2 research outputs found

    Įstatymiškumo dvasia: Hegelio įstatymo kritika ir posūkis į ontologiją Frankfurto fragmentuose

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    This paper is an attempt to investigate the relation between George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s critique of law in his early Frankfurt fragments, most notably in the treatise Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate and his turn towards an ontological conception of the unity of life and love as its modification. It will be argued that Hegel’s ontological turn can only be understood in light of his rejection of law as the form of absolute opposition. The form of law, moreover, will be treated as the thread to understand the initial movement of Hegel’s profound rejection of Kantian morality. Nevertheless, in following the Christian concept of pleroma that promises to fulfil law and proposing to think unification ontologically, Hegel discovers that law cannot be simply rejected, but pertains or arises out of the very unity that was said to surmount it. If Hegel begins from an opposition of law and being, these fragments reveal the extent to which he will have to think their relationship dialectically, as a contradiction pertaining to the Absolute.Šis straipsnis yra bandymas nužymėti santykį tarp jaunojo Georgo Wilhelmo Friedricho Hegelio Frankfurto laikotarpio veikale Krikščionybės dvasia ir jos likimas pateikiamos įstatymo kritikos ir ontologinės gyvenimo vienovės bei meilės kaip gyvenimo modifikacijos koncepcijų. Siekiama parodyti, kad jaunojo Hegelio posūkis į ontologiją gali būti suvoktas tik iš įstatymo kaip absoliučios opozicijos formos atmetimo perspektyvos. Be to, įstatymo formos kritika čia pasirodo kaip pagrindinė linija, leidžianti apibrėžti pirmuosius Hegelio Kanto moralės kritikos žingsnius. Kita vertus, įsivesdamas krikščionišką sąvoką pleroma, žadančią išpildyti įstatymo formą, ir siūlydamas suprasti suvienijimą ontologiškai, jaunasis Hegelis, kaip bus bandoma atskleisti, atranda, jog įstatymas negali būti paneigiamas, bet randasi ar iškyla iš pačios ontologinės vienovės, turėjusios jį įveikti. Hegelis pradeda nuo opozicijos tarp įstatymo ir būties, o šie fragmentai atskleidžia, kodėl jis prieina prie dialektinės jų santykio sampratos kaip prieštaravimo pačiame Absoliute

    Įstatymiškumo dvasia: Hegelio įstatymo kritika ir posūkis į ontologiją Frankfurto fragmentuose.

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    This paper is an attempt to investigate the relation between George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s critique of law in his early Frankfurt fragments, most notably in the treatise Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate and his turn towards an ontological conception of the unity of life and love as its modification. It will be argued that Hegel’s ontological turn can only be understood in light of his rejection of law as the form of absolute opposition. The form of law, moreover, will be treated as the thread to understand the initial movement of Hegel’s profound rejection of Kantian morality. Nevertheless, in following the Christian concept of pleroma that promises to fulfil law and proposing to think unification ontologically, Hegel discovers that law cannot be simply rejected, but pertains or arises out of the very unity that was said to surmount it. If Hegel begins from an opposition of law and being, these fragments reveal the extent to which he will have to think their relationship dialectically, as a contradiction pertaining to the Absolute