35 research outputs found

    Different responses of soil element contents and their stoichiometry (C: N: P) to different grazing intensity on the Tibetan Plateau shrublands

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    Potentilla fruticosa, a major alpine shrubland type, is widely distributed across the Tibetan Plateau, and grazing is the most common disturbance in the shrublands of P. fruticosa. However, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total nitrogen (STN), soil total phosphorus (STP), and their stoichiometry under different grazing intensities were unclear. In our study, we explored SOC, STN, STP, their stoichiometry, and their controlling factors in the grazing disturbance of heavy grazing (HG), moderate grazing (MG), light grazing (LG), and no grazing (NG) conditions in the Tibetan Plateau P. fruticosa shrublands. The grazing intensities were mainly assessed by considering the shrublands’ ground cover, the indicators of the road density, the distance between sampling sites and cowshed or sheep shed, the amounts of cow and sheep dung, and vegetation that had been gnawed and stampeded. Our results indicated that soil physical properties of soil temperature and bulk density have decreasing trends with decreasing grazing intensities from HG to NG. The SOC, STN, STP, and soil C:N and C:P ratios have increasing trends with decreasing grazing intensities from HG to NG, while the changes in soil N:P ratio were relatively stable along grazing intensities. Our results indicated that HG generally had stronger effects on SOC, STN, and soil C:N and C:P ratios than NG, indicating substantial effects of grazing disturbance on biogeochemical cycles of SOC and STN in the shrubland ecosystems. Therefore, for the alpine shrubland of P. fruticosa, the HG should be avoided for sustainable cycling of soil nutrients and the balance of soil nutrient stoichiometry. The grazing types can directly affect plant conditions, and plant conditions can directly affect soil physical and chemical properties and litter standing crops. Finally, soil physicochemical properties and litter standing crop resulting from different grazing intensities directly control SOC, STN, and STP. For the soil stoichiometry, the soil’s physical and chemical properties resulting from different grazing intensities have direct impacts on soil C:P and N:P ratios

    Soil Moisture but Not Warming Dominates Nitrous Oxide Emissions During Freeze–Thaw Cycles in a Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau Alpine Meadow With Discontinuous Permafrost

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    Large quantities of organic matter are stored in frozen soils (permafrost) within the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). The most of QTP regions in particular have experienced significant warming and wetting over the past 50 years, and this warming trend is projected to intensify in the future. Such climate change will likely alter the soil freeze–thaw pattern in permafrost active layer and toward significant greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) release. However, the interaction effect of warming and altered soil moisture on N2O emission during freezing and thawing is unclear. Here, we used simulation experiments to test how changes in N2O flux relate to different thawing temperatures (T5–5°C, T10–10°C, and T20–20°C) and soil volumetric water contents (VWCs, W15–15%, W30–30%, and W45–45%) under 165 F–T cycles in topsoil (0–20 cm) of an alpine meadow with discontinuous permafrost in the QTP. First, in contrast to the prevailing view, soil moisture but not thawing temperature dominated the large N2O pulses during F–T events. The maximum emissions, 1,123.16–5,849.54 μg m–2 h–1, appeared in the range of soil VWC from 17% to 38%. However, the mean N2O fluxes had no significant difference between different thawing temperatures when soil was dry or waterlogged. Second, in medium soil moisture, low thawing temperature is more able to promote soil N2O emission than high temperature. For example, the peak value (5,849.54 μg m–2 h–1) and cumulative emissions (366.6 mg m–2) of W30T5 treatment were five times and two to four times higher than W30T10 and W30T20, respectively. Third, during long-term freeze–thaw cycles, the patterns of cumulative N2O emissions were related to soil moisture. treatments; on the contrary, the cumulative emissions of W45 treatments slowly increased until more than 80 cycles. Finally, long-term freeze–thaw cycles could improve nitrogen availability, prolong N2O release time, and increase N2O cumulative emission in permafrost active layer. Particularly, the high emission was concentrated in the first 27 and 48 cycles in W15 and W30, respectively. Overall, our study highlighted that large emissions of N2O in F–T events tend to occur in medium moisture soil at lower thawing temperature; the increased number of F–T cycles may enhance N2O emission and nitrogen mineralization in permafrost active layer

    Modeling the effect of grazing on carbon and water use efficiencies in grasslands on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau

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    Abstract Background Carbon and water use efficiencies (CUE and WUE, respectively) are vital indicators of the adaptability of plants to environmental conditions. However, the effects of grazing and climate change on the spatiotemporal changes in CUE and WUE in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau grasslands (QTPG) are still unclear. Results Using the enhanced Biome-BGCMuSo model in combination with observed data, we estimated and analyzed the spatiotemporal variations in CUE and WUE and their responses to grazing in QTPG from 1979 to 2018. The mean annual CUE was 0.7066 in QTPG from 1979 to 2018 under the actual climate scenario. In general, the grassland CUE was low in the southeast and high in the northwest. Grazing generally decreased CUE in QTPG from 1979 to 2018, and there was an increasing trend in the difference in CUE between the grazing and nongrazing scenarios. The difference in CUE was generally greater in the northwest than in the southeast. The mean annual WUE was 0.5591 g C/kg H2O in QTPG from 1979 to 2018 under the actual climate scenario. After 2000, the grassland WUE exhibited a fluctuating upward trend. In general, the grassland WUE was greater in the southeast than in the northwest. Grazing generally decreased WUE in QTPG from 1979 to 2018, and there was an increasing trend in the difference in WUE between the grazing and nongrazing scenarios. The difference in WUE was generally greater in the northwest than in the southeast. Conclusions The findings of this study suggested that the spatiotemporal changes in CUE and WUE in QTPG were closely related to changes in the natural environment and grazing management

    Effects of Heavy Degradation on Alpine Meadows: Soil N2O Emission Rates and Meta-Analysis in the Tibetan Plateau

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    Heavy grassland degradation is evident across the Tibetan Plateau. However, atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) emission rates and their underlying driving mechanisms in the southeast regions and across the Tibetan Plateau remain unclear. We analyzed the N2O emission rates of heavily degraded and undegraded alpine meadow soil incubation using gas chromatography in three river sources and meta-analysis methods across the Tibetan Plateau. The N2O emission rates of the heavily degraded and control meadows were respectively 4.29 ± 0.64 and 3.27 ± 0.53 g kg−1 h−1 in the southeast Tibetan Plateau (p < 0.01), indicating an increase of 31.16% on the N2O flux of heavy degradation. Heavy degradation increased N2O emission rates by 0.55 ± 0.14 (95% confidence interval: 0.27–0.83) through meta-analysis. High degradation increased by approximately 71.6% compared with that of the control. The water-filled pore space (WFPS) significantly influenced the N2O emission rate based on the moderator test (p < 0.05). The mixed-effect model results revealed that WFPS, soil nitrate, and bulk soil could explain 59.90%, 16.56%, and 15.19% of the variation in the N2O emission rates between the control and heavily degraded meadows, respectively. In addition, the N2O emission rates of heavily degraded meadows can be reduced by increasing WFPS and bulk density, and by reducing the soil nitrate content

    Grazing disturbance significantly decreased soil organic carbon contents of alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau

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    Ecological security barriers on the Tibetan Plateau are threatened by climate change and human activities, such as grassland degradation and reduction of carbon fixation capacity. Understanding the influence of grazing on soil organic carbon (SOC) content and its regulating factors is important for improving the ecological barrier function of alpine grasslands. In this meta-analysis, we analysed the effects of grazing on SOC. The results indicate that grazing disturbance significantly reduced the SOC content by 13.93%, with an effect size of −0.15 ± 0.04 (p < 0.001). The effect of light grazing was not significant. The reduction range gradually increased with increasing grazing intensity. The effect of grazing activity on SOC content was driven mainly by pH and total nitrogen through a structural equation model. Future nitrogen deposition scenarios would significantly increase alpine meadow SOC on the Tibetan Plateau

    Methane emissions by alpine plant communities in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau

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    For the first time to our knowledge, we report here methane emissions by plant communities in alpine ecosystems in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. This has been achieved through long-term field observations from June 2003 to July 2006 using a closed chamber technique. Strong methane emission at the rate of 26.2±1.2 and 7.8±1.1 μg CH4 m−2 h−1 was observed for a grass community in a Kobresia humilis meadow and a Potentilla fruticosa meadow, respectively. A shrub community in the Potentilla meadow consumed atmospheric methane at the rate of 5.8±1.3 μg CH4 m−2 h−1 on a regional basis; plants from alpine meadows contribute at least 0.13 Tg CH4 yr−1 in the Tibetan Plateau. This finding has important implications with regard to the regional methane budget and species-level difference should be considered when assessing methane emissions by plants

    Light Grazing Significantly Reduces Soil Water Storage in Alpine Grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

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    The degradation of alpine grasslands directly affects their ability to conserve water, but changes in soil water storage in grassland under different degrees of degradation are poorly understood. Here, we selected four grassland plots along a degradation gradient: no-degradation grassland (NG), lightly degraded grassland (LG), moderately degraded grassland (MG) and severely degraded grassland (SG). We then applied an automatic soil moisture monitoring system to study changes in soil water storage processes. Results revealed significant (p < 0.05) differences in soil water storage among NG, LG, MG and SG. Specifically, LG lost 35.9 mm of soil water storage compared with NG, while soil water storage in LG, MG and SG decreased by 24.5%, 32.1% and 36.7%, respectively. The shallow groundwater table, air temperature and grass litter were the key controlling factors of soil water storage in the grassland. Grazing and future global warming will significantly reduce soil water storage in alpine grasslands

    Response of Soil Water Storage to Meteorological Factors in Alpine Shrub Meadow on Northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau

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    The Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) has an important function in ensuring the water ecological security of China, even Asia, and the soil water storage of alpine grassland is an important part of the ecosystem water. Grassland degradation directly affects the soil water storage capacity. However, the impact of degradation on specific soil storage capacity, especially alpine shrubs, is rarely studied. Here, we chose two plots of alpine non-degraded shrub and degraded shrub, using the automatic soil moisture monitoring system to study the change process of soil moisture storage, and then adopted the boosted regression tree (BRT) model to quantitatively evaluate the relative influence of environmental variables on soil water storage. Our results show: (1) The soil water storage in the growing season (May–September) is higher than that in the non-growing season (January–April and October–December), and the soil water storage reaches its highest in mid-July. (2) During the growing season, the 100 cm soil temperature was the most important factor affecting the seasonal variation in soil water storage, accounting for 51% of the total variation. During the non-growing season, the 40 cm soil temperature was the most important factor affecting the variation in soil water storage, accounting for 80% of the total variation. (3) The soil water storage of non-degraded Potentilla fruticosa shrub meadow increased by 6–25%, compared with degraded grassland shrub meadow during growing-season. (4) Various meteorological factors have a weak impact on soil water storage

    Variability and Changes in Climate, Phenology, and Gross Primary Production of an Alpine Wetland Ecosystem

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    Quantifying the variability and changes in phenology and gross primary production (GPP) of alpine wetlands in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau under climate change is essential for assessing carbon (C) balance dynamics at regional and global scales. In this study, in situ eddy covariance (EC) flux tower observations and remote sensing data were integrated with a modified, satellite-based vegetation photosynthesis model (VPM) to investigate the variability in climate change, phenology, and GPP of an alpine wetland ecosystem, located in Zoige, southwestern China. Two-year EC data and remote sensing vegetation indices showed that warmer temperatures corresponded to an earlier start date of the growing season, increased GPP, and ecosystem respiration, and hence increased the C sink strength of the alpine wetlands. Twelve-year long-term simulations (2000–2011) showed that: (1) there were significantly increasing trends for the mean annual enhanced vegetation index (EVI), land surface water index (LSWI), and growing season GPP (R2 ≥ 0.59, p < 0.01) at rates of 0.002, 0.11 year−1 and 16.32 g·C·m−2·year−1, respectively, which was in line with the observed warming trend (R2 = 0.54, p = 0.006); (2) the start and end of the vegetation growing season (SOS and EOS) experienced a continuous advancing trend at a rate of 1.61 days·year−1 and a delaying trend at a rate of 1.57 days·year−1 from 2000 to 2011 (p ≤ 0.04), respectively; and (3) with increasing temperature, the advanced SOS and delayed EOS prolonged the wetland’s phenological and photosynthetically active period and, thereby, increased wetland productivity by about 3.7–4.2 g·C·m−2·year−1 per day. Furthermore, our results indicated that warming and the extension of the growing season had positive effects on carbon uptake in this alpine wetland ecosystem