14 research outputs found
Optical properties of a liquid-crystal cell subjected to a binary action of periodic shear and compression
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A beleza abre portas: Beauty and the racialised body among black middle-class women in Salvador, Brazil
- Author
- Banks Ingrid
- Bordo Susan
- Butler Kim D.
- Casanova Erynn Masi de
- Colebrook Claire
- De Azevedo Thales
- Degler Carl N.
- Dos Santos Jocélio Teles
- DuBois William Edward Burghardt
- DuBois William Edward Burghardt
- Freyre Gilberto
- Gomes Nilma Lino
- Hanchard Michael G.
- Hutchinson Harry W.
- Kymlicka Will
- Lima Márcia
- McRobbie Angela
- Nogueira Oracy
- Pattillo-McCoy Mary
- Pinho Patricia
- Reichmann Rebecca
- Schwarcz Lilia Moritz
- Sheriff Robin E.
- Skidmore Thomas E.
- Twine France W.
- Wade Peter
- Wolf Naomi
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Optical properties of a nematic liquid crystal under the binary effect of periodic shear and compression
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Toward a Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the Black Business Elite
- Author
- Anderson James D.
- Brimmer Andrew F.
- Butler John Sibley
- Douglas S. Massey
- Drake Saint Clair
- DuBois W. E. Burghardt
- Foley Eugene P.
- Frazier E. Franklin
- Frazier E. Franklin
- Ingham John N.
- Ingham John N.
- Johnson Charles S.
- Kinzer Robert H.
- Meier August
- Ofari Earl
- Roebuck Julian B.
- Stuart Merah S.
- Thompson Daniel C.
- Waldinger Roger
- Walker Juliet E. K.
- Publication venue
- 'University of California Press'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Constructing Labor Markets
- Author
- Baron James N.
- Becker Gary S.
- Berlin Ira
- Branch Enobong H.
- Breeden James O.
- Brinton Mary C.
- Charles Maria
- Cimbala Paul A.
- Collins Randall
- Denzin Norman K.
- DuBois W. E. Burghardt
- Farmer Mary J.
- Fogel Robert W.
- Fogel Robert W.
- Fogel Robert W.
- Fogel Robert W.
- Fogel Robert W.
- Fogel Robert W.
- Freedmen’s Bureau
- Freedmen’s Bureau
- Freedmen’s Bureau
- Genovese Eugene D.
- Glen Tyre
- Goldberg Chad Allen
- Guo Shenyang
- Hahn Steven
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- Johnson Walter
- Kirk Edward N.
- Maloney Thomas N.
- Marx Karl
- Massey Douglas S.
- Murphy Sarah
- Phelps Edmund S.
- Polanyi Karl
- Reid Richard
- Robinson Charles F.
- Rodrigue John C.
- Rosenbaum Paul R.
- Ruggles Steven
- Sutch Richard
- Tadman Michael
- Tilly Chris
- Wade Richard C.
- Weber Max
- Weber Max
- Wood Gordon S.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Andreasen Niels-Erik.
- Antonovsky Aaron.
- Arkin Arthur M.
- Ashbrook James
- Ashbrook James
- Ashbrook James
- Ashbrook James B.
- Ashbrook James B.
- Ashbrook James B.
- Barclay Craig R.
- Barrett William.
- Barsalou Lawrence W.
- Bergland Richard.
- Black Ira B.
- Brown F.
- Browning Don S.
- Burhoe Ralph Wendell
- Churchland Patricia Smith.
- Dement William D.
- Dourley John P.
- Drucker-Colin
- DuBois W. E. Burghardt.
- Eccles John C.
- Eliade
- Ellman S. J.
- Erikson E.
- Fiss Harry.
- Fox
- Gazzaniga Michael S.
- Gendilin Eugene T.
- Gendilin Eugene T.
- Gillett Grant R.
- Gold Paul E.
- Harrington Anne.
- Hauri peter.
- Hillman James.
- Hobson J. Allan.
- Jacobs Louis.
- James B. Ashbrook
- Jonathan Winson
- Jouvet Michel
- Jung C. G.
- Klein R.
- Kolb
- Loftus Elizabeth F.
- Lynch
- May Rollo.
- McCarley Robert W.
- Morgan James.
- Morgenstern J.
- Neisser Ulric.
- Oates Whitney J.
- Olton D. S.
- Ornstein Robert E.
- Pasteur Alfred B.
- Roffwarg Howard
- Rolston Holmes
- Rossi Ernest Lawrence.
- Rumelhart David E.
- Schwarz David G.
- Scoville W. B.Milner.
- Sherrill Lewis J.
- Spear Norman E.
- Spence D. P.
- Sperry Roger W.
- Squire
- Squire L. R.
- Squire L. R.
- Tillich Paul.
- Tillich Paul.
- Vanderwolf C. h.
- Vogel Gerald W.
- Weingartner
- Winograd Eugene.
- Winson Jonathan.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Oxytocin evokes a pulsatile PGE2 release from ileum mucosa and is required for repair of intestinal epithelium after injury
- Author
- A Paliege
- BF McAdam
- C Crosnier
- C Elabd
- C Elabd
- CC Lin
- CJ Hawkey
- CR Kleiveland
- CS Carter
- CS Williams
- D Jin
- DR Halm
- E Wouters
- G Gimpl
- GC Graf
- HJ Monstein
- HR Withers
- J Petersson
- JB Wakerley
- K Morimoto
- K Takeuchi
- K Yasojima
- L Eckmann
- LT Olsen Hult
- M Field
- M Kosfeld
- M Nakajima
- M Zonta
- MA Unmack
- MG Welch
- MG Welch
- NL Sala
- NL Sala
- Q Yu
- R Barhoumi
- RC Burghardt
- RJ Helliwell
- RN Dubois
- SM Cohn
- T Riehl
- T Sato
- TA Hinterleitner
- TE North
- W Goessling
- WK MacNaughton
- WR Hanson
- WR Hanson
- Y Aoyagi
- Y Satoh
- YS Kim
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Annie Marion MacLean, Feminist Pragmatist and Methodologist
- Author
- American Economic Association.
- American Sociological Society.
- Deegan Mary Jo
- Deegan Mary Jo
- Deegan Mary Jo
- Deegan Mary Jo
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- Deegan Mary Jo.
- DuBois W. E. Burghardt.
- Eaton Isabel.
- Feagin Joe R.
- Henrotin Mrs. Charles.
- Hill Michael R.
- Hill Michael R.
- Hill Michael R.
- Hill Michael R.
- Hill Michael R.
- MacLean Annie Marion.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Martineau Harriet.
- Mary Jo Deegan
- Michael R. Hill
- National Consumers’ League.
- Reinharz Shulamit.
- Residents of Hull-House.
- Susan L. Wortmann
- Talbot Marion
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study