6 research outputs found

    Ventilatory support during sleep in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    In conclusion, currently there is no conclusive evidence that NIV should be provided routinely to stable patients with COPD. Nevertheless, patients who are clearly hypercapnic, who receive confirmed effective ventilation by applying higher inspiratory pressures, and have a better compliance might show clinical benefits. The combination of rehabilitation and nocturnal ventilatory support seems to provide more benefits than rehabilitation alone, so this might be a situation in which chronic NIV is effective

    Home noninvasive ventilatory support for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:patient selection and perspectives

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    Long-term or home mechanical noninvasive ventilation (Home-NIV) has become a well-established form of therapy over the last few decades for chronic hypercapnic COPD patients in European countries. However, meta-analyses and clinical guidelines do not recommend Home-NIV for COPD patients on a routine basis. In particular, there is ongoing debate about Home-NIV in chronic hypercapnic COPD regarding the overall effects, the most favorable treatment strategy, the selection of eligible patients, and the time point at which it is prescribed. The current review focuses on specific aspects of patient selection and discusses the various scientific as well as clinical-guided perspectives on Home-NIV in patients suffering from chronic hypercapnic COPD. In addition, special attention will be given to the topic of ventilator settings and interfaces

    Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : assessment of respiratory muscle activity and the benefits of noninvasive ventilation

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    This thesis deals with two main topics. First, we investigated respiratory muscle function in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) by surface electromyography. Second, we focused on the benefits of noninvasive ventilation in patients with respiratory failure, both in restrictive pulmonary disorders and in COPD, in acute respiratory failure, and in chronic stable condition.

    Impact of High-Intensity-NIV on the heart in stable COPD: A randomised cross-over pilot study

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    Background: Although high-intensity non-invasive ventilation has been shown to improve outcomes in stable COPD, it may adversely affect cardiac performance. Therefore, the aims of the present pilot study were to compare cardiac and pulmonary effects of 6 weeks of low-intensity non-invasive ventilation and 6 weeks of high-intensity non-invasive ventilation in stable COPD patients. Methods: In a randomised crossover pilot feasibility study, the change in cardiac output after 6 weeks of each NIV mode compared to baseline was assessed with echocardiography in 14 severe stable COPD patients. Furthermore, CO during NIV, gas exchange, lung function, and health-related quality of life were investigated. Results: Three patients dropped out: two deteriorated on low-intensity non-invasive ventilation, and one presented with decompensated heart failure while on high-intensity non-invasive ventilation. Eleven patients were included in the analysis. In general, cardiac output and NTproBNP did not change, although individual effects were noticed, depending on the pressures applied and/or the co-existence of heart failure. High-intensity non-invasive ventilation tended to be more effective in improving gas exchange, but both modes improved lung function and the health-related quality of life. Conclusions: Long-term non-invasive ventilation with adequate pressure to improve gas exchange and health-related quality of life did not have an overall adverse effect on cardiac performance. Nevertheless, in patients with pre-existing heart failure, the application of very high inspiratory pressures might reduce cardiac output