125 research outputs found

    The supports of higher bifurcation currents

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    Let (f_\lambda) be a holomorphic family of rational mappings of degree d on the Riemann sphere, with k marked critical points c_1,..., c_k, parameterized by a complex manifold \Lambda. To this data is associated a closed positive current T_1\wedge ... \wedge T_k of bidegree (k,k) on \Lambda, aiming to describe the simultaneous bifurcations of the marked critical points. In this note we show that the support of this current is accumulated by parameters at which c_1,..., c_k eventually fall on repelling cycles. Together with results of Buff, Epstein and Gauthier, this leads to a complete characterization of Supp(T_1\wedge ... \wedge T_k).Comment: 13 page

    Bifurcation currents and equidistribution on parameter space

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    In this paper we review the use of techniques of positive currents for the study of parameter spaces of one-dimensional holomorphic dynamical systems (rational mappings on P^1 or subgroups of the Moebius group PSL(2,C)). The topics covered include: the construction of bifurcation currents and the characterization of their supports, the equidistribution properties of dynamically defined subvarieties on parameter space.Comment: Revised version, 46 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Frontiers in complex dynamics (Celebrating John Milnor's 80th birthday)

    Wermer examples and currents

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    In this paper we give the first examples of positive closed currents in C2\mathbb{C}^2 with continuous potentials, vanishing self-intersection, and which are not laminar. More precisely, they are supported on sets "without analytic structure". The result is mostly interesting when the potential has regularity close to C2C^2, because laminarity is expected to hold in that case. We actually construct examples which are C1,αC^{1,\alpha} for all α<1\alpha<1.Comment: Minor modifications. Final version, to appear in GAF

    Fatou directions along the Julia set for endomorphisms of CP^k

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    Not much is known about the dynamics outside the support of the maximal entropy measure μ\mu for holomorphic endomorphisms of CPk\mathbb{CP}^k. In this article we study the structure of the dynamics on the Julia set, which is typically larger than Supp(μ)Supp(\mu). The Julia set is the support of the so-called Green current TT, so it admits a natural filtration by the supports of the exterior powers of TT. For 1≤q≤k1\leq q \leq k, let Jq=Supp(Tq)J_q= Supp(T^q). We show that for a generic point of Jq∖Jq+1J_q\setminus J_{q+1} there are at least (k−q)(k-q) "Fatou directions" in the tangent space. We also give estimates for the rate of expansion in directions transverse to the Fatou directions.Comment: Final, shorter version, to appear in J. Math. Pures App
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