29 research outputs found

    General guidelines and specific contributions of Romania's Foreign Policy and Security Policy and the European Security and Defense of the EU in terms of the sustainable development

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    Efforts aimed Romania convergence guidelines of its foreign policy with the Foreign Policy and Security Policy of the EU (CFSP). Negotiations on Chapter 27 - Foreign Policy and Security Policy (CFSP) were opened, along with the other four chapters, in the initial negotiation package (during the Accession Conference Romania - EU of 15 February 2000) as provisionally closed the first stage of the process of negotiation of the acquis communautaire. Romania has demonstrated that it is an active participant in the political dialogue established by the Association Agreement and has played a constructive role within the CFSP, in line while a constant in common positions and declarations of the EU's CFSP. Romania continued to follow international sanctions and restrictive measures imposed by the EU, UN and OSCE. A special relevance for consistency of policy dialogue EU - Romania had a presence at meetings of political directors, correspondents European Troika and EU candidate countries. Substantive dialogue on all levels has contributed to improving the coordination of the external agenda of Romania to the European Unionthe foreign policy and security policy, the European policy of security and defense of the EU, acquis communautaire

    A major controversy: globalization or not?

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    Globalization is today one of the phenomena discussed and contested at the same time, beach and speeches in terms of globalization are spread from the ordinary man in the street, and to speeches by political and academic level. It is surprising how a term that recently entered the vocabulary enjoys a popularity so great! And yet how much ambiguity in its use, sometimes attached sense of this term, how much emotional load associated with it! Globalization is an ambiguous phenomenon. Having to source and technological development, seeking efficiency in opening markets and interdependences economic globalization presents no danger negligible, relating in particular to undermine the sovereignty and national cohesion. Globalization is often presented as a peaceful revolution that leads to improved living standards and near religions and cultures, however, a number of voices shout its deep inegalitarian, especially from the perspective of developing countries, small businesses and normal individuals. So here's what variety of approaches, disputes, controversies, which contained many diverse and contradictory approaches are associated with this reality, which we feel and we are talking about and talking to hear every day: globalization.globalization, hiperglobalization, skeptics and processors,the national economies

    Globalization and the creation of the information society

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    XXI Century must be a century of all the inhabitants of this planet, the full event, open and protected the human personality, the potential for work and intelligence of every citizen. It will be the century of the Information Society and Knowledge, in which information and knowledge will play a decisive role in the economic world of states, in shaping the construction and affirmation of each individual personality. This century will be those who will know how to adapt to new requirements of the Information Society, in which states and governments will need to ensure that their citizens be prepared to accept and to live in such a society. Starting from these basic options on the future of Romanian society, it must have the fundamental premise of these incontrovertible truths.globalization, information society, global economy, technical and technological revolution

    The structural funds management in third-Central and Eastern European

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    Based on reviewing the literature in the field, the article shows the importance accorded to issues of structural funds absorption. The subject is central to assessing how the administrative capacity to absorb EU candidate countries in terms of structural funds. It will describe the methodology on absorption capacity of the countries of central and eastern Europe. This article provides preliminary expressions of capacity to absorb in a given Member State and bring additional information on the capacity of all states in the programming period 2006-2013. Thus, the work is an ex-ante evaluation of administrative capacity to absorb very useful for the next programming period.structural funds, member states, cohesion policy, coordination

    Institutional aspects of economic integration – economic integration and political integration

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    Economic integration is defined as the elimination of economic borders between two or more savings. In turn, an economic border demarcation over which any actual or potential mobility of goods, services and factors of production and communication flows, is relatively low. On both sides of a frontier economy, pricing and quality of goods, services and factors are only marginally influenced by flows across borders.economic integration, political integration, effective competition, potential competition, federation

    The role of compensation in money market and new money market instruments Open

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    Creation and proper functioning of the money market in Romania is subject to a preponderant constancy of private property, to support competition as a factor increasing the efficiency of the economy. Appearance money market in Romania is related to the transformations that have manifested in our country since 1989. As a mechanism of market economy, can not talk about them in existence before 1989. In a centralized economy, instruments, financial categories have ceased to reflect the actual situation in the economy. Fixing of prices with a high dose of subjectivism has generated the emergence of profitable enterprises without their own merits and others with losses that were not responsible for their financial situation.money market, compensation, surplus, deficit

    The prospects for Romania and state of the conduct ISPA Program

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    European Union countries recorded growth rates differ. Therefore, the European policy of regional development aimed at ensuring heterogeneously and achieve the objective of convergence at European level must take into account the steps taken by each country, especially in if new countries joined. The paper presents the implementation in 2000-2006 ISPA program and also conducted an analysis of how to attract European funds and how meeting the targets envisaged in the Accession Partnership between the European Union and Romania to meet national modernization of transport infrastructure and environment. Analysis shows serious dysfunction in ISPA funds absorption compared with funds allocated although, in terms of allocation of funds by the European Commission, Romania is in second place after Poland.structural funds, regional development, convergence, strategy, Operational Program, the European Union

    The strategy adopted by Romania EURO

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    In the context in which most countries in Western Europe is almost unanimously accepted advantage of using the single currency, it appreciates that for Romania, whose foreign trade is facing up to approximately 2 / 3 to the market, adopting the single currency will bring real benefits. To become a EU member state, Romania has had to build and a reference system, the reference currency is Euro, not U.S. dollars. The new currency will be a factor of stability which will reduce a lot of trading losses due to local fluctuations of the dollar against euro. From 1 January 2003, the currency has been established in relation to EURO.euro, economic and monetary union, the safeguard clause, budget deficit, inflation

    Foreign economic affairs internationalization by franchising operations

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    Nowadays, franchise is the way to do business at the fastest pace in the world. More than 600,000 franchise business activities are spread all over the American continent generating sales of one trillion dollars. Over 40% of the US retail trade in products and services are achieved by franchises. A new franchise opens somewhere in the US every 12 minutes. Franchise is surely the success story of this decade. Romania is represented on this list by 171 franchise networks, with brands originating from 21 countries and the turnover was 800,000,000 Euros at the end of 2008, enevenly distributed by sectors of activity. It is interesting to note that although the industry networks are only 3.5% oof th total networks, they contribute with 43.6% in the turnover obtained in franchise system. Therefore, franchising can and should be a successful attempt both for the franchised and franchisers, for those who are driven by ethics, passion, vision and innovation, for those who want to franchise or develop the franchise network.business, franchising, franchise, turnover

    The priorities of the EU budget for 2009

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    The priorities of the EU budget for 2009 are: economic growth, employment, climate, strengthening security and safety of European citizens, the social dimension of the EU. Divided into areas, the EU provides for sustainable development, regional education and research 45.9 billion for natural resources 52.58 billion euros for EU citizenship, justice and home affairs 1.3 billion, and for expenses Board 7.64 billion