Int. Conf. on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Jaipur, India, Feb.4-10, 200

    Thermalization and the chromo-Weibel instability

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    Despite the apparent success of ideal hydrodynamics in describing the elliptic flow data which have been produced at Brookhaven National Lab's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, one lingering question remains: is the use of ideal hydrodynamics at times t < 1 fm/c justified? In order to justify its use a method for rapidly producing isotropic thermal matter at RHIC energies is required. One of the chief obstacles to early isotropization/thermalization is the rapid longitudinal expansion of the matter during the earliest times after the initial nuclear impact. As a result of this expansion the parton distribution functions become locally anisotropic in momentum space. In contrast to locally isotropic plasmas anisotropic plasmas have a spectrum of soft unstable modes which are characterized by exponential growth of transverse chromo-magnetic/-electric fields at short times. This instability is the QCD analogue of the Weibel instability of QED. Parametrically the chromo-Weibel instability provides the fastest method for generation of soft background fields and dominates the short-time dynamics of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Invited plenary talk given at the 19th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2006 (QM 2006), Shanghai, China, 14-20 Nov 200


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    Lately, the widespread use and continuous improvement of machine tools has had a significant impact on productivity in the manufacturing industry since the Industrial Revolution. At the beginning of the new era of industrialization, the need to advance machine tools to a new level, which corresponds to the Industry 4.0 concept, must be recognized and addressed. Like the various stages of industrialization, machine tools have also gone through various stages of technological advances, namely Machine Tool 1.0, Machine Tool 2.0 and Machine Tool 3.0. Industry 4.0 advocates for a new generation of machines - Machine Tool 4.0. This paper describes some of the key and desired features of the implementation of intelligent machines such as numerically controlled lathes and milling machine tool centers integrated vertically and horizontally in order to achieve a modern, intelligent, autonomous and safer agriculture