6 research outputs found

    Developmental exposure to ethinylestradiol affects reproductive physiology, the GnRH neuroendocrine network and behaviors in female mouse

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    Remerciements :Plateforme d'Imagerie Cellulaire. INRA, UMR PRC 0085, 37380 Nouzilly, Centre Tours Val de LoireDuring development, environmental estrogens are able to induce an estrogen mimetic action that may interfere with endocrine and neuroendocrine systems. The present study investigated the effects on the reproductive function in female mice following developmental exposure to pharmaceutical ethinylestradiol (EE2), the most widespread and potent synthetic steroid present in aquatic environments. EE2 was administrated in drinking water at environmentally relevant (ENVIR) or pharmacological (PHARMACO) doses [0.1 and 1 ÎŒg/kg (body weight)/day respectively], from embryonic day 10 until postnatal day 40. Our results show that both groups of EE2-exposed females had advanced vaginal opening and shorter estrus cycles, but a normal fertility rate compared to CONTROL females. The hypothalamic population of GnRH neurons was affected by EE2 exposure with a significant increase in the number of perikarya in the preoptic area of the PHARMACO group and a modification in their distribution in the ENVIR group, both associated with a marked decrease in GnRH fibers immunoreactivity in the median eminence. In EE2-exposed females, behavioral tests highlighted a disturbed maternal behavior, a higher lordosis response, a lack of discrimination between gonad-intact and castrated males in sexually experienced females, and an increased anxiety-related behavior. Altogether, these results put emphasis on the high sensitivity of sexually dimorphic behaviors and neuroendocrine circuits to disruptive effects of EDCs

    DĂ©cryptage des possibles mĂ©canismes centraux d’action du ÎČ Nerve Growth Factor (ÎČNGF) dans l’induction de l’ovulation chez la souris

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    International audienceLe dĂ©clanchement de l’ovulation requiert une cascade complexe d’évĂšnements oĂč les neurones Ă  GnRH jouent un rĂŽle clĂ©. Chez les mammifĂšres, l’ovulation peut avoir lieu de façon spontanĂ©e ou ĂȘtre induite par un accouplement. Le ÎČ Nerve Growth Factor (ÎČNGF) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment dĂ©crit, comme Ă©tant le facteur dĂ©clenchant l’ovulation chez les espĂšces Ă  ovulation induite. En utilisant le modĂšle murin, nous cherchons Ă  vĂ©rifier si le ÎČNGF peut dĂ©clencher l’ovulation chez les espĂšces Ă  ovulation spontanĂ©e et Ă  comprendre les mĂ©canismes sous-jacents. Cinquante souris femelles prĂ©pubĂšres ont reçu 5UI de PMSG et 48 heures plus tard l’un de ces cinq traitements : NaCl, du hCG ou du ÎČNGF (0.1ÎŒg, 1ÎŒg, 10ÎŒg/souris). Les 3 doses de ÎČNGF induisent l’ovulation de façon comparable Ă  l’hCG (taux d’ovulation: hCG=80%, ÎČNGF 0.1ÎŒg=80%, 1ÎŒg=80%, 10ÎŒg=100%, NaCl=10%). Pour vĂ©rifier si l’effet du ÎČNGF implique l’activation des neurones Ă  GnRH, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© un protocole d’induction de l’ovulation incluant des souris prĂ©traitĂ©es ou non avec un antagoniste un rĂ©cepteur de la GnRH : le CĂ©trorelix. Cent vingt-huit souris femelles prĂ©pubĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parties dans cinq lots recevant un des cinq traitements suivants : ÎČNGF (1ÎŒg), CĂ©trorelix (50ng) + ÎČNGF (1ÎŒg), GnRH (50ng), CĂ©trorelix (50ng) + GnRH (50ng), NaCl. Le ÎČNGF et le GnRH induisent l’ovulation et leurs effets sont supprimĂ©s par l’administration de CĂ©trorelix (CĂ©trorelix+ÎČNGF vs ÎČNGF : p<0.05). Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que, chez la souris, le ÎČNGF nĂ©cessite l’intervention des neurones Ă  GnRH pour dĂ©clencher l’ovulation. Pour rechercher les sites d’action du ÎČNGF au niveau de l’hypothalamus, nous avons utilisĂ© une approche immunohistochimique pour localiser le rĂ©cepteur p75NTR du ÎČNGF sur des cerveaux de souris ovariectomisĂ©es et sous implant d’oestradiol. p75NTR a Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ© dans l’organe vasculaire de la lame terminale (OVLT), le noyau arquĂ© (ARC), l’éminence mĂ©diane (ME). Parmi les cellules exprimant p75NTR, on trouve des neurones et des tanycytes.Parmi les neurones exprimant p75NTR, aucun n’exprime la GnRH ou la Kisspeptine. En conclusion, l’action de la GnRH est requise pour permettre au ÎČNGF d’induire l’ovulation chez la souris, mais le ÎČNGF n’agit pas directement sur les neurones Ă  GnRH ni sur les neurones Ă  kisspeptine. La poursuite de ce travail en utilisant des souris KO per la kisspeptine et son rĂ©cepteur vise Ă  Ă©tablir si les systĂšmes ÎČNGF agit en amont du systĂšme Kisspeptine

    Development of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-1 Secretion in Mouse Nasal Explants

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    Pulsatile release of GnRH-1 is critical to stimulate gonadotropes of the anterior pituitary. This secretory pattern seems to be inherent to GnRH-1 neurons, however, the mechanisms underlying such episodical release remain unknown. In monkey nasal explants, the GnRH-1 population exhibits synchronized calcium events with the same periodicity as GnRH-1 release, suggesting a link, though the sequence of events was unclear. GnRH-1 neurons in mouse nasal explants also exhibit synchronized calcium events. In the present work, GnRH-1 release was assayed in mouse nasal explants using radioimmunology and its relationship with calcium signaling analyzed. GnRH-1 neurons generated episodical release as early as 3 d in vitro (div) and maintained such release throughout the period studied (3–21 div). The pulse frequency remained constant, suggesting that the pulse generator is operative at an early developmental stage. In contrast, pulse amplitude increased 2-fold between 3 and 7 div, and again between 7 and 14 div, suggesting maturation in synthesizing and/or secretory mechanisms. To evaluate these possibilities, total GnRH-1 content was measured. Only a small increase in GnRH-1 content was detected between 7 and 14 div, whereas a large increase occurred between 14 and 21 div. These data indicate that GnRH-1 content was not a limiting factor for the amplitude of the pulses at 7 div but that the secretory mechanisms mature between 3 and 14 div. The application of kisspeptin-10 revealed the ability of GnRH-1 neurons to integrate signals from natural ligands into a secretory response. Finally, simultaneous sampling of medium and calcium imaging recordings indicated that the synchronized calcium events and secretory events are congruent