7,103 research outputs found

    Global exact controllability of bilinear quantum systems on compact graphs and energetic controllability

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    The aim of this work is to study the controllability of the bilinear Schr\"odinger equation on compact graphs. In particular, we consider the equation (BSE) i∂tψ=−Δψ+u(t)Bψi\partial_t\psi=-\Delta\psi+u(t)B\psi in the Hilbert space L2(G,C)L^2(\mathscr{G},\mathbb{C}), with G\mathscr{G} being a compact graph. The Laplacian −Δ-\Delta is equipped with self-adjoint boundary conditions, BB is a bounded symmetric operator and u∈L2((0,T),R)u\in L^2((0,T),\mathbb{R}) with T>0T>0. We provide a new technique leading to the global exact controllability of the (BSE) in D(∣Δ∣s/2)D(|\Delta|^{s/2}) with s≥3s\geq 3. Afterwards, we introduce the "energetic controllability", a weaker notion of controllability useful when the global exact controllability fails. In conclusion, we develop some applications of the main results involving for instance star graphs
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