6 research outputs found

    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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    The role of information technologies in lifelong learning development

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    The impact of information technologies on the development of lifelong learning in postindustrial (information) society is considered in the paper. Economic progress has caused the need for additional vocational training, reeducation and retraining of employees. The development of computerization and informatization of society has led to radical changes in education. First, adults of post graduate and retirement age, and later the children of preschool age who are actively exploring modern ICT, were involved in a lifelong learning process in developed European countries. The widespread availability of computers and ICT has caused the development of formal, nonformal and informal education. The use of advanced information and telecommunication technologies has led to adjustments in the content and education technologies, helping to solve problems of differentiation and individualization of learning, and the development of variant curriculums. The e-learning began to play a special role

    Le dialogue des acteurs de l’éducation autour de l’examen d’État unifié en Russie

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    En Russie, l’examen d’État unifié (EGE) est un excellent analyseur du dialogue des acteurs de l’éducation (décideurs, chercheurs, praticiens, et même médias). En adoptant une approche systémique, l’article analyse le processus d’émergence, de développement et d’ajustements progressifs de ce nouveau dispositif institutionnel. L’analyse de ce processus montre que le monde de la recherche a profondément évolué au fil du temps, grâce à l’apparition de l’EGE et au rôle que les institutions de recherche y ont joué. Il dévoile aussi la place de plus en plus grande que les acteurs de terrain, relayés par les médias, ont prise dans les ajustements de l’EGE.In Russia, the Unified State Exam (USE) is an excellent means to analyse the dialogue between education stakeholders (decision-makers, researchers, practitioners, and even the media). By adopting a systemic approach, this article analyses the process behind the emergence, development and gradual adjustments of this new institutional provision. Analysis of this process shows that the world of research has changed dramatically over time, thanks to the emergence of the USE and the role that research institutions have played in this. It also reveals the increasingly important place that actors on the ground, relayed by the media, have assumed in adjustments to the USE.En Rusia, el examen de Estado unificado (EGE) es un excelente enfoque de análisis sobre el diálogo entre los actores de la educación (responsables políticos, investigadores, prácticos, y hasta medios de comunicación). Al adoptar una aproximación sistemática, el artículo analiza el proceso de emergencia, de desarrollo y de ajustes progresivos de este nuevo dispositivo institucional. El análisis de este proceso muestra que el mundo de la investigación ha evolucionado en profundidad al paso del tiempo, gracias a la aparición del EGE y al papel que las instituciones de investigación han desempeñado en él. Estudia también el lugar cada vez más grande que los actores de terreno, con el apoyo de los medios de comunicación, han tomado en los ajustes del EGE

    In silico Designed Ebola Virus T-Cell Multi-Epitope DNA Vaccine Constructions Are Immunogenic in Mice

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    Background: The lack of effective vaccines against Ebola virus initiates a search for new approaches to overcoming this problem. The aim of the study was to design artificial polyepitope T-cell immunogens—candidate DNA vaccines against Ebola virus and to evaluate their capacity to induce a specific immune response in a laboratory animal model. Method: Design of two artificial polyepitope T-cell immunogens, one of which (EV.CTL) includes cytotoxic and the other (EV.Th)—T-helper epitopes of Ebola virus proteins was carried out using original TEpredict/PolyCTLDesigner software. Synthesized genes were cloned in pcDNA3.1 plasmid vector. Target gene expression was estimated by synthesis of specific mRNAs and proteins in cells transfected with recombinant plasmids. Immunogenicity of obtained DNA vaccine constructs was evaluated according to their capacity to induce T-cell response in BALB/c mice using IFN ELISpot and ICS. Results: We show that recombinant plasmids pEV.CTL and pEV.Th encoding artificial antigens provide synthesis of corresponding mRNAs and proteins in transfected cells, as well as induce specific responses both to CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes in immunized animals. Conclusions: The obtained recombinant plasmids can be regarded as promising DNA vaccine candidates in future studies of their capacity to induce cytotoxic and protective responses against Ebola virus

    La recherche en éducation

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    La crise de la Covid-19 a mis en lumière l’importance de la parole des chercheurs dans la prise de décision politique. Qu’en est-il dans le domaine de l’éducation ? Comment s’articulent les relations entre la recherche en éducation, la décision politique et l’action de terrain ? Quel est le pouvoir des différents acteurs et où est-il situé ? Ce numéro analyse des contextes variés : France, Chine, Mexique, Russie, Suède ou encore Pays de Galles ou Québec, et élargit la réflexion au cas de l’Afrique et des pays arabes. Il met en évidence les différents équilibres en place et leur impact sur l’éducation. Une coopération étroite entre les sphères de la recherche, de la décision et de l’action semble plus que jamais nécessaire pour que les systèmes éducatifs puissent répondre aux besoins d’éducation et faire face aux mutations sociétales. Ce dossier tente ainsi de dégager les conditions qui permettraient de créer de l’intelligence collective au bénéfice de la qualité de l’éducation. The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of the voice of researchers in political decision-making. What about in the field of education? How do the relationships between education research, political decision-making and action on the ground intersect? What is the power of the different players and where is it located? This issue analyses various contexts: France, China, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Wales and Quebec, and broadens the reflection to the case of Africa and Arab countries. It highlights the different equilibria in place and their impact on education. Close cooperation between the spheres of research, decision-making and action seems more necessary than ever in order for education systems to be able to meet educational needs and face up to societal changes. This dossier thus attempts to tease out which conditions would make it possible to create collective intelligence to support the quality of education. La crisis de la Covid-19 ha puesto en evidencia la importancia de la palabra de los investigadores en la toma de decisión política. ¿Se puede llegar a semejante constatación en el campo de la educación? ¿Cómo se articulan las relaciones entre la investigación en educación, la decisión política y la acción en el terreno? ¿Cuál es el poder respectivo de los diferentes actores y dónde se sitúa? Este número analiza unos contextos variados: Francia, China, México, Rusia, Suecia, Gales o Quebec, y amplia la reflexión a los casos de África y de los países árabes. Pone en evidencia los distintos equilibrios instaurados y su impacto en la educación. Una cooperación estrecha entre las esferas de la investigación, de la decisión y de la acción parece más que nunca necesaria para que los sistemas educativos puedan responder a las demandas de educación y se enfrenten con las mutaciones de las sociedades. Este dossier intenta así identificar las condiciones que permitirían crear una inteligencia colectiva en beneficio de la calidad de la educación