37 research outputs found

    The Bee’s Knees甜蜜回憶

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    There’s a definite buzz around the beautifully crafted dishes at Tate Dining Room & Bar Tate Dining Room & Bar精緻小巧的甜點,連蜜蜂也尋味而

    In praise of sake 清酒的進擊

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    From the tables of Hong Kong to Europe, North America and beyond, the traditional Japanese rice wine is increasingly being accepted as an enjoyable and versatile accompaniment to food, and not simply for dishes from the beverage’s Asian homeland. 在香港、歐洲、北美以至世界各地,日本傳統米酒不僅越來越受歡迎,更被視為與各地菜式配搭的佳品,不再局限於亞洲菜式

    Shaking it up 搖出不一樣的精采

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    Meet the beverage professionals who are mixing things up behind the bar and bringing creative contemporary cocktails - and mocktails - to the table 才華橫溢的調酒大師分享他們的創作之道

    1 Ingredient 10 Ways 一種食材 十種味道

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    Spilling the soybeans 豆香四溢 A versatile, protein-rich legume, native to East Asia, the uses of soybeans range from cooking oil, soy milk and tofu to fermented foodstuffs such as soy sauce, tempeh, natto and miso. 大豆含豐富蛋白質,原產於東亞,用途廣泛,從食用油、豆漿和豆腐,到醬油、天貝、納豆和味噌等發酵食品,都是由大豆製

    Plat Du Jour 名菜解構

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    Local flavour 本土之味 Pastry chef Gregoire Michaud combines a lifetime of baking experience with local inspiration 餅廚Gregoire Michaud以豐富的經驗和從本土取得的靈感炮製其招牌糕

    Bookshelf 新書上架

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    Top tomes 大師巨著 The hottest new cookbooks, gastronomic guides and beverage bibles 最新出版的烹飪書、美食指南與葡萄酒聖

    1 Ingredient 9 Ways 九種變化

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    Pumpkin possibilities 南瓜的可塑性 Rich in vitamins and full of minerals, pumpkin is a highly nutritious not to mention versatile autumn fruit 秋天盛產的南瓜不僅含有多種維他命和礦物質,營養豐富,用途亦變化多

    Olive offerings 橄欖入饌

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    Alongside wheat and grapes, olives complete the triumvirate of ingredients that is the basis of Mediterranean cuisine, and have been cultivated for centuries. The oil of the olive is a chef\u27s staple, while table olives add brininess and depth to many dishes. 如果要用三種食材來概括源遠流長的地中海飲食文化,那一定是小麥、葡萄,以及橄欖。橄欖油是廚師的必備材料自不待言,就連食用橄欖也可以為許多菜式增添獨特的鹹鮮味

    Of Spice and Men 香氣撩人

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    Spices invigorate the senses, adding flavour, fragrance and colour to the eating experience. Long part of numerous culinary traditions, they are deployed in differing ways for distinction. 香料可以刺激味覺和嗅覺,為食物加添色、香、味,早已是多個飲食傳統的重要 組成部分。不過,怎樣運用香料,卻是每個地方都不盡相同,各有特色

    Bookshelf 新書上架

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    Read all about it 讀萬卷書 Culinary companions, drinking guides and baking bibles you won\u27t want to miss 不可錯過的烹飪良伴、飲品指南和糕餅聖