495 research outputs found

    超越婚姻 : 新世紀的民主、平等與親屬關係 = Beyond marriage : democracy, equality, and kinship for a new century

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    上述的思考促成了〈超越婚姻〉聲明的出現,這份聲明有 250 個來自 LGBT 族群、酷 兒及連線的組織者、學者、藝術家、作家、教育者的親筆簽名(2006 年 7 月 25 日這份文 件公佈後有更多人加入連署)。這份文件也開啟了擴大婚姻平權運動的進程以便包含比婚 姻更為廣泛的關係形式,並以擴大普及社經正義,超越此刻法律的範疇為目標。有鑑於目 前的政治僵局──只有少數幾個州提供婚姻權及民事結合權,而大部分的州除了禁止同性 婚姻之外,更禁止任何異於傳統婚姻的親密關係或家庭關係──我們組織起來促進關係形 式與家庭認可的民主化和多樣化,並且擴大讓所有人都能享受的社會安全網,這不但是正 確方向,也將可以切實改善人們的生活處境,包括老年伴侶關係、多代同堂的移民家族、 非配偶照護關係等等。更多關係都可以納入親密關係的想像藍圖,我們不必屈就婚姻,我 們應該可以享受更多

    新自由主義之後? 從危機到組織建立酷兒經濟正義 = After Neoliberalism? From crisis to organizing for queer economic justice

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    過去 40 年裡,新自由主義全球資本主義經濟興起成長,經歷了景氣的大好也崩跌到經 濟危機,在此同時,其思考邏輯已經取得了無法挑戰的主流常識地位,就像目前流行的口 號所言:「沒有別路可走」。然而抗爭仍然持續延燒,從南美雨林原住民族的抗爭,到反 跨國企業、反全球化運動,甚至阿拉伯之春(Arab Spring)的起義。在美國,從 2011 年開 始,佔領華爾街運動(Occupy movement)已經從華爾街蔓延到美國其他城市甚至全球, 與各地原有的抗議行動合流,相互學習。這些抗爭打開了重要的空間,以質疑大家習以為 常的政治經濟情勢,對於像我們這樣屬於廣義左翼政治的人,現在正是我們行動的時刻和 機會。在下個 10 年或者是 20 年裡,我們或許可以結束新自由主義的蠻橫統治,擴大另類 形式的社會、文化、政治、與經濟生活

    Teaching family medicine residents how to answer clinical questions using QUIPs

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    Background: “Questions in Practice” (QUIP) rounds are used to encourage residents to quickly find, evaluate, and incorporate information into clinical practice. It is an opportunity for residents to identify a clinical question, research the answer, present the evidence, and discuss how to apply it to practice. The value of using this method to teach residents has not been evaluated. Methods: A sampling of all first and second-year family medicine residents enrolled in the Memorial University Family Medicine program were invited to participate in the survey. The survey gathered information about the residents’ current experiences with answering clinical questions, their experience during QUIP rounds, and the value of an interdisciplinary approach. Results: The response rate was 91% (42/46). Medical websites (45%) and journal article indexes (34%) were most often used. Through QUIPs, 50% of the students identified new methods to retrieve answers, 80% considered it a useful learning experience, 75% had improved confidence, and clinical knowledge improved in 97%. Conclusions: Residents are familiar with many general sources of medical information, and QUIPs helped improve confidence in their knowledge and ability to answer questions. QUIPs appear to be a useful tool for teaching information resources and how to interpret and apply evidence to clinical situations

    Feeling neoliberal : the politics of affect in the age of greed = 新自由感覺 : 貪婪年代的情感政治

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    Genealogies of neoliberalism generally trace the intellectual and institutional histories of ideas and policies from Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, through the global practices of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. But consent for neoliberal practices is generated as much through invocations of fantasy and feeling as through ideas and institutions. This lecture will trace the paths of neoliberal feeling through the persistent fantasies of racial colonialism, to the gendered practices of marital kinship and entrepreneurial desire. Neomoralism\u27s many variations will be examined as central projects in the continuing global afterlife of neoliberal affect. 一般認為,新自由主義的歷史系譜,係海耶克與傅利曼的論點,透過國際貨幣基金與世界銀行在全球的運作,並於學術界與各種機構中發展其思想與相關政策。然而,新自由主義的生產,不僅僅只是透過這些思想論述與體制運行,更同時訴諸人的幻想與感知。本次演講,我將追溯這種新自由感覺,如何藉由不斷維持種族殖民主義的幻想,促成婚姻親屬關係與企業慾望的性別化運作。面對全球未來新自由情感的發展,我們視新道德主義的多種變化為最核心、必須受到檢視的主題

    Antimicrobial resistance in commensal faecal Escherichia coli of hospitalised horses

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    The objective of this study was to examine the impact of hospitalisation and antimicrobial drug administration on the prevalence of resistance in commensal faecal E. coli of horses. Faecal samples were collected from ten hospitalised horses treated with antimicrobials, ten hospitalised horses not treated with antimicrobials and nine non-hospitalised horses over a consecutive five day period and susceptibility testing was performed on isolated E. coli. Results revealed that hospitalisation alone was associated with increased prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and multidrug resistance in commensal E. coli of horses. Due to the risk of transfer of resistance between commensal and pathogenic bacteria, veterinarians need to be aware of possible resistance in commensal bacteria when treating hospitalised horses

    Engaging a community for youth mental health and wellness: Reflections and lessons learned

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    As clinicians at a university-affiliated health centre faced with youth mental health and substance use concerns, we reached out to the local community for guidance. We partnered with community leaders to explore how to best understand the issues and engage with the community. Using a community-engaged research (CEnR) approach, we conducted a needs assessment to explore the issues and inform change. We formalised a partnership with the local school and community board, which led to the creation of a Community Alliance. Our engagement efforts allowed us to understand the community more deeply and establish more effective change. Our most successful outcome was the development of a youth mental health and wellness Action Plan which helped direct our strategies moving forward. This article highlights our community engagement activities, processes and lessons learned, which may be of benefit to other academic researchers and clinicians who are interested in CEnR

    Inter-Professional Collaborative Care: A Way to Enhance Services for Adults with Intellectual Disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mental Health Problems

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    This article describes our inter-professional mental health service for adults with intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder. The service consists of an inpatient unit and outpatient program that are closely aligned and operate within a mental health and addictions teaching hospital. We provide information about recent changes to our model of care and the structures and activities that are used to support inter-professional team development and team functioning. Roles and functions of different mental health professionals on the team are outlined and case examples of adults with intellectual disability and complex mental health needs are provided to illustrate how the inter-professional team members work together