7 research outputs found
Organisationale Energie – wie Führungskräfte durch Perspektive und Stolz Potenziale freisetzen
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Understanding corporate identity: the French school of thought
- Author
- Abratt R.
- Albert S. Whetten, D.A.
- Allaire Y., Firsirotu, M.E.
- Aristote E.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Bernard Ramanantsoa
- Bernstein D.
- Bertrand Moingeon
- Bourdieu P.
- Bourdieu P.
- Bourdieu P.
- Bourdieu P. (Ed.)
- Chomsky N.
- Crozier M., Friedberg, E.
- Dickson D. (Ed.)
- Dowling G.R.
- Dutton J.E., Dukerich, J.M.
- Dutton J.E., Dukerich, J.M., Harquail, C.V.
- Gray J.G.
- Kennedy S.H.
- Larçon J.P., Reitter, R.
- Larçon J.P., Reitter, R.
- Moingeon B.
- Moingeon B., Ramanantsoa, B.
- Moingeon B., Ramanantsoa, B.
- Olins W.
- Pfeffer J.
- Pilditch J.
- Reitter R., Chevalier, F., Laroche, H., Mendoza, C., Pulicani, P.
- Reitter R., Ramanantsoa, B.
- Schein E.H.
- Smircich L.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
Communicatieklimaat, externe waardering en organisatie-identificatie op verschillende organisatieniveaus / Communication climate and perceived external prestige as determinants of organizational identification at different organizational levels
- Author
- Albert S
- Allen M.W
- Allen M.W
- Allen N.J
- Ashforth B.E.J
- Ashforth B.E.M
- Barker J.R
- Bartels J
- Baruch Y
- Carmeli A
- Carmeli A
- Dick R. van
- Dick R. van
- DiSanza J.R
- Dukerich J.M
- Dutton J.E
- Elsbach K.D
- Falcione R.L.K
- Foreman P
- Gautam T
- Goldhaber G.M
- Guzley R.M
- Hall D.T
- Hall D.T
- Huff C
- Iyver M.V
- Johnson M.D
- Knippenberg A. van
- Knippenberg D. van
- Knippenberg D. van
- Kramer R.M
- Larson G.S
- Lawler E.J
- Mael F.A
- Mael F.A
- March J.G
- Meyer J.P
- Moreland R.L
- Postmes T
- Postmes T
- Pratt M.G
- Putti J.M
- Reade C
- Redding W.C
- Riordan C.M
- Scott C.R
- Scott C.R
- Siegel P.H
- Simons M
- Smidts A
- Tajfel H
- Treadwell D.F
- Trombetta J.J
- Varona F
- Welsch H.P
- Wiesenfeld B.M
- Witt L.A
- Publication venue
- 'Uitgeverij Boom'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Corporate reputation: Meaning and measurement
- Author
- Aaker D.A.
- Aaker D.A.
- Abratt R.
- Albert S.
- Anderson E.W.
- Anderson E.W.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Barney J.B.
- Bernstein D.
- Bromley D.B.
- Brown B.
- Brown T.J.
- Carter S.M.
- Caruana A.
- Clark B.H.
- Davies G.
- Davies G.
- Davies G.
- Davies G.
- Deshpande R.
- Dowling G.R.
- Downey S.M.
- Dukerich J.M.
- Durgee J.F.
- Dutton J.E.
- Dutton J.E.
- Fiol C.M.
- Fiol C.M.
- Foley B.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Freeman R.E.
- Fryxell G.F.
- Gains-Ross L.
- Gioia D.A.
- Gioia D.A.
- Grant R.M.
- Gray J.
- Gremler D.D.
- Hall R.
- Hanby T.
- Hardy K.G.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hawkins D.Y.
- Heskett J.L.
- Hochschild A.R.
- Ind N.
- Institute of Directors (IOD)
- Keller K.L.
- Keller K.L.
- Keller K.L.
- Keller K.L.
- Kennedy S.H.
- King S.
- King S.
- Lakoff G.
- Lloyd T.
- Manham I.L.
- Markham V.
- Markwick N.
- Martineau P.
- McGuire J.B.
- Melewar T.C.
- Morgan G.
- Olins W.
- Olins W.
- Pfeffer J.
- Pharoah N.
- Post J.E.
- Reichheld F.F.
- Rekom J.
- Riel C.B.M.
- Rindova V.P.
- Robert P.W.
- Selame E.
- Sergeant A.
- Smircich L.
- Sobol M.G.
- Srivastava R.K.
- Stuart H.
- Swales J.M.
- Weigelt K.
- Weiss A.M.
- Winkleman M.
- Winters L.C.
- Worcester R.
- Zeithaml V.
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/06/2005
- Field of study
Corporate reputation: Meaning and measurement
- Author
- Aaker D.A.
- Aaker D.A.
- Abratt R.
- Albert S.
- Anderson E.W.
- Anderson E.W.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Balmer J.M.T.
- Barney J.B.
- Bernstein D.
- Bromley D.B.
- Brown B.
- Brown T.J.
- Carter S.M.
- Caruana A.
- Clark B.H.
- Davies G.
- Davies G.
- Davies G.
- Davies G.
- Deshpande R.
- Dowling G.R.
- Downey S.M.
- Dukerich J.M.
- Durgee J.F.
- Dutton J.E.
- Dutton J.E.
- Fiol C.M.
- Fiol C.M.
- Foley B.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Fombrun C.J.
- Freeman R.E.
- Fryxell G.F.
- Gains-Ross L.
- Gioia D.A.
- Gioia D.A.
- Grant R.M.
- Gray J.
- Gremler D.D.
- Hall R.
- Hanby T.
- Hardy K.G.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hatch M.J.
- Hawkins D.Y.
- Heskett J.L.
- Hochschild A.R.
- Ind N.
- Institute of Directors (IOD)
- Keller K.L.
- Keller K.L.
- Keller K.L.
- Keller K.L.
- Kennedy S.H.
- King S.
- King S.
- Lakoff G.
- Lloyd T.
- Manham I.L.
- Markham V.
- Markwick N.
- Martineau P.
- McGuire J.B.
- Melewar T.C.
- Morgan G.
- Olins W.
- Olins W.
- Pfeffer J.
- Pharoah N.
- Post J.E.
- Reichheld F.F.
- Rekom J.
- Riel C.B.M.
- Rindova V.P.
- Robert P.W.
- Selame E.
- Sergeant A.
- Smircich L.
- Sobol M.G.
- Srivastava R.K.
- Stuart H.
- Swales J.M.
- Weigelt K.
- Weiss A.M.
- Winkleman M.
- Winters L.C.
- Worcester R.
- Zeithaml V.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Emerging Predictors of Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention in the Case of Chinese Employees: Perceived External Prestige, Ethical Organizational Climate and Leader-Member Exchange(LMX) Quality
- Author
- Allen J.
- Anderson J.C.
- Ansari M.A.
- Appelbaum S.H.
- Ashforth B.E.
- Becker H.S.
- Bentler P.M.
- Bentler P.M.
- Bond M.H.
- Carmeli A.
- Chang E.
- Chen C.C.
- Chen X.P.
- Chen Z.A.
- Clardy A.B.
- Coleman J.
- Cullen J.B.
- Dansereau F.
- Deshpande S.P.
- Dienesch R.M.
- Duchon D.
- Dukerich J.M.
- Dutton J.E.
- Erdogan B.
- Fornell C.
- Fritzsche D.J.
- Fuller J.B.
- Gamble J.
- Graen G.B.
- Griffeth R.W.
- Hackett R.D.
- Herrbach O.
- Hu L.
- Jaros S.J.
- Kanika T.B.
- Key S.
- Klein H.J.
- Koch J.T.
- Koh H.C.
- Lee C.H.
- Lee L.
- Leung S.M.
- Liden R.C.
- Ling W.
- Lockett M.
- Mael F.
- Mathieu J.E.
- Meglino M.
- Meyer J.P.
- Meyer J.P.
- Meyer J.P.
- Mignonac K.
- Mitchel J.O.
- Moore J.E.
- Morrow P.C.
- Mulki J.P.
- Mulki J.P.
- Ostroff C.
- Pare G.
- Reid M.F.
- Riketta M.
- Schwepker C.H.J.
- Smidts A.
- Snape E.
- Snell R.S.
- Somers M.J.
- Sparrowe R.T.
- Steidlmeier P.
- Steiger J.H.
- Tett R.P.
- Vardi Y.
- Victor B.
- Wang Y.Y.
- Wang Y.Y.
- Wayne S.J.
- Weber J.
- Weeks W.A.
- Whitener E.
- Wright P.C.
- Young N.
- Publication venue
- 'The Korean Society for Human Resource Development'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Planning for innovation: A multi-level perspective
- Author
- A. Abbey J. Dickson
- A. Hargadon R.I. Sutton
- A. Keegan J.R. Turner
- A. Sharma
- A. Topalian
- A. Verhaeghe R. Kfir
- A.B. Chalupsky
- A.C. Bluedorn
- A.C. Bluedorn R.A. Johnson, D.K. Cartwright, B.R. Barringer
- A.H. Van de Ven
- A.L. Patalano C.M. Seifert
- A.S. Georgsdottir I. Getz
- B. Hayes-Roth F. Hayes-Roth
- C. Andriopoulos
- C. Andriopoulos A. Lowe
- C.M. Ford
- C.M. Ford D.A. Gioia
- C.R. Berger J.M. Jordan
- C.R. Schwenk R.A. Cosier
- C.S. Koberg N. Uhlenbruck, Y. Sarason
- D. Anacona D. Caldwell
- D. Dougherty B.F. Hardy
- D. Dougherty T. Heller
- D.A. Hershey D.A. Walsh, S.J. Read, A.S. Chulef
- D.A. Hounshell J.K. Smith
- D.C. Lonergan G.M. Scott, M.D. Mumford
- D.C. Pelz
- D.H. Feldman
- D.K. Simonton
- D.R. Brophy
- D.V. Day P. Gronn, E. Salas
- E. Danneels E.J. Kleinschmidt
- E. Weldon K.A. Jehn, P. Pradhan
- E.M. Olson O.C. Walker, R.W. Ruekert, J.M. Bonner
- F. Damanpour
- F.M. Andrews G.F. Farris
- F.M. Hull
- G. Ekvall L. Ryhammer
- G. Johannsen W.B. Rouse
- G. Wise
- G.C. O’Connor
- G.F. Farris
- G.G. Dess J.C. Pickens
- G.J. Castrogiovanni
- G.J. Feist
- G.J. Feist M.E. Gorman
- G.M. Scott D.C. Lonergan, M.D. Mumford
- H. Li K. Atuahene-Gima
- H. Mintzberg
- H. Mintzberg D. Raisinghani, A. Theoret
- H. Mintzberg J. Waters
- H. Nystrom
- H. Nyström
- H. Simon
- H. Zuckerman
- H.E. Gruber D.B. Wallace
- H.G. GemĂĽnden P. Heydebreck, R. Herden
- H.J. Bullinger K. Auernhammer, A. Gomeringer
- H.J. Thamhain
- I. Alam
- J. Abra
- J. Baer
- J. Hauschildt E. Kirchmann
- J. Kasof
- J. Kickul L.K. Gundry
- J. Mitra
- J.A. Conger R.N. Kanungo
- J.B. Quinn
- J.C. Huber
- J.E. Adams G.S. Day
- J.E. Dutton J.M. Dukerich
- J.E. Heinzen C. Mills, P. Cameron
- J.E. Perry-Smith C.E. Shalley
- J.M. Howell K. Boies
- J.R. Gailbraith
- J.R. Halbesleben M.M. Novicevic, M.G. Harvey, M. Buckley
- J.T. Barnowe
- J.T. Hage
- J.W. Dean M.P. Sharfman
- K. Dunbar
- K. Kamoche M.P. Cunha
- K. Nohari S. Gulatti
- K.A. Ericsson W. Charness
- K.J. Hammond
- K.M. Eisenhardt B.N. Tabrizi
- K.P. O’Hara S.J. Payne
- K.W. Mossholder H.D. Dewhurst
- Katrina E. Bedell-Avers
- L.A. Curral R.H. Forrester, J.F. Dawson, M.A. West
- L.B. Cardinal
- L.B. Cardinal D.E. Hatfield
- L.C. Troy D.M. Szymanski, V.P. Rajan
- L.R. Weingart
- M. Csikszentmihalyi
- M. Debruyne R. Moenaert, A. Griffin, S. Hart, E.J. Hultink, H. Robben
- M. Jelinek C.B. Schoonhoven
- M.A. Collins T.M. Amabile
- M.A. Hitt R.E. Hoskisson, R.A. Johnson, D.D. Moesel
- M.A. West
- M.A. West C.S. Borill, J.F. Dawson, F. Brodbeck, D.A. Shapiro, B. Howard
- M.D. Mumford
- M.D. Mumford D.L. Eubanks, S.T. Murphy
- M.D. Mumford G.M. Scott, B. Gaddis, J.M. Strange
- M.D. Mumford M.I. Mobley, C.E. Uhlman, R. Reiter-Palmon, L. Doares
- M.D. Mumford M.S. Connelly, B. Gaddis
- M.D. Mumford R.A. Schultz, H.K. Osburn
- M.D. Mumford R.A. Schultz, J.R. Van Dorn
- M.D. Mumford S.B. Gustafson
- M.D. Mumford S.T. Hunter
- M.D. Mumford W.A. Baughman, E.P. Supinski, M.A. Maher
- M.F. Woods G.B. Davies
- M.L. Tushman C.A. O’Reilly
- Michael D. Mumford
- N. Bonnardel E. Marmeche
- O. Gassman M. van Zedwitz
- O. Janssen E. van de Vliert, M. West
- P. Gronn
- P. Langley H.A. Simon, J.M. Bradshaw, J.M. Zytkow
- P. Tierney S.M. Farmer
- P. Tierney S.M. Farmer, G.B. Graen
- P.C. Earley B.C. Perry
- P.C. Nutt
- P.E. Tesluk J.L. Farr, S.R. Klein
- P.G. Bain L. Mann, A. Pirola-Merlo
- P.H. Vincent B.P. Decker, M.D. Mumford
- P.R. Merrifield J.P. Guilford, P.R. Christensen, J.W. Frick
- P.R. Monge M.D. Cozzens, N.S. Contractor
- R. Chernow
- R. Drazin M.A. Glynn, R.K. Kazanjian
- R. Florida
- R. Henderson
- R. Kanigel
- R. Nellore R. Balachandra
- R. Stringer
- R. Trevelyan
- R.A. Finke T.B. Ward, S.M. Smith
- R.A. Josephs E.D. Hahn
- R.B. Robinson J.A. Pearce
- R.D. Arvey H.D. Dewhirst, J.C. Boling
- R.D. Russell C.J. Russell
- R.G. Cooper
- R.G. Cooper E.J. Kleinschmidt
- R.J. Sternberg
- R.J. Sternberg L.A. O’Hara
- R.J. Sternberg L.A. O’Hara, T.I. Lubart
- R.K. Chandy G.J. Tellis
- R.S. Root-Bernstein M. Bernstein, H. Garnier
- R.T. Keller
- R.W. Weisberg
- R.W. Wilensky
- S. Brown K. Eisenhardt
- S. Kitchell
- S. Makridakis
- S. Rodan
- S. Taggar
- S.K. Majumdar S. Venkataraman
- Samuel T. Hunter
- T. Kidder
- T.B. Ward M.J. Patterson, C.M. Sifonis
- T.I. Lubart
- T.J. Allen S.I. Cohen
- T.M. Amabile C.N. Hadley, S.J. Kramer
- T.M. Amabile R. Conti
- T.M. Amabile R. Conti, H. Coon, J. Lazenby, M. Herron
- T.P. Hughes
- V. Souitaris
- V.S. Mouly J.K. Sankaran
- W.M. Cohen D.A. Levinthal
- Y. Anzai
- Y. Xiao P. Milgram, D.J. Doyle
- Z.J. Acs D.B. Audretsch
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study