2 research outputs found

    Computed tomography analysis of the cranium of Champsosaurus lindoei and implications for choristoderan neomorphic ossification

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    Choristoderes are extinct neodiapsid reptiles that are well known for their unusual cranial anatomy, possessing an elongated snout and expanded temporal arches. Although choristodere skulls are well described externally, their internal anatomy remains unknown. An internal description was needed to shed light on peculiarities of the choristodere skull, such as paired gaps on the ventral surface of the skull that may pertain to the fenestra ovalis, and a putative neomorphic ossification in the lateral wall of the braincase. Our goals were: (i) to describe the cranial elements of Champsosaurus lindoei in three dimensions; (ii) to describe paired gaps on the ventral surface of the skull to determine if these are indeed the fenestrae ovales; (iii) to illustrate the morphology of the putative neomorphic bone; and (iv) to consider the possible developmental and functional origins of the neomorph. We examined the cranial anatomy of the choristodere Champsosaurus lindoei (CMN 8920) using high-resolution micro-computed tomography scanning. We found that the paired gaps on the ventral surface of the skull do pertain to the fenestrae ovales, an unusual arrangement that may be convergent with some plesiosaurs, some aistopods, and some urodeles. The implications of this morphology in Champsosaurus are unknown and will be the subject of future work. We found that the neomorphic bone is a distinct ossification, but is not part of the wall of the brain cavity or the auditory capsule. Variation in the developmental pathways of cranial bones in living amniotes was surveyed to determine how the neomorphic bone may have developed. We found that the chondrocranium and splanchnocranium show little to no variation across amniotes, and the neomorphic bone is therefore most likely to have developed from the dermatocranium; however, the stapes is a pre-existing cranial element that is undescribed in choristoderes and may be homologous with the neomorphic bone. If the neomorphic bone is not homologous with the stapes, the neomorph likely developed from the dermatocranium through incomplete fusion of ossification centres from a pre-existing bone, most likely the parietal.

    Early Jurassic dinosaur fetal dental development and its significance for the evolution of sauropod dentition

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    Rare occurrences of dinosaurian embryos are punctuated by even rarer preservation of their development. Here we report on dental development in multiple embryos of the Early Jurassic Lufengosaurus from China, and compare these to patterns in a hatchling and adults. Histology and CT data show that dental formation and development occurred early in ontogeny, with several cycles of tooth development without root resorption occurring within a common crypt prior to hatching. This differs from the condition in hatchling and adult teeth of Lufengosaurus, and is reminiscent of the complex dentitions of some adult sauropods, suggesting that their derived dental systems likely evolved through paedomorphosis. Ontogenetic changes in successive generations of embryonic teeth of Lufengosaurus suggest that the pencil-like teeth in many sauropods also evolved via paedomorphosis, providing a mechanism for the convergent evolution of small, structurally simple teeth in giant diplodocoids and titanosaurids. Therefore, such developmental perturbations, more commonly associated with small vertebrates, were likely also essential events in sauropod evolution