1 research outputs found
History of Shape Theory and its Application to General Topology
- Author
- A Chigogidze
- A cohomological Conley index for maps on metric spaces
- A Deleanu
- A Dranishnikov
- A Frei
- A Frei
- A Giraldo
- A Giraldo
- A Kadlof
- A Kolmogoroff
- A Komatu
- A remark on shape of continua
- A remark on the universal mappings of 1-dimensional continua
- A shape theory for closure algebras
- A simple proof that pointed FANR-spaces are regular fundamental re- tracts of ANR’s
- A Trybulec
- A Tychonoff
- A Winslow
- AG Kurosch
- Approximate fibrations and a movability condition for maps
- are homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube
- B Blackadar
- B Günther
- B Günther
- B Knaster
- BJ Ball
- BJ Ball
- BM Garay
- C Weber
- C. Conley
- C. Tezer
- C.H. Dowker
- Coherent categories with respect to monads and coherent prohomotopy theory
- Coherent prohomotopy and strong shape theory
- Comparison of the
- Concerning homotopy properties of compacta
- Continuous images of continua and 1-movability
- D.S. Coram
- DA Edwards
- DA Edwards
- DE Christie
- Decomposition of the
- DG Quillen
- DR Mcmillan Jr
- DS Kahn
- DS Kahn
- Duality in manifolds
- E Cuchillo-Ibanez
- E Tech
- EG Effros
- EL Lima
- Equivariant shape theory
- FW Bauer
- FW Cathey
- G Kozlowski
- GA Venema
- Generalized homology theories and chain complexes
- GW Henderson
- H Freudenthal
- H Hopf
- H Kato
- H Toda
- H Torunczyk
- H Whitney
- HM Hastings
- Homology groups of relations
- I Ivansic
- I Ivansic
- J Draper
- J Dydak
- J Dydak
- J Dydak
- J Kaminker
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Mioduszewski
- J Roe
- J Segal
- J Segal
- J Segal
- J.E. Keesling
- J.W. Robbin
- JB Quigley
- JE Keesling
- JF Adams
- JH Levan
- JL Kelley
- JL Macdonald
- JL Taylor
- JM Cordier
- JMR Sanjurjo
- JT Lisica
- JT Montgomery
- JT Rogers Jr
- JW Alexander
- K Borsuk
- K Kuperberg
- K Morita
- Kontinua zweiter Ordnung
- L Boxer
- L Vietoris
- L.J. Hernández-Paricio
- LC Siebenmann
- LEJ Brouwer
- LG Brown
- Local connectedness and pointed 1-movability
- LS Husch
- M Artin
- M Bestvina
- M Brown
- M C McCord
- M Dadarlat
- M Dâdârlat
- M Moszynska
- M Mrozek
- M Pavel
- M Wojdyslawski
- M. Bestvina
- MA Moron
- Manifolds with a boundary and their transformations
- MH Clapp
- MH Stone
- ML Mihalik
- NE Steenrod
- Neuaufbau der Endentheorie
- O Bratelli
- On a strong spectral shape theory (in Russian)
- On bicompact spaces
- On compact spaces
- On movable compacta
- On nearly extendable maps
- On shapes of topological spaces
- On some sequential strong Whitney-reversible properties
- On the concept of attractor
- On the Lefschetz-Hopf fixed point theorem for nearly extendable maps
- On the Lustemik-
- On the n-movability
- P Mrozik
- Proper shape theory
- PS Alexandroff
- Quasicompactifications and shape theory
- R Bowen
- R Geoghegan
- R.M. Vogt
- RC Lacher
- Resolutions of spaces are strong expansions
- RF Williams
- RH Fox
- RM Schori
- S Lefschetz
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesié
- S Nowak
- S Smale
- S Spiet
- S. Mazurkiewicz
- SA Antonian
- SA Bogatyi
- SA Bogatyi
- SB Nadler Jr
- Shape properties of Whitney maps for hyperspaces
- Shape theory for arbitrary C*-algebras
- Shapes of compacta and ANR-systems
- Shapes of complexes ends of manifolds, homotopy limits and the Wall obstruction
- Simpliziale Approximationen in der allgemeinen Topologie
- Stability of the fixed point property and universal maps
- T Miyata
- T Miyata
- T Porter
- T Waiewski
- T Yagasaki
- T. Watanabe
- TA Chapman
- tech cohomology and covering dimension for topological spaces
- tech theory
- The tech cohomology of movable and n -movable spaces
- Une définition des nombres de Betti pour un ensemble fermé quel- conque
- Universal mappings and fixed point theorems
- Untersuchungen über Gestalt und Lage abgeschlossener Mengen beliebiger Dimension
- VF Laguna
- VL Klee
- W Holsztynski
- Whitney-reversible properties
- Y Kodama
- Y Kodama
- Y. Kodama
- YT Lisitsa
- Z Miminoshvili
- Z Terin
- Z.T. terin
- Über den höheren Zusammenhang kompakter Räume und eine Klasse von zusammenhangstreuen Abbildungen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study