7 research outputs found

    Сохранение старовозрастных деревьев и мониторинг их состояния в Летнем и Михайловском садах Санкт-Петербурга

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    The image of the Summer Garden is inseparable from the image of St. Petersburg. It was survived together with the city of the period of formation, rapid flourishing, change of rulers, change, economic systems, natural and military disasters. In June 2009, Russian Museum proceeded to largest restoration on the reconstruction of the memorial ensemble of the Summer garden. The article presents the results of inspection condition of old-growth trees in Summer and Mikhailovsky Gardens and analyze inventory data from 1962 to 2014, the dynamics of change in the number of trees.Образ Летнего сада неотделим от образа Санкт-Петербурга. Он пережил вместе с городом период становления, бурного расцвета, смену правителей, экономических формаций, стихийных и военных бедствий. В июне 2009 г. Русский музей приступил к крупнейшей реставрации по воссозданию ансамбля-памятника Летний сад. В статье приводятся результаты обследования состояния старовозрастных деревьев Летнего и Михайловского садов и анализ инвентаризационных данных с 1962 по 2014 г. динамики изменения количества деревьев


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    In the present study, we have grown perennial ryegrass on untreated and gypsum-treated soils under laboratory conditions. We found that gypsum represents an inadequate soil remediation option, as it aggravates environmental risks.В данном исследовании мы изучали влияние гипсования техногенно загрязненных почв на развитие райграса пастбищного в лабораторных условиях. Было выявлено, что добавление гипса в почву является неудовлетворительной техникой при ремедиации почв, так как приводит к экологическим рискам

    Gypsum soil amendment in metal-polluted soils—an added environmental hazard

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    Scientists around the world have long been searching for effective strategies to reduce the bioavailability of metals in contaminated soils. In case of metal-spiked soils, some studies have proposed gypsum as a soil amendment to alleviate metal phytotoxicity. However, for real field-collected soils, evidence on the efficacy of gypsum as a metal phytotoxicity amendment is limited. Therefore, the present study was designed to examine the effect of gypsum on plant growth in soils polluted by a copper smelter. We grew perennial ryegrass on untreated and gypsum-treated soils (at a dose of 3% by weight) under laboratory conditions. We found that gypsum had no effect on alleviating metal phytotoxicity in our soils. We also demonstrated – for the first time – that gypsum increased the concentrations of soluble metals in the soil, enhancing metal uptake by plants. The calcium ions from gypsum displace metals in the soil exchangeable complex; however, the metals do not get immobilized in soils because gypsum is a neutral salt. While our results contrast with the Terrestrial Biotic Ligand Model, that Model has never been tested on real industrially polluted soils but only on metal-spiked soils. Our main conclusion is that gypsum is ineffective in alleviating metal phytotoxicity in real industrially polluted soils and, moreover, its use is inappropriate as a soil remediation method, because it increases the environmental hazard rather than reducing it. Our study is the very first attempt to recognize that gypsum is a hazardous material when used to ameliorate soils polluted by metals. © 2021 Elsevier Lt