28 research outputs found

    Dinamika leta muhe masline Bactrocera oleae Gmel. (Diptera, Tephritidae) na području Bara

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    Bactrocera oleae is the most importanat olive pest in Montenegro. The infestation is located only on the fruit and results in significant damage and for this reason, induces the neccessity for its control. Various control methods and applications of chemical substances are directed towards suppression of adults and have preventive character, therefore monitoring of abundance and flight dynamics is of high importance. Trials were set in olive plantation of Centre for subtropical cultures in Bar, on native variety Žutica, in three years period (the year of 2005, 2006 and 2007). Flight dynamics was monitored by chromotropic and pheromone traps of Dacotrap type, during the period from July to the end of October in all years of monitoring. Traps were monitored once a week and the flight dynamics of fly is showen through the average abundance of females and males on chromotropic and pheromone traps. In the region of Bar, which is the biggest olive area in Montenegro seaside, olive fly developes several generations during one year. Generations interleave with each other and therefore the fly is present in plantations, with different appearance intensity, from begining of July untill the middle of December, and in some years the flight lasts even longer, so the presence of adults is also detected in January. The maximum abundance, reffering to the most intensive flight is during September and October. Chromotropic traps hold out a more precise evaluation of population abundance present in the plantation, while pheromone traps are very important in infestation forecast and appropriate treatment timing determination.Bactrocera oleae je najznačajniji Å”tetnik masline u Crnoj Gori. Napada isključivo plod i pričinjava značajne Å”tete, zbog čega se nameće potreba njenog suzbijanja. Različite metode suzbijanja i upotreba kemijskih sredstava usmjereni su na suzbijanje imaga i imaju preventivni karakter, te je praćenje brojnosti i dinamike leta od izuzetnog značaja. Istraživanja su izvedena u zasadu masline Centra za suptropske kulture u Baru, na autohtonoj sorti žutica, u trogodiÅ”njem periodu (2004, 2005 i 2006. godine). Dinamika leta muhe masline praćena je pomoću hromotropskih i feromonskih lovki tipa Dacotrap, u periodu od srpnja do kraja listopada u svim godinama posmatranja. Pregled lovki vrÅ”en je jednom tjedno, a dinamika leta muhe izražena je preko prosječnog broja ženki i mužjaka na hromotropskim i feromonskim lovkama. Na području Bara, koje je i najveće maslinarsko područje na crnogorskom primorju, muha masline razvije viÅ”e generacija u tijekom godine. Generacije se međusobno preklapaju pa je muha u zasadima, sa različitim intenzitetom pojave, prisutna od početka srpnja do polovice prosinca, a pojedinih godina let traje i duže, pa se prisustvo imaga detektuje i u siječnju. Najveća brojnost, odnosno najintenzivniji let je tokom rujna i listopada. Hromotropske lovke nude precizniju procjenu brojnosti populacije prisutne u zasadu, dok su feromonske lovke veoma značajne za prognozu infestacije i određivanje pravog momenta za tretiranje

    Monitoring of colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) sensitivity to insecticides

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    Sensitivity of two field populations of Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say.) - CPB (Vilovo and Čurug) adults to insecticides were determined in 2008 and 2012. Bioassay was performed using screening test that allows rapid assessment of sensitivity of over wintered adults to insecticides. Sensitivity to four insecticides commonly used for CPB control in Serbia (chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, thiamethoxam and fipronil) was assessed. Insecticides were applied at label rates, and two, five and 10 fold higher rates by soaking method. Insect mortality was assessed after 72 h. Sensitivity was assessed using a modified IRAC method (2009) and 1-5 scale. In 2008, both tested CPB populations were resistant to chlorpyrifos label rate, as well as in 2012. Both tested populations were also resistant to cypermethrin in 2008, while in 2012, population from Vilovo was resistant, and population from Čurug was moderately resistant. Significant differences in CPB sensitivity to thiamethoxam between populations tested in 2008 and 2012 were recorded

    Surface tension and suspensibility of spray liquids of fungicides, insecticides and non-pesticide substances depending on water quality

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    The aim of this work was to determine the surface tension and suspensibility of spray liquids of fungicides (Quadris and Dithane M-70), insecticides (Actara WG-25 and Cipkord EC-20) and two and/or three component mixtures with non-pesticide substances (complex fertilizer - Mortonjic plus and - aduvant - Sillwet L-77), depending on water quality. For this work the following waters were used: well water from Becej (slightly alkaline, slightly soft), well water from Adice (slightly alkaline, very hard), tap water from Novi Sad (neutral, slightly hard) and surface water from Sava and Karas rivers (slightly alkaline, slightly hard). Surface tension of fungicide and insecticide spray liquids and their mixtures in mentioned waters was determined using tensiometer and suspensibility according to a standard method (CIPAC MT 15). The surface tension of all tested waters was high. However, the reduction of surface tension by 50% (or more in water from Sava river) compared to the control waters, was achieved by adding the aduvant (Sillwet L-77) and insecticide formulated as emulsifiable concentrate (Cipkord EC-20). Surface tension was slightly decreased in a single component spray liquids of fungicides and the complex fertilizer, as well as in mixtures that did not contain aduvant and/or Cipkord EC-20, regardless on water quality. Suspensibility of all spray liquids, regardless on tested water was above the lower limit (60%). In general, the suspensibility in case of all mixtures containing Dithane M-70 was reduced compared to Dithane M-70 spray liquid, in all tested waters. The most pronounced decrease in suspensibility, below 70%, was registered in the case of spray liquids with tap water, compared to others (99.8%)

    Preliminarna ispitivanja efekta bioloŔkih i sintetičkih insekticida na larve velikog kupusara (Pieris brassicae L.)

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    Control of cabbage pests is oriented towards the use of efficient but high-risk insecticides, some of them being endocrine disruptors. Biopesticides are more environment-friendly, operator-and consumers-safe, but they have low initial toxicity, low efficacy to advanced larval stages, and they require certain knowledge of pest and host biology. In our laboratory experiments we have investigated the effects of formulated synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin (0.3 l/ha) and biological products - formulations based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (2 and 3/ha) and Spinosad (0.1 l/ha) - on large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae L.) larvae-instars 2, 3, 4 and 5. The effect of insecticides was inversely proportional to larval instars. Btk effect could be improved if tank-mixed with cypermethrin. The mixing of ready-made products allows a reduction 3 and 6 times compared with the recommended dose, still obtaining satisfactory results. Rate of leaf damage was reduced when tank mixtures were used. Use of two products in mixture would be of significance especially for control of advanced late instars late in season, when Btk action alone is insufficient. Spinosad was effective in inducing mortality and reducing leaf damage by all larval instars, therefore we assume that the dose could be reduced. Feeding rate and mortality are equally important parameters when assessing biopesticide efficacy. This strategy should also reduce the possibility of inducing resistance in pest population. It also tends to reduce the residues in commodities and is good solution in production of hygienic and health safe food.Suzbijanje Å”tetočina kupusa orijentisano je na primenu efikasnih ali visoko rizičnih insekticida od kojih su neki i endokrini disruptori. Biopesticidi su manje opasni za životnu sredinu, bezbedniji za operatera i konzumente, ali niže inicijalne toksičnosti i niske efikasnosti na gusenice u kasnim uzrastima i zahtevaju znanje o biologiji Å”tetočine i domaćina. U naÅ”im laboratorijskim ispitivanjima uporedili smo efekat sintetskog piretroida cipermetrina (0,3 l/ha) i bioloÅ”kih preparata na bazi Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk) (2 i 3 l/ha) i preparata na bazi spinosada (0,1 l/ha) na gusenice velikog kupusara Pieris brassicae L. u 2, 3, 4. i 5. uzrastu. Efekat preparata je bio obrnuto proporcionalan uzrastu gusenica. Efekat Btk preparata može biti poboljÅ”an meÅ”anjem s preparatom na bazi cipermetrina u smanjenoj količini 3 i 6 puta u odnosu na preporučenu, a da se pritom postignu zadovoljavajući rezultati. MeÅ”anje sintetskog piretroida i bioloÅ”kog preparata je naročito važno u kasnim uzrasnim razvojnim fazama kada je dejstvo Btk nedovoljno. BioloÅ”ki preparat na bazi spinpsada je bio vrlo efikasan za larve svih uzrasta, te je pretpostavka da se količina primene može i smanjiti. Primena meÅ”avine intenzivira obustavu ishrane. Intenzitet ishrane i mortalitet su jednako važni parametri u proceni efikanosti biopesticida. Ovakva primena treba da spreči ranu pojavu rezistentnosti Å”tetočina u populaciji, da dovede do smanjenja rezidua u namirnicama i dobro je reÅ”enje u proizvodnji zdravstveno bezbedne hrane

    Comparative evaluation of insecticides in control of bothynoderes punctiventris germ. Under laboratory and field conditions

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    Beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ.) is the most damaging pest of sugar beet in south-eastern Europe, from seedling emergence and in the first phases of crop development. Efficacy of insecticides (active ingredients of chlorpyriphos + bifenthrin, chlorpyriphos + beta-cyfluthrin and chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin) for the control of beet weevil was tested during 2010 and 2011 under laboratory and field conditions. A wet filter paper method (contact action) was employed in laboratory tests. Simultaneously, field trials were conducted (Curug, Rimski Sancevi, Budisava, Kovilj) (contact and digestive action). The trial was designed according to EPPO method and insecticide efficacy was tested in accordance with the pest biology and phenophase of the crop. Insecticide efficacy was calculated using Abbot's formula, and damage of plants was assessed using 0-5 scale. Commercial insecticide Nurelle D (active ingredient of chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin) maintained high contact and digestive action on beet weevil, although it has been in use for 20 years. Commercial insecticide Pyrinex Super (active ingredient of chlorpyriphos + bifenthrin), although with reduced content of chlorpyriphos by 30% and of bifenthrin by 20%, achieved efficacy that was at the same level of significance with Nurelle-D, regardless of the experimental conditions (laboratory or field). Compared to Nurelle-D, the product MCW 784 (chlorpyriphos + beta-cyfluthrin) had significantly lower initial efficacy 3 h after application in laboratory trial, and also 24 h after application in field trial

    Razgradnja acetamiprida u plodovima treŔanja

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    Degradation of acetamiprid in sweet cherry samples was evaluated at several intervals from the product application until the end of the pre-harvest interval. An orchard of sweet cherries located at Stepanovićevo village near Novi Sad was used in this study. Acetamiprid was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendation for protecting sweet cherries from their most important pests. Sweet cherry fruit samples were collected at eight intervals: immediately after acetamiprid application and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 days after application. The extraction of acetamiprid from sweet cherry samples was performed using a QuEChERS-based method. Determination was carried out using an HPLC-UV diode array detection system (Agilent 1100, United States) with an Agilent Zorbax Eclipse C18 column (50 mm Ɨ 4.6 mm internal diameter, 1.8 Ī¼m particle size). The method was subjected to a thorough validation procedure. The recovery data were obtained by spiking blank sweet cherry samples at three concentration levels (0.1-0.3 mg/ kg), yielding 85.4% average recovery. Precision values expressed as relative standard deviation (RSD) were below 1.61% for the intraday precision. Acetamiprid showed linear calibrations from 0.05 to 2.5 Ī¼g/ml with correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.995%. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were found to be 5 Ī¼g/kg and 14 Ī¼g/kg, respectively. The validated method was applied in the analysis of acetamiprid in sweet cherry samples. During the study period, the concentration of acetamiprid decreased from 0.529 mg/kg to 0.111 mg/kg. The content of acetamiprid in sweet cherry samples at the end of the pre-harvest interval was below the maximum permissible level specified by the Serbian and EU MRLs.U cilju praćenja razgradnje acetamiprida u plodovima treÅ”anja u periodu od primene preparata do isteka karence, izvrÅ”en je tretman preparatom na bazi ove aktivne materije u preporučenoj dozi. Ogled je postavljen u zasadu srednje kasne sorte treÅ”nje na lokalitetu Stepanovićevo u okolini Novog Sada. Plodovi su uzorkovani osam puta - odmah nakon primene preparata, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 i 14 dana. Ekstrakcija acetamiprida iz treÅ”anja izvedena je QuEChERS metodom. Za određivanje acetamiprida koriŔćena je tečna hromatografija sa DAD detektorom (Agilent 1100, United States) i Agilent Zorbax Eclipse C18 kolonom (unutraÅ”nji prečnik 50 mm x 4.6 mm, veličina čestica 1.8 Ī¼m). Kao mobilna faza upotrebljeni su acetonitril i 1.5% rastvor CH3COOH (30/70), sa protokom 1 ml/min, temperaturom kolone 25 oC i injektovanom zapreminom 2,5 Ī¼l, dok je kao odgovarajuća talasna dužina usvojena vrednost od 254 nm. Validacija metode je u potpunosti sprovedena u skladu sa zahtevima standarda SANCO/12495/2011 (EU Commission Health and Consumer Protection Directorate- General, 2011). Prosečna vrednost prinosa ekstrakcije acetamiprida iz treÅ”anja proverena na tri nivoa obogaćenja (0.1-0.3 mg/kg) iznosila je 85.4%. Preciznost merenja razmotrena proverom ponovljivosti određivanja acetamiprida izražena je relativnom standardnom devijacijom (RSD) sa vrednoŔću manjom od 1.61%. U opsegu masenih koncentracija acetamiprida od 0,05 do 2,5 Ī¼g/ml postignuta je dobra linearnost odziva detektora sa koeficijentom varijacije od 0,995%. Limit detekcije i kvantifikacije za određivanje acetamiprida u treÅ”njama prikazanom metodom iznose 5 Ī¼g/kg i 14 Ī¼g/kg. Tokom ispitivanog perioda koncentracija acetamiprida u treÅ”njama se smanjivala od 0,592 mg/kg neposredno nakon primene insekticida do 0,111 mg/kg po isteku karence od 14 dana. Analizom je utvrđeno da je sadržaj acetamiprida u uzorcima plodova treÅ”nje nakon isteka perioda karence ispod maksimalno dozvoljene količine za ovu aktivnu materiju propisane Pravilnikom Republike Srbije (0,2 mg/kg) i Evropske Unije (1,5 mg/kg)

    Monitoring atrazina i njegovih metabolita u podzemnim vodama Republike Srbije

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    The intensive use of atrazine herbicides in the Republic of Serbia during recent decades has led to the accumulation of residues of atrazine and its metabolites in the environment, which endangers groundwater. With the objective to check the presence of atrazine and its metabolites deethylatrazine (DEA) and deisopropylatrazine (DIA) in the groundwater, the monitoring programme was carried out over the period from 2007 to 2009 in the localities where the atrazine-based herbicides were intensively applied for a number of years. Samples were taken from 327 localities, in total there were 1408 samples of groundwater of the first welling-up collected. The atrazine and its metabolites were extracted with methanol by means of ENVI-C18 (47mm) disc, and the residue level of the studied compounds was analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In the most of groundwater samples collected from agricultural regions, the average value of all tested analytes was above 0.1 Āµg/dm3. The highest values of atrazine and its metabolites were in the localities that are known for intensive maize production and in the areas of this region under orchards and vineyards, where atrazine was used in large quantities. The average content values of this active substance in the analyzed samples are the result of intensive and long-term usage of this group of herbicides, as well as the high level of groundwater in this region.Ekspanzija u primeni herbicida na bazi atrazina u Republici Srbiji poslednjih decenija dovela je do nagomilavanja ostataka atrazina i njegovih degradacionih produkata u životnoj sredini, čime su naročito ugrožene podzemne vode. Radi provere prisustva atrazina i njegovih metabolita deetil-atrazina (DEA) i deizopropil-atrazina (DIA) u podzemnim vodama sproveden je monitoring program u periodu 2007-2009. godine na područjima pod intenzivnom poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Podzemna voda prve izdani uzorkovana je na 327 lokaliteta, ukupno je prikupljeno 1408 uzoraka. Ekstrakcija analita iz vode izvedena je metanolom uz primenu C18-ENVI diska (47 mm), dok je nivo rezidua određen primenom gasne hromatografije sa masenim spektrometrom (GC/MS). Analizom je utvrđeno prisustvo atrazina, DEA i DIA iznad 0,1 |Āµg/dm3 u podzemnim vodama većine lokaliteta obuhvaćenih ispitivanjem. Najveće vrednosti ispitivanih analita utvrđene su na lokalitetima sa intenzivnom proizvodnjom kukuruza, kao i na povrÅ”inama pod voćnjacima i vinogradima, gde je atrazin primenjivan u velikim količinama

    Phytotoxic effects of fungicides, insecticides and nonpesticidal components on pepper depending on water quality

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    Modern agriculture relies on simultaneous application of fungicides, insecticides, fertilizers and adjuvants. The selection of compounds for tank-mixes has been rarely studied and it presents a risk in the application of pesticides but the quality of water should also be considered. The aim of this study was to assess the phytotoxic effects of several fungicides, insecticides, a complex fertilizer, an adjuvant and their mixtures on pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as a test plant, depending on water quality. The effects of the pesticides: azoxystrobin (Quadris, 0.75 l/ha), mancozeb (Dithane M-70, 2.5 kg/ha), thiamethoxam (Actara 25-WG, 0.07 kg/ha) and cypermethrin (Cipkord EC-20, 0.3 l/ha), a complex fertilizer (Mortonijc plus /hereinafter: M+/ 3kg/ha), an adjuvant (Sillwet 77-L, 0.1 l/ha) and their mixtures, were assessed depending on the quality of water (well water ā€“ slightly alkaline, very hard and with high nitrite content; tap water ā€“ neutral and slightly hard; surface water ā€“ alkaline, slightly hard and with high content of nitrite and ammonia) using a puncture method. The effects were assessed after seven days by measuring the diameter of chlorosis and/or necrosis around puncture sites, and were expressed in mm2. The significance of differences between treatments was analyzed using a one-way ANOVA (LSD 0.05 %). In the slightly alkaline and very hard well water, all spray liquids containing Dithane M-70 caused a significant increase in leaf chlorosis area (from 6.0 to 25.2 mm2), compared to the control and other treatments. In the neutral and slightly hard tap water, all spray liquids containing Dithane M-70 caused a significant increase in leaf chlorosis (5.3 to 7.9 mm2) compared to the control and the other spray liquids, although its phytotoxicity in that water was at a lower level than it was in well water. However, in the weakly alkaline and slightly hard surface water from the river Sava, Dithane Mā€“70, Dithane M-70 + Actara WG-25, Dithane M-70 + Sillwet L-77, and Dithane M-70 + Actara 25-WG + M+ showed a significant increase in phytotoxicity, compared to the control

    Biofungicides and Their Applicability in Modern Agricultural Practice

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    Agricultural production in developed countries undergoes various changes, some of which take place at consumersā€™ request, while others are of ethical importance. This is especially true of plant protection. A global demand for reducing the use of chemical pesticides, which are regarded as harmful to the consumer, induce the developement of new, less harmful and sustainable strategies of plant protection. Many chemical pesticides have been excluded from further use (e.g. organochlorine insecticides, methyl bromide) due totheir potential risk to human health, the environment and non-target organisms, or developement of resistance of harmful organisms to those substances. A need for developing alternative protection systems in the future is beyond doubt and they should be implementedeither as an addition or a substitute for conventional pesticides. Well-considered use of biological products in combination with other protection measures would meet the requirements for producing sanitary and health-safe agricultural products, and food in general. In the paper, we discuss the modes of action, formulation types and applicability of different biological fungicides, and list them individually with their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the production and application risks associated with biological products