28 research outputs found

    Rijetka vrsta Sporobolus pungens (Schreber) Kunth (Poaceae) u Lastovskom otočju

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    Rare and critically endangered grass species Sporobolus pungens has been recorded on the islet of Mrkljenta (Obrovac). This is its first finding within poorly investigated Lastovo Archipelago. Although being psammophytic, the species grew in crevices of the flattened horizontal rocks within Crithmo-Limonietea vegetation.Rijetka i kritično ugrožena vrsta trave Sporobolus pungens pronađena je na otočiću Mrkljenta (Obrovac). Ovo je njen prvi nalaz u slabo istraženom Lastovskom otočju. Iako je psamofit, vrsta je rasla u Å”krapama unutar vegetacije Crithmo-Limonietea

    ViroloÅ”ko i seroloÅ”ko istraživanje influence ptica u riječnih galebova uhvaćenih na gradskom odlagaliÅ”tu otpada u Zagrebu.

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    A total of 142 black-headed gulls (BHGs), Chroicocephalus ridibundus, were captured during February and March 2009 at the Zagreb city rubbish dump (45.45 N 16.01 E) in order to collect cloacal swabs and serum samples. Cloacal swabs were tested by virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs, which resulted in isolation of one avian influenza virus (AIV) that was of the H16 subtype. The collected sera were tested by blocking ELISA for avian influenza antibodies, resulting in 28.2% positive samples, which were retested by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) using H5 and H7 subtype antigens. Only one serum sample was positive for H5 and none for H7 antibodies. Statistically, no significant difference was found between the ages of AIV seropositive birds (2 = 2.08, df = 1, P = 0.15). In contrast, regarding seroprevalence in different months of capture, a higher proportion of positive gulls was found during March than during February (2 = 4.53, df = 1, P = 0.03), especially in younger birds (2 = 7.67, df = 1, P = 0.006). This finding suggests that BHGs might contract AIV infection during their aggregations in large numbers on rubbish dumps or similar feeding sites during the winter. Although only one of the 142 tested birds was positive for H5 subtype antibodies, this finding cannot be neglected seeing that apparently healthy BHGs can carry highly pathogenic AIV of the H5N1 subtype. Nevertheless, the results of our study have shown that BHGs are more often infected with other AIV subtypes and therefore are most likely not the primary carriers of H5 AIV. To our knowledge this is the first detection of H16 AIV in Croatia.Tijekom veljače i ožujka 2009. na gradskom odlagaliÅ”tu otpada u Zagrebu (45.45 N 16.01 E) uhvaćena su 142 riječna galeba (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) u cilju prikupljanja brisova nečisnica i uzoraka krvi. Brisovi nečisnica su pretraženi izdvajanjem virusa u embrioniranim kokoÅ”jim jajima Å”to je rezultiralo izdvajanjem virusa influence ptica koji je bio podtipa H16. Prikupljeni uzorci seruma su pretraženi imunoenzimnim testom za protutijela virusa influence ptica od kojih je 28,2% bilo pozitivno. Pozitivni uzorci su dodatno pretraženi inhibicijom hemaglutinacije s antigenima podtipa H5 i H7 među kojima je samo jedan bio pozitivan na H5 i nijedan na H7 protutijela. Statistički nije ustanovljena značajna razlika među skupinama različite dobi seropozitivnih ptica (2 = 2,08, df = 1, P = 0,15). Nasuprot tome, seroprevalencija u različitim mjesecima lova je imala veći udio tijekom ožujka nego tijekom veljače (2 = 4,53, df = 1, P = 0,03), naročito u mlađih ptica (2 = 7,67, df = 1, P = 0,006). Ovakav nalaz ukazuje na moguću infekciju riječnih galebova tijekom njihovoga brojnog okupljanja na odlagaliÅ”tima otpada ili sličnim mjestima za hranjenje tijekom zime. Iako je samo jedna od 142 ptice bila pozitivna na protutijela za H5 podtip, nalaz se ne smije zanemariti znajući da naizgled zdravi riječni galebovi mogu nositi virus jako patogene influence podtipa H5N1. Unatoč tome, rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja pokazuju da riječni galebovi čeŔće bivaju inficirani drugim podtipovima virusa influence ptica te stoga najvjerojatnije nisu primarni nosioci virusa influence podtipa H5. Sukladno naÅ”im spoznajama, ovo je prvi dokaz virusa influence podtipa H16 u Hrvatskoj

    Effectivity of flavonoids on animal model psoriasis ā€“ thermographic evaluation

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    Background and purpose: Psoriasiform lesions are characterized by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, accompanied by inflammation, leading to a disrupted skin barrier with an abnormal stratum corneum. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease whose etiopathogenesis has not yet been fully resolved, and therefore there is no standardized therapeutical approach. This study examined the possible positive effects of propolis and its polyphenolic/flavonoid compounds on animal model psoriasis, induced by the Di-n-Propyl Disulfide iritant (PPD), and the possibility to assess usefulness of thermography in psoriatic lesion regression. Material and methods: We monitored the inflammation process by monitoring the total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity, macrophage spreading index and thermographic scanning. Thermographic is scanning an effective and simplemethod which reproducibly records thermographic images of the examined area. The tested animals were divided into sixteen groups and locally processed during five days with PPD, water and ethanolic extract (WSDP or EEP) of propolis preparations and flavonoids (Epigallocatechin 3-gallate, Quercetin, Chrisin, Curcumin). Results: The results of thermal imaging showed no statistically significant differences in temperature changes on skin locuses of psoriasis formed lesions among the examined groups. The total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity and the macrophage spreading index were reduced in psoriatic mice treated with test components. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that topical application of propolis and the flavonoids present in propolis may improve psoriatic-like skin lesions by suppressing functional activity of macrophages and ROS production. Taken toghether, it is suggested that propolis and flavonoids offer some protection against psoriatic complications through their roles as inhibitors of inflammation and as free radical scavengers. Thermal imaging was realistic, and can be applicable in examining the inflammatory process in psoriasis and in evaluating the effectiveness of tested substances

    Primjena alkalnog kometnog testa u istraživanju radioprotektivnih učinaka alkoholnog ekstrakta propolisa i kvercetina na miŔevima ozračenim gama-zračenjem

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    The aim of this study was to assess radioprotective effects of quercetin and the ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) in CBA mice exposed to a single radiation dose 4 Gy (60Co). The mice were treated with 100 mg kg-1 quercetin or EEP a day for three consecutive days either before (pre-treatment) or after gamma-irradiation (therapy). Leukocyte count was determined in blood drawn from the tail vein, and DNA damage in leukocytes was assessed using the alkaline comet assay. Genotoxic effects of the test compunds were also evaluated in non-irradiated mice. The levels of radioprotection provided by both test compounds were compared with those established in mice that were given chemical radioprotector S-(2-Aminoethyl)isothiouronium bromide hydrobromide (AET). Mice that received pre-treatment were less sensitive to irradiation. Mice given the post-irradiation therapy showed a slight but not significant increase in total leukocyte count over irradiated negative control. Quercetin showed better protective properties than EEP in both pre-treatment and therapy, and activated a higher number of leukocytes in non-irradiated mice. The alkaline comet assay suggests that both natural compounds, especially when given as pre-treatment, protect against primary leukocyte DNA damage in mice. At tested concentrations, EEP and quercetin were not genotoxic to non-irradiated mice. AET, however, caused a slight but not significant increase in DNA damage. Although the results of this study show the radioprotective potential of the test compounds, further investigation is needed to clarify the underlying protection mechanisms.Na miÅ”evima soja CBA istraženi su radioprotektivni učinci alkoholnog ekstrakta propolisa (AEP) i flavonoida kvercetina primijenjenih u obliku predtretmana i terapije usporedo s izlaganjem gama-zračenju iz izvora 60Co, doze 4 Gy. Testirane tvari injicirane su miÅ”evima intraperitonealno u dozi od 100 mg kg-1 tijekom tri uzastopna dana. Nakon zavrÅ”etka pokusa u uzorcima krvi ozračenih miÅ”eva utvrđen je ukupni broj leukocita, a razina primarnih oÅ”tećenja u DNA izmjerena je primjenom alkalnog kometnog testa. Usporedo su istraženi i mogući genotoksični učinci testiranih tvari na neozračenim miÅ”evima. Razine radioprotekcije koju pružaju propolis i kvercetin uspoređene su sa sintetskim radioprotektorom AET-om (S-(2-aminoetil)izotiouronij bromid hidrobromid). Predtretman miÅ”eva bilo kojim oblikom radioprotektora pridonosi boljem odgovoru na zračenje. U miÅ”eva koji su primili radioprotektore u obliku terapije uočen je mali porast ukupnog broja leukocita u odnosu na ozračenu negativnu kontrolu. Kvercetin je pružio bolju zaÅ”titu od zračenja nego AEP, i u predtretmanu i terapiji, a u neozračenih miÅ”eva potaknuo je oslobađanje većeg broja leukocita u odnosu na negativnu kontrolu. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da propolis i njegove fl avonoidne sastavnice, osobito ako su primijenjene prije ozračivanja, mogu učinkovito zaÅ”tititi miÅ”eve od Å”tetnih učinaka ionizirajućeg zračenja i smanjiti razinu primarnih oÅ”tećenja DNA u leukocitima. AEP i kvercetin u testiranim dozama nisu bili genotoksični, za razliku od AET-a koji je izazvao mali porast razine oÅ”tećenja DNA u leukocitima neozračenih miÅ”eva. Iako rezultati istraživanja upućuju na radioprotektivne učinke testiranih prirodnih spojeva, radi pojaÅ”njenja pretpostavljenih mehanizama radioprotekcije potrebna su daljnja istraživanja

    Effectivity of flavonoids on animal model psoriasis ā€“ thermographic evaluation

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    Background and purpose: Psoriasiform lesions are characterized by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, accompanied by inflammation, leading to a disrupted skin barrier with an abnormal stratum corneum. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease whose etiopathogenesis has not yet been fully resolved, and therefore there is no standardized therapeutical approach. This study examined the possible positive effects of propolis and its polyphenolic/flavonoid compounds on animal model psoriasis, induced by the Di-n-Propyl Disulfide iritant (PPD), and the possibility to assess usefulness of thermography in psoriatic lesion regression. Material and methods: We monitored the inflammation process by monitoring the total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity, macrophage spreading index and thermographic scanning. Thermographic is scanning an effective and simplemethod which reproducibly records thermographic images of the examined area. The tested animals were divided into sixteen groups and locally processed during five days with PPD, water and ethanolic extract (WSDP or EEP) of propolis preparations and flavonoids (Epigallocatechin 3-gallate, Quercetin, Chrisin, Curcumin). Results: The results of thermal imaging showed no statistically significant differences in temperature changes on skin locuses of psoriasis formed lesions among the examined groups. The total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity and the macrophage spreading index were reduced in psoriatic mice treated with test components. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that topical application of propolis and the flavonoids present in propolis may improve psoriatic-like skin lesions by suppressing functional activity of macrophages and ROS production. Taken toghether, it is suggested that propolis and flavonoids offer some protection against psoriatic complications through their roles as inhibitors of inflammation and as free radical scavengers. Thermal imaging was realistic, and can be applicable in examining the inflammatory process in psoriasis and in evaluating the effectiveness of tested substances

    Toksikokinetika prometrina u mozgu miŔeva

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    Prometryne is a methylthio-s-triazine herbicide. Signifi cant trace amounts are found in the environment, mainly in water, soil, and food plants. The aim of this study was to establish brain and blood prometryne levels after single oral dose (1 g kg-1) in adult male and female mice. Prometryne was measured using the GC/MS assay at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 h after prometryne administration. Peak brain and blood prometryne values were observed 1 h after administration and they decreased in a time-dependent manner. Male mice had consistently higher brain and blood prometryne levels than female mice. The observed prometryne kinetics was similar to that reported for the structurally related herbicide atrazine.Prometrin je metiltio-s-triazinski herbicid. Značajne količine prometrina zaostaju u tragovima u okoliÅ”u, poglavito u vodi, tlu i biljkama koje rabimo za prehranu. Cilj je rada izmjeriti količinu prometrina koja se apsorbira u mozgu i krvi nakon primijenjene akutne oralne doze (1 g kg-1 tjelesne mase) u odraslih miÅ”eva obaju spolova. Razine prometrina u mozgu i krvi izmjerene su GC/MS-om tijekom 1., 2., 4., 8. i 24. sata nakon izlaganja. Utvrđeno je da je udio prometrina koji se zadržava u živčanom tkivu relativno nizak ali detektabilan u odnosu na koncentraciju u krvi i koncentraciju primijenjene doze. NajviÅ”e koncentracije u krvi i maseni udjeli u mozgu zabilježeni su tijekom 1. sata nakon izlaganja, a s vremenom izmjerene vrijednosti značajno opadaju. Uočena je značajna razlika između mužjaka i ženki pri čemu mužjaci imaju značajno viÅ”e razine prometrina u mozgu i krvi nego ženke. Opisana toksikokinetika prometrina pokazuje sličnosti s otprije opisanom i poznatom toksikokinetikom strukturalno sličnog herbicida atrazina