14 research outputs found

    Self-assement of employess in accordance with EN ISO 9004:2010 in the chodes enterprise - case study

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    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi i możliwości oceny pracowników. Przedstawiono zdefiniowany arkusz samooceny jako propozycję doskonalenia zgodną z założeniami nomy PN-EN ISO 9004:2010, pkt 6.3, w wybranym przedsiębiorstwie i wyniki badań.In the study issues, concerning the human resource management and the possibility of the assessment of employees were presented. A defined sheet of the self-assessment was described as proposals to improve in accordance with standard PN-EN ISO 9004: 2010 of 6.3 pt. in the chosen enterprise and also case study have been given

    Monitoring of the Production Processing in a Metallurgical Company Using FMEA Method

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    The possibility of use of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis methods is connected with continuous quality improvement of production processes in companies. Interdependence of the quality research methods and production process’s requirements have been taken into account. FMEA method is the analysis aimed at the disclosure and elimination of potential weaknesses of the process, that is the variants that may cause defects during its implementation. The example of implementing Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in polish companies have been presented

    The application of the FMEA method in the selected production process of a company

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    The aim of this article is to show the use of the analysis of the failure causes and effects as a prevention tool in controlling the quality of a given production process in the company. The scope of the work covers an analysis of a selected process, definition of inconsistencies present in this process, and then the FMEA analysis. In the production company one should implement thinking and actions based on the so-called ‘quality loop’ – it is an interdependence model of the undertaken actions which affect the quality shaping. It is carried out from the possibility for identifying a customer’s requirements through a project, production process, up to the assessment of effective capability for meeting the defined requirements. The application of such an approach enables to take the actions improving the operation of quality management in a systemic way

    Systemic approach to the improvement of processes and products using quality management methods and tools

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    Opracowanie dotyczy analizy zagadnienia doskonalenia procesu i produktu uwzględniając popularnie stosowane w praktyce przemysłowej i wymagane w normatywach branżowych metody i narzędzia zarządzania jakością. Wskazano najczęściej stosowane w praktyce metody i narzędzia zarządzania jakością uwzględniając ich korelację i znaczenia dla skutecznego procesu doskonalenia w ramach systemowego podejścia do zarządzania jakością. Zaproponowano ogólny model systemowego ujęcie doskonalenia procesu i produktu z wykorzystaniem wskazanych w opracowaniu metod i narzędzi zarządzania jakością.The elaboration concerns the analysis of the issue of process and product improvement, taking into account the quality management methods and tools commonly used in industrial practice and required by the industrial standards. The quality management methods and tools which are most commonly used in practice were indicated, taking into account their correlation and significance for effective improvement process as part of the systemic approach to quality management. A general model of systemic approach to process and product improvement with the use of the quality management methods and tools indicated in the elaboration was proposed