56 research outputs found

    Four Generations: SUSY and SUSY Breaking

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    We revisit four generations within the context of supersymmetry. We compute the perturbativity limits for the fourth generation Yukawa couplings and show that if the masses of the fourth generation lie within reasonable limits of their present experimental lower bounds, it is possible to have perturbativity only up to scales around 1000 TeV. Such low scales are ideally suited to incorporate gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, where the mediation scale can be as low as 10-20 TeV. The minimal messenger model, however, is highly constrained. While lack of electroweak symmetry breaking rules out a large part of the parameter space, a small region exists, where the fourth generation stau is tachyonic. General gauge mediation with its broader set of boundary conditions is better suited to accommodate the fourth generation.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Eco-innovation in enterprises as an instrument of the development of resource efficient and low emission economy

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    Artykuł podejmuje problematykę ekoinnowacji przedsiębiorstw w kontekście budowy zasobooszczędnej i niskoemisyjnej gospodarki. Ukazane zostały zależności pomiędzy projektowaniem i wdrażaniem innowacji środowiskowych, jako kluczowego instrumentu pozwalającego na unowocześnianie społeczeństw i gospodarek a pozytywnym wpływem na jakość środowiska naturalnego. Przedstawiony został również przegląd pojęć i założeń związanych z koncepcją zasobooszczędnej i niskoemisyjnej gospodarki w Unii Europejskiej, koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz definicji i typologii innowacji środowiskowych.The paper discusses the issue of eco-innovation in enterprises in the context of the development of resource efficient and low emission economy. The relationships between design and implementation of environmental innovations as key instruments contributing to modernization of societies and economies and positive impact on the quality of the natural environment are presented. Selected concepts and assumptions related to resource efficient and low emission economy in the European Union, the problem of sustainable development as well as definitions and typology of environmental innovations are reviewed

    TDR technique for estimating the intensity of effective non rainfall

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    The objective of this paper is to present a method for determining diurnal distribution of the intensity of effective non rainfall water flux. It was found that the application of TDR technique for the determination of diurnal dynamics of effective non rainfall water flux requires temperature correction of sensed volumetric moisture contents. Without temperature correction the error of estimated non rainfall water flux can be as much as 26%. In addition, the effect of temperature changes on the soil surface was determined in 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours periods. It was found that the intensity of effective non rainfall water flux was determined to the greatest extent by the rate of temperature drop during the period of 3 h preceding the non rainfall water flux determination. The agreement of non rainfall water flux calculated with the method proposed and that obtained by the collector was better for dew than for hoarfrost periods