80 research outputs found

    Composite Accretion Disk and White Dwarf Photosphere Analyses of the FUSE and HST Observations of EY Cygni

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    We explore the origin of FUSE and HST STIS far UV spectra of the dwarf nova, EY Cyg, during its quiescence using \emph{combined} high gravity photosphere and accretion disk models as well as model accretion belts. The best-fitting single temperature white dwarf model to the FUSE plus HST STIS spectrum of EY Cygni has Teff=24,000_{eff} = 24,000K, log g=9.0g = 9.0, with an Si abundance of 0.1 x solar and C abundance of 0.2 x solar but the distance is only 301 pc. The best-fitting composite model consists of white dwarf with Teff=22,000_{eff} = 22,000K, log g=9g = 9, plus an accretion belt with Tbelt=36,000_{belt} = 36,000K covering 27% of the white dwarf surface with Vbeltsini=2000_{belt} sin i = 2000 km/s. The accretion belt contributes 63% of the FUV light and the cooler white dwarf latitudes contribute 37%. This fit yields a distance of 351 pc which is within 100 pc of our adopted distance of 450 pc. EY Cyg has very weak C {\sc iv} emission and very strong N {\sc v} emission, which is atypical of the majority of dwarf novae in quiescence. We also conducted a morphological study of the surroundings of EY Cyg using direct imaging in narrow nebular filters from ground-based telescopes. We report the possible detection of nebular material^M associated with EY Cygni. Possible origins of the apparently large N {\scv}/C {\sc iv} emission ratio are discussed in the context of nova explosions, contamination of the secondary star and accretion of nova abundance-enriched matter back to the white dwarf via the accretion disk or as a descendant of a precursor binary that survived thermal timescale mass transfer. The scenario involving pollution of the secondary by past novae may be supported by the possible presence of a nova remnant-like nebula around EY Cyg.Comment: To appear in AJ, Oct. 2004. 5 figures, including 2 color ones (2D pictures

    Far Ultraviolet Observations of the Dwarf Novae SS Aur and RU Peg in Quiescence

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    We have analyzed the Far Ultraviolet Spectrocopic Explorer (FUSE) spectra of two U Gem-Type dwarf novae, SS Aur and RU Peg, observed 28 days and 60 days (respectively) after their last outburst. In both systems the FUSE spectra (905 - 1182 A) reveal evidence of the underlying accreting white dwarf exposed in the far UV. Our grid of theoretical models yielded a best-fitting photosphere to the FUSE spectra with Teff=31,000K for SS Aur and Teff=49,000K for RU Peg. This work provides two more dwarf nova systems with known white dwarf temperatures above the period gap where few are known. The absence of CIII (1175 A) absorption in SS Aur and the elevation of N above solar suggests the possibility that SS Aur represents an additional accreting white dwarf where the surface C/N ratio derives from CNO processing. For RU Peg, the modeling uncertainties prevent any reliable conclusions about the surface abundances and rotational velocity.Comment: AJ, Oct. 200

    Cliff Roosting by Migrant Semipalmated Sandpipers, Calidris pusilla, at Farrier's Cove, Shepody Bay, New Brunswick

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    An observation of Semipalmated Sandpipers roosting on a cliff face in Shepody Bay, New Brunswick, suggests changes from “traditional” roosting sites. Sandpipers may be altering their roosting patterns due to pressures from avian predators such as the recent, and successful, re-introduction of the Peregrine Falcon

    The Dwarf Novae During Quiescence

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    We present a synthetic spectral analysis of nearly the entire FUV IUE archive of spectra of DNe in or near quiescence. We have examined all of the systems for which S/N permitted an analysis. The study includes 53 systems of all DN subtypes both above and below the period gap. The spectra were uniformly analyzed using synthetic spectral codes for optically thick accretion disks and stellar photospheres along with the best-available distance measurements or estimates. We present newly determined approximate WD temperatures or upper limits and estimated accretion rates. The average temperature of WDs in DNe below the period gap is ~18,000K. For WDs in DNe above the period gap, the average WD temperature is ~26,000K. There is a flux component, in addition to a WD photosphere, which contributes >60% of the flux in the FUV in 53% of the quiescent DNe in this study. We find that for 41% of the DNe in our sample, a WD photosphere provides >60% of the FUV flux. Accretion rates estimated from the FUV alone for the sample of DNe during quiescence ranged from 10^-12 Msun/yr to 10^-10 Msun/yr.The additional flux component is almost certainly not an optically thick accretion disk since, according to the disk instability model, the disk should be optically thin and too cool during DN quiescence to be a significant FUV continuum emitter. Among the candidates for the second component of FUV light are the quiescent inner disk, a hot equatorial accretion belt, and a hot rotating ring. The implications of our study for disk accretion physics and CV evolution are discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 3 tables, 8 figures, final accepted version of manuscrip

    Annexin A2 Binds RNA and Reduces the Frameshifting Efficiency of Infectious Bronchitis Virus

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    Annexin A2 (ANXA2) is a protein implicated in diverse cellular functions, including exocytosis, DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. It was recently proposed to be involved in RNA metabolism because it was shown to associate with some cellular mRNA. Here, we identified ANXA2 as a RNA binding protein (RBP) that binds IBV (Infectious Bronchitis Virus) pseudoknot RNA. We first confirmed the binding of ANXA2 to IBV pseudoknot RNA by ultraviolet crosslinking and showed its binding to RNA pseudoknot with ANXA2 protein in vitro and in the cells. Since the RNA pseudoknot located in the frameshifting region of IBV was used as bait for cellular RBPs, we tested whether ANXA2 could regulate the frameshfting of IBV pseudoknot RNA by dual luciferase assay. Overexpression of ANXA2 significantly reduced the frameshifting efficiency from IBV pseudoknot RNA and knockdown of the protein strikingly increased the frameshifting efficiency. The results suggest that ANXA2 is a cellular RBP that can modulate the frameshifting efficiency of viral RNA, enabling it to act as an anti-viral cellular protein, and hinting at roles in RNA metabolism for other cellular mRNAs

    Measurement of the pbar p -> Ks Ks Reaction from 0.6 to 1.9 GeV/c

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    The pbar p -> Ks Ks -> 4pi+/- cross section was measured at incident antiproton momenta between 0.6 and 1.9 GeV/c using the CERN Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR). This investigation was part of a systematic study of in-flight antiproton-proton annihilations into two-neutral-meson final states in a search for hadronic resonances. A coarse scan of the pbar p -> Ks Ks cross section as a function of center-of-mass energy between 1.964 and 2.395 GeV/c^2 and a fine scan of the region surrounding the Xi(2220) are presented. Upper limits on the product branching ratio BR(Xi -> pbar p)BR(Xi -> Ks Ks) are determined for a wide range of mass and width assumptions based on the non-observation of the Xi(2220). A rise in the pbar p -> Ks Ks cross section is observed near 2.15 GeV/c^2, which is consistent with the f2(2150) resonance.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, to be published in Phys Rev D (Oct 97

    A Quantitative Study of the Mechanisms behind Thymic Atrophy in Gαi2-Deficient Mice during Colitis Development

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    Mice deficient for the G protein subunit Gαi2 spontaneously develop colitis, a chronic inflammatory disease associated with dysregulated T cell responses. We and others have previously demonstrated a thymic involution in these mice and an aberrant thymocyte dynamics. The Gαi2−/− mice have a dramatically reduced fraction of double positive thymocytes and an increased fraction of single positive (SP) thymocytes. In this study, we quantify a number of critical parameters in order to narrow down the underlying mechanisms that cause the dynamical changes of the thymocyte development in the Gαi2−/− mice. Our data suggest that the increased fraction of SP thymocytes results only from a decreased number of DP thymocytes, since the number of SP thymocytes in the Gαi2−/− mice is comparable to the control littermates. By measuring the frequency of T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs) in the thymocytes, we demonstrate that the number of cell divisions the Gαi2−/− SP thymocytes undergo is comparable to SP thymocytes from control littermates. In addition, our data show that the mature SP CD4+ and CD8+ thymocytes divide to the same extent before they egress from the thymus. By estimating the number of peripheral TREC+ T lymphocytes and their death rate, we could calculate the daily egression of thymocytes. Gαi2−/− mice with no/mild and moderate colitis were found to have a slower export rate in comparison to the control littermates. The quantitative measurements in this study suggest a number of dynamical changes in the thymocyte development during the progression of colitis

    Prophylactic ciprofloxacin treatment prevented high mortality, and modified systemic and intestinal immune function in tumour-bearing rats receiving dose-intensive CPT-11 chemotherapy

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    Infectious complications are a major cause of morbidity and mortality from dose-intensive cancer chemotherapy. In spite of the importance of intestinal bacteria translocation in these infections, information about the effect of high-dose chemotherapy on gut mucosal immunity is minimal. We studied prophylactic ciprofloxacin (Cipro) treatment on irinotecan (CPT-11) toxicity and host immunity in rats bearing Ward colon tumour. Cipro abolished chemotherapy-related mortality, which was 45% in animals that were not treated with Cipro. Although Cipro reduced body weight loss and muscle wasting, it was unable to prevent severe late-onset diarrhoea. Seven days after CPT-11, splenocytes were unable to proliferate (stimulation index=0.10±0.02) and produce proliferative and inflammatory cytokines (i.e., Interleukin (IL)-2, interferon-Îł (IFN-Îł), tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) IL-1ÎČ, IL-6) on mitogen stimulation in vitro (P<0.05 vs controls), whereas mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells showed a hyper-proliferative response and a hyper-production of pro-inflammatory cytokines on mitogen stimulation. This suggests compartmentalised effects by CPT-11 chemotherapy on systemic and intestinal immunity. Cipro normalised the hyper-responsiveness of MLN cells, and in the spleen, it partially restored the proliferative response and normalised depressed production of IL-1ÎČ and IL-6. Taken together, Cipro prevented infectious challenges associated with immune hypo-responsiveness in systemic immune compartments, and it may also alleviate excessive pro-inflammatory responses mediating local gut injury
