58 research outputs found

    La Termogènesi als calorímetres per conducció: les transformacions sòlid-sòlid i les barreges líquides

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    Descrivim alguns mètodes d'obtenció de funcions de transferència associades a fenòmens reals i donem exemples de les termogènesis obtingudes en aquests casos. Els calorimètres amb molt bones característiques dinàmiques (θn∼3Hz) són molt adequats per a l'estudi de fenòmens transitoris. En aquest treball presenten en primer lloc resultats relatius a la transformació β → γ' de l'aliatge Cu- Zn-Al. La transformació presenta un caràcter molt discontinu, una dissipació energètica important, i una excel•lent correlació amb l'emissió acústica generada durant el procés de transformació que permet donar una valoració qualitativa de les possibilitats calorimètriques de l'anàlisi entàlpica diferencial. En segon lloc presentem una anàlisi de les entalpies d'excés en les barreges líquides. Aquest estudi és molt interessant a baixes concentracions. L'ús de sistemes d'injecció permet assolir fraccions molars de solut xs\gtrsim 0.01. L'obtenció d'una funció de transferència correcta del sistema calorimètric i l'ús d'algorismes deconvolutius eficaços permet reduir la fracció molar a xs\gtrsim 0.001.This paper presents several methods to obtain transfer functions associated with power dissipations in actual phenomena and a few examples of the approximate thermogenesis obtained. On the one hand, calorimeters with extremely good dynamic characteristics (θn∼3Hz) allow the study of structural transformations in solids. We present results concerning the martensitic transformation β → γ' of a Cu-Zn-Al alloy. They show the jerky character of the transformation very well correlated with acoustic emission patterns and an important energy 1iberation. This analysis gives an estimate of the posibilities of calorimetry within the field of Differential Enthalpic Analysis. On the other hand, an analysis of the properties of liquid mixtures at low concentrations is very interesting when carried out their excess enthalpies. Steady injection systems allow to reach solute molar fractions xs\gtrsim 0.01. We describe here the obtention of a correct transfer function. Now, the application of proper deconvolutive algorithms make it possible to work at so low concentrations as xs\gtrsim 0.001

    Proarrhythmic remodelling of the right ventricle in a porcine model of repaired tetralogy of Fallot

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    OBJECTIVE: The growing adult population with surgically corrected tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is at risk of arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. We sought to investigate the contribution of right ventricular (RV) structural and electrophysiological remodelling to arrhythmia generation in a preclinical animal model of repaired TOF (rTOF). METHODS AND RESULTS: Pigs mimicking rTOF underwent cardiac MRI functional characterisation and presented with pulmonary regurgitation, RV hypertrophy, dilatation and dysfunction compared with Sham-operated animals (Sham). Optical mapping of rTOF RV-perfused wedges revealed a significant prolongation of RV activation time with slower conduction velocities and regions of conduction slowing well beyond the surgical scar. A reduced protein expression and lateralisation of Connexin-43 were identified in rTOF RVs. A remodelling of extracellular matrix-related gene expression and an increase in collagen content that correlated with prolonged RV activation time were also found in these animals. RV action potential duration (APD) was prolonged in the epicardial anterior region at early and late repolarisation level, thus contributing to a greater APD heterogeneity and to altered transmural and anteroposterior APD gradients in rTOF RVs. APD remodelling involved changes in Kv4.3 and MiRP1 expression. Spontaneous arrhythmias were more frequent in rTOF wedges and more complex in the anterior than in the posterior RV. CONCLUSION: Significant remodelling of RV conduction and repolarisation properties was found in pigs with rTOF. This remodelling generates a proarrhythmic substrate likely to facilitate re-entries and to contribute to sudden cardiac death in patients with rTOF

    Partitioning clustering algorithms for protein sequence data sets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-sequencing projects are currently producing an enormous amount of new sequences and cause the rapid increasing of protein sequence databases. The unsupervised classification of these data into functional groups or families, clustering, has become one of the principal research objectives in structural and functional genomics. Computer programs to automatically and accurately classify sequences into families become a necessity. A significant number of methods have addressed the clustering of protein sequences and most of them can be categorized in three major groups: hierarchical, graph-based and partitioning methods. Among the various sequence clustering methods in literature, hierarchical and graph-based approaches have been widely used. Although partitioning clustering techniques are extremely used in other fields, few applications have been found in the field of protein sequence clustering. It is not fully demonstrated if partitioning methods can be applied to protein sequence data and if these methods can be efficient compared to the published clustering methods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed four partitioning clustering approaches using Smith-Waterman local-alignment algorithm to determine pair-wise similarities of sequences. Four different sets of protein sequences were used as evaluation data sets for the proposed methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that these methods outperform several other published clustering methods in terms of correctly predicting a classifier and especially in terms of the correctness of the provided prediction. The software is available to academic users from the authors upon request.</p

    Addressing preference heterogeneity in public health policy by combining Cluster Analysis and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Proof of Method.

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    The use of subgroups based on biological-clinical and socio-demographic variables to deal with population heterogeneity is well-established in public policy. The use of subgroups based on preferences is rare, except when religion based, and controversial. If it were decided to treat subgroup preferences as valid determinants of public policy, a transparent analytical procedure is needed. In this proof of method study we show how public preferences could be incorporated into policy decisions in a way that respects both the multi-criterial nature of those decisions, and the heterogeneity of the population in relation to the importance assigned to relevant criteria. It involves combining Cluster Analysis (CA), to generate the subgroup sets of preferences, with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), to provide the policy framework into which the clustered preferences are entered. We employ three techniques of CA to demonstrate that not only do different techniques produce different clusters, but that choosing among techniques (as well as developing the MCDA structure) is an important task to be undertaken in implementing the approach outlined in any specific policy context. Data for the illustrative, not substantive, application are from a Randomized Controlled Trial of online decision aids for Australian men aged 40-69 years considering Prostate-specific Antigen testing for prostate cancer. We show that such analyses can provide policy-makers with insights into the criterion-specific needs of different subgroups. Implementing CA and MCDA in combination to assist in the development of policies on important health and community issues such as drug coverage, reimbursement, and screening programs, poses major challenges -conceptual, methodological, ethical-political, and practical - but most are exposed by the techniques, not created by them

    3D high resolution imaging of human heart for visualization of the cardiac structure

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    Imaging of cardiac structure is thus essential for understanding both electrical propagation and efficient contraction in human models. The processing pipeline of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and structure tensor imaging (STI) is described and the first ex vivo demonstration of this approach in a human heart is provided at 9.4T. A human heart was fixed in formaldehyde with gadolinium then immersed in Fomblin. MRI acquisitions were performed at 9.4T/30 cm with a 7 elements transmit/receive coil. 3D spin-echo DTI at 600 × 600 × 600 µm(3) and 3D FLASH echo image at 150 × 150 × 150 µm(3) were produced. Tensor extraction and analysis were performed on both volumes. 3D gradient echo at 150 × 150 × 150 (µ)m3 allows direct visualization of detailed structure of LV. Abrupt change in sheetlet orientation is observed in the LV and is confirmed with STI. The DTI helix angle has a smooth transmural change from endocardium to epicardium. Both the helix and transverse angles are shown to be similar between DTI and STI. The sheetlet organization between both acquisitions displays the same pattern even though local angle differences are demonstrated. In conclusion, these preliminary results are promising for investigating 3D structural characterization of normal/pathologic cardiac organization in human. It opens new perspectives to better understand the links between structural remodeling and electrical disorders of the heart

    Geospatial clustering in data-rich environments: Features and issues

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    Geospatial clustering must be designed in such a way that it takes into account the special features of geoinformation and the peculiar nature of geographical environments in order to successfully derive geospatially interesting global concentrations and localized excesses. This paper examines families of geospaital clustering recently proposed in the data mining community and identifies several features and issues especially important to geospatial clustering in data-rich environments