2 research outputs found
Using conversation analysis to explore feedback on resident performance
Feedback on clinical performance of residents is seen as a fundamental element in postgraduate medical education. Although literature on feedback in medical education is abundant, many supervisors struggle with providing this feedback and residents experience
feedback as insufciently constructive. With a detailed analysis of real-world feedback conversations, this study aims to contribute to the current literature by deepening the understanding of how feedback on residents’ performance is provided, and to formulate recommendations for improvement of feedback practice. Eight evaluation meetings between
program directors and residents were recorded in 2015–2016. These meetings were analyzed using conversation analysis. This is an ethno-methodological approach that uses a
data-driven, iterative procedure to uncover interactional patterns that structure naturally
occurring, spoken interaction. Feedback in our data took two forms: feedback as a unidirectional activity and feedback as a dialogic activity. The unidirectional feedback activities prevailed over the dialogic activities. The two diferent formats elicit diferent types of
resident responses and have diferent implications for the progress of the interaction. Both
feedback format
Design and evaluation of a clinical competency committee
Introduction In postgraduate medical education, group decision-making has emerged as an essential too