6 research outputs found

    Wearable device and system for acquiring physiological information of a subject

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    The present invention relates to a wearable device for acquiring physiological information of a subject. To combine the advantages of a contact sensor and a contactless sensor, the wearable device comprises an optical emitter (10) for emitting light into the subject's skin, an optical sensor (20) for receiving light scattered back from the subject's skin in response to the emission of light into the subject's skin, the received light representing or allowing the derivation of physiological information of the subject, and a carrier (30) for being held at the subject's skin and for carrying said emitter (10) and said sensor (20) such that a light receiving area (12), at which the emitted light enters the subject's skin, substantially corresponds to a light reflecting area (22), at which at least part of the scattered light leaves the subject's skin and is received by said optical sensor, the optical sensor (20) is arranged between the optical emitter (10) and the light receiving area (12) and is at least partially transparent for the light emitted by the optical emitter or the optical emitter (10) is arranged between the optical sensor (20) and the light reflecting area (22) and is at least partially transparent for the light reflected from the light reflecting area.</p

    Wearable device and system for acquiring physiological information of a subject

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    The present invention relates to a wearable device for acquiring physiological information of a subject. To combine the advantages of a contact sensor and a contactless sensor, the wearable device comprises an optical emitter (10) for emitting light into the subject's skin, an optical sensor (20) for receiving light scattered back from the subject's skin in response to the emission of light into the subject's skin, the received light representing or allowing the derivation of physiological information of the subject, and a carrier (30) for being held at the subject's skin and for carrying said emitter (10) and said sensor (20) such that a light receiving area (12), at which the emitted light enters the subject's skin, substantially corresponds to a light reflecting area (22), at which at least part of the scattered light leaves the subject's skin and is received by said optical sensor, the optical sensor (20) is arranged between the optical emitter (10) and the light receiving area (12) and is at least partially transparent for the light emitted by the optical emitter or the optical emitter (10) is arranged between the optical sensor (20) and the light reflecting area (22) and is at least partially transparent for the light reflected from the light reflecting area

    Wearable device and system for acquiring physiological information of a subject

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    \u3cp\u3eThe present invention relates to a wearable device for acquiring physiological information of a subject. To combine the advantages of a contact sensor and a contactless sensor, the wearable device comprises an optical emitter (10) for emitting light into the subject's skin, an optical sensor (20) for receiving light scattered back from the subject's skin in response to the emission of light into the subject's skin, the received light representing or allowing the derivation of physiological information of the subject, and a carrier (30) for being held at the subject's skin and for carrying said emitter (10) and said sensor (20) such that a light receiving area (12), at which the emitted light enters the subject's skin, substantially corresponds to a light reflecting area (22), at which at least part of the scattered light leaves the subject's skin and is received by said optical sensor, the optical sensor (20) is arranged between the optical emitter (10) and the light receiving area (12) and is at least partially transparent for the light emitted by the optical emitter or the optical emitter (10) is arranged between the optical sensor (20) and the light reflecting area (22) and is at least partially transparent for the light reflected from the light reflecting area.\u3c/p\u3

    Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Oelraeumung und Absperrung mit mechanischen Mitteln bei hoeheren Stroemungsgeschwindigkeiten. T. 1: Oelsperre fuer schnellfliessende Gewaesser: Ergaenzende Messungen April bis Dezember 1999. T. 2: Auswertung (Kapitel 7). T. 3: Fotodokumentation (Kapitel 8). T. 4: Zusammenfassender Bericht der Untersuchungen 1995 bis 1998 Abschlussbericht

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    Between 1995 and 1998, experiments were made at the laboratory of marine hydromechanics of Bremen university for the development of oil booms for flow rates of more than 0.7 kn. After a longer discussion of the final report (Kastner, July 1998), the UBA (German Federal Environmental Office) suggested that further measurements should be made with a configuration of vertical bars submerged in water ('bar matrix configuration'). This type of barrier would permit flow-through and would thus be better controllable. Better solutions are expected from this.In den Jahren 1995 bis 1998 wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen im Labor fuer Schiffshydromechanik an der Hochschule Bremen zur Entwicklung von Oelsperren auf Gewaesseroberflaechen durch das UBA gefoerdert. Dabei stand die Funktionsfaehigkeit von Oelsperren (oil booms) auch bei groesserer Stroemungsgeschwindigkeit von ueber 0,7 kn im Vordergrund. Nach laengerer Diskussion des Abschlussberichtes (Kastner, Juli 1998) wurde seitens des UBA vorgeschlagen, die Untersuchungen um Messreihen mit einer Konfiguration aus Anordnungen senkrechter von der Oberflaeche in das Wasser eintauchenden Staebe zu ergaenzen. Als Arbeitstitel fuer diese Stabkonfigurationen verschiedener Anordnungen und Abstaende wurde der Begriff 'Stabmatrix' gepraegt (Brenk, Februar 1999). Ziel der Untersuchungen an der Stabmatrix ist es, die Geschwindigkeit der Zweikomponentenstroemung an der Wasseroberflaeche beim Durchstroemen der Stabmatrix ueber eine laengere Laufstrecke kontinuierlich so zu vermindern, dass ein Unterstroemen der Sperre vermieden wird. Grundsaetzlicher Gedanke ist es, die Sperr- und Haltefaehigkeit fuer Oellachen an der Wasseroberflaeche ueber die Durchstroemung durch einen Sperrenkoerper zu verbessern, im Gegensatz zu einem rein massiven undurchlaessigen Sperrkoerper. Mit diesem Ansatz einer 'durchstroembaren Sperre' sind groessere Einflussmoeglichkeiten gegeben und damit bessere Loesungen zu erwarten. (orig.)Published in 4 volumesSIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(2000,257,1): RN 8908(2000,257,2): RN 8908(2000,257,3): RN 8908(2000,257,4) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman