3 research outputs found

    Vaskularizacija bubrega kod tekunice (Citellus citellus) u poređenju sa drugim eksperimentalnim životinjama

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    Ground squirrel is the only representative of its genus in our country. As experimental animal is used in microbiology, parasitology, immunology and pharmacology. The aim of this study was to examine a part of ground squirrel cardiovascular system and thus help better understanding of anatomy of the body of this specific animal as well as to contribute to comparative anatomy. The studies were perfomed on six ground squirrels, both sexes, weight between 200- 300 g. In order to obtain the arterial vascularization of the kidney, contrast mass gelatin stained with painting tempera was injected into the abdominal aorta after bleeding out. After the injection, blood vessels were prepared and photographed. Corosive preparations of the vein blood vessels of the kidneys were obtained by injection of Byocril into the right azygos vein after bleeding out. After injection, the preparations were placed into 5% NaOH for 96 hours or 10% NaOH for 48 hours. After that the preparations were rinsed with hot water and photographed. A. renalis dextra arises from the lateral wall of the abdominal aorta, 3-4 mm caudal to A. mesenterica cranialis. In most cases, this vessel divides into two or three branches before entering the hilus of the right kidney. A. renalis sinistra arises from the lateral wall of the abdominal aorta, 7-9 mm caudal to the right renal artery. Often, instead of one left renal artery, there are two, rarely three. Based on the results of our study, we concluded that in ground squirrel there is one A. renalis dextra and often two, rarely three Aa. renales sinistrae. In renal venous vascularization, both right and left renal vein are involved. Before entering the kidney, both of them divide into cranial and caudal branch, undergoing renal hilus, enter the renal sinus and continues to branch out into smaller branches.U oblasti eksperimentalne, humane i veterinarske medicine sve se više pridaje značaj eksperimentalnim životinjama. Na njima se mogu pratiti funkcije određenih sistema i njihove farmakodinamske manifestacije, koje nastaju zavisno od vrste, načina unošenja i metaboličkih puteva pojedinih supstanci ili bioloških agenasa u organizam ove životinje. Sa stepenom razvoja nauke, poznavanje građe tela tekunice (Citellus citellus) u cilju eksperimentalnih ispitivanja podrazumeva poznavanje makroskopske i mikroskopske građe kao i odnosa pojedinih organa i organskih sistema životinje za određene vidove istraživačke delatnosti. Za pomenuta istraživanja, pored ostalog, značajno je i poznavanje vaskularizacije bubrega. To je bio jedan od glavnih razloga da obradimo deo kardiovaskularnog sistema kod tekunice i boljim poznavanjem njene građe damo doprinos komparativnoj anatomiji

    Corrosion coupon testing of commercial inhibitor in simulated cooling water

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    In maintaining cooling systems, one of the biggest challenges is to control the corrosion process. Various corrosion inhibitors are often used for this purpose. Which type of corrosion inhibitor will be chosen depends on the material from which the plant has made. The main causes of corrosion in these systems are: pH, dissolved gas, ammonia, temperature and microbiology. In this paper it was studied the efficiency of two multicomponent commercial corrosion inhibitors based on phosphates and one of which containing zinc chloride. For the purposes of research, the pilot plant of open recirculation cooling system is constructed and made of stainless steel (EN 1.4301) and copper (EN 13601). Experiments were performed in a simulated cooling water witch recirculated for 3.5h. For the purpose of accelerating corrosion processes, it was added a corrosion activator (5% NaCl). It was monitored the corrosion rate of the mentioned materials in the cooling water with the corrosion activator, with and without inhibitor. Corrosion rate is determined by using corrosion coupons according standard ASTM D2688 and by analyzing physical-chemical parameters of cooling water. The results showed it was achieved higher protection efficiency for copper and stainless steel by using an inhibitor containing zinc chloride in addition to phosphate

    V. iliaca interna kod tekunice (Citellus citellus)

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    Tekunica je jedini predstavnik svoga roda kod nas. Kao ekperimentalna životinja koristi se u mikrobiologiji, parazitologiji, farmakologiji i imunologiji. Cilj rada je bio da obradimo deo kardiovaskularnog sistema kod tekunice i na taj način doprinesemo boljem poznavanju građe tela ove životinje i damo doprinos komparativnoj anatomiji. Ispitivanja su izvršena na 6 tekunica, oba pola, telesne mase 200-300 grama. Posle iskrvarenja životinja u V. azygos dextra ubrizgana je kontrastna masa, želatin-tuš. Injicirani krvni sudovi zadnjih ekstremiteta su prosvetljavani metodom po Spalteholz-u za vizuelizaciju krvnih sudova u ekstremitetima eksperimentalnih životinja. Analiza preparata je vršena pod stereo mikroskopom. Završne grane kaudalne šuplje vene (V. cava caudalis) su V. iliaca communis dextra et sinistra. Svaka od njih se deli na dve grane: V. iliaca externa i V. iliaca interna. V. iliaca interna je druga završna grana od V. iliaca communis dextra et sinistra. U toku pružanja od V. iliaca interna se odvajaju: V. circumflexa femoris lateralis, V. glutea cranialis i V. glutea caudalis. Pošto se od V. iliaca interna odvoji V. glutea caudalis, ona se nastavlja u V. pudenda interna. Na osnovu našeg ispitivanja došli smo do zaključka da kod muških životinja V. pudenda interna prelazi u V. dorsalis penis caudalis a kod ženskih životinja u luku povija prema vagini.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj