51 research outputs found
Analiza vpliva parkljaste divjadi na pomlajevanje dinarskega jelovo-bukovega gozda na raziskovalni ploskvi Trnovec v Kočevskem gozdnogospodarskem območju
In the period 1970-2000, 152 fenced-in areas were built in the Kočevje Forest Management Region with an aim to protect tree seedlings and saplings from ungulatesć activity and to monitor the influence of roe and red deer on natural regeneration. The average surface area of fenced areas is 0.71 ha. Using the pair comparison technique (fenced vs. unfenced areas), the structureand the composition of the natural regeneration of tree species as well as complete shrub and herb vegetation were analysed in the research site Trnovec. Furthermore, the vegetation was investigated using the Braun-Blanquetmethod. The research results show significant differences between fenced and unfenced areas, both in tree species composition and in theheight structure of the sapling community. In fenced areas the total numberof saplings taller than 50 cm is higher and an increase is also evident in the number of saplings of silver fir Abies alba, sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus, elm Ulmus glabra and other minor tree species. There are also significant differences in species composition and in the abundance of plant species in the herb layer. The results show that natural regeneration of Dinaric fir-beech forests is successful, provided the influence of ungulates is excluded.V gozdnogospodarskem območju Kočevje so v obdobju 1970-2000 zgradili 152 gozdnih ograj, ki so namenjene zaščiti pomladka in mladovja pred velikimi rastlinojedi in preučevanju vpliva populacij jelenjadi in srnjadi na razvoj rastlinja. Poprečna velikost ograjene površine je 0,71 ha. Z vzorčenjem na transektu (N=42 ploskev, 4x4 m) v raziskovalnem objektu Trnovec smo podrobno raziskali sestavo in strukturo pomladka in drugega rastlinja v zeliščni in grmovni plasti na ograjeni in neograjeni površini. Analizo rastlinja smo dopolnili s tremi fitocenološkimi popisi. Pri parni primerjavi smo ugotovili značilne razlike v višinski strukturi in sestavi pomladka. Na ograjeni površini smo evidentirali več mladic, ki so višje od 50 cm, in znatno večje število mladic jelke (Abies alba), javorja (Acer pseudoplatanus), bresta (Ulmus glabra) in drugih minoritetnih drevesih vrst. Značilne so tudi razlike v sestavi in obilju zelnatih rastlin. Ob izključitvi vpliva jelenjadi in srnjadi poteka naravna obnova povsem nemoteno
Blütenbildung unterschiedlich geschädigter Weisstannen in Slowenien
Blütenbildung unterschiedlich geschädigter Weisstannen in Slowenie
Euclidean comparison of stands according to plant species
In the article we describe a method of comparison of stands according to the appearance of plants. Contrary to methods which are or have been already in use, our comparison is purely euclidean: the stands are vectors in a multidimensional space (base lines are the plants) and the comparisons among them are expressed by their scalar products. We consider the stands in regard to plant species and their interrelations as random samples which enables us to get an estimate for the angles between the base lines and so also for necessary scalar products
Evklidsko primerjanje sestojev po rastlinskih vrstah
V članku je opisana metoda primerjanja sestojev glede na pojavnost rastlinskih vrst. V nasprotju z metodami, ki so ali so bile že v uporabi, je naše primerjanje čisto evklidsko: sestoji so enakovredni vektorji v mnogorazsežnem evklidskem prostoru (bazne smeri so rastline) in primerjave med njimi se izražajo z njihovimi skalarnimi produkti. Glede na rastlinske vrste in njihove medsebojne odvisnosti imamo sestoje za slučajne vzorce, kar nam omogoča dobiti cenilke za kote med baznimi smermi in s tem tudi za skalarne produkte.In the article we describe a method of comparison of stands according to the appearance of plants. Contrary to methods which are or have been already in use, our comparison is purely euclidean: the stands are vectors in a multidimensional space (base lines are the plants) and the comparisons among them are expressed by their scalar products. We consider the stands in regard to plant species and their interrelations as random samples which enables us to get an estimate for the angles between the base lines and so also for necessary scalar products
Different understanding and meaning of biodiversity in ecology and phytocoenology in particular
The review paper gives terminological, conceptual and applicable aspects of biodiversity. Based on relevant literature the author has found that frequencyof use of biodiversity tools depends on the nature of the research object, goals of investigation and the researcherDs intention as well. The increase of interest in biodiversity tools is significant. Species diversity can be an important part of structural analyses of forest communities. It correlates with other elements of forest ecosystem; therefore it can be a useful and efficient tool to determine and to explain phenomena concerning forest ecosystems and their functions
Different understanding and meaning of biodiversity in ecology and phytocoenology in particular
Pregledni ~lanek obravnava terminolo{ke, pojmovne in aplikativne vidike biodiverzitete. S primerjalno analizo pisnih virov ugotavlja, da so razlike med pogostnostjo uporabe diverzitetnih meril odvisne zlasti od narave raziskovalnega predmeta, cilja raziskave in interesov raziskovalcev. Opazen jetrend pove~anega zanimanja za diverzitetna merila. Vrstna diverziteta je lahko pomembna prvina strukturne analize gozdnih fitocenoz. Zaradi korelacijskih povezav z drugimi elementi in strukturami gozda predstavlja uporaben in koristen pripomo~ek pri ugotavljanju in pojasnjevanju pojavov in dogajanj, ki potekajo v gozdnem ekosistemu.The review paper gives terminological, conceptual and applicable aspects of biodiversity. Based on relevant literature the author has found that frequencyof use of biodiversity tools depends on the nature of the research object, goals of investigation and the researcherḊs intention as well. The increase of interest in biodiversity tools is significant. Species diversity can be an important part of structural analyses of forest communities. It correlates with other elements of forest ecosystemtherefore it can be a useful and efficient tool to determine and to explain phenomena concerning forest ecosystems and their functions
Different understanding and meaning of biodiversity in ecology and phytocoenology in particular
Pregledni ~lanek obravnava terminolo{ke, pojmovne in aplikativne vidike biodiverzitete. S primerjalno analizo pisnih virov ugotavlja, da so razlike med pogostnostjo uporabe diverzitetnih meril odvisne zlasti od narave raziskovalnega predmeta, cilja raziskave in interesov raziskovalcev. Opazen jetrend pove~anega zanimanja za diverzitetna merila. Vrstna diverziteta je lahko pomembna prvina strukturne analize gozdnih fitocenoz. Zaradi korelacijskih povezav z drugimi elementi in strukturami gozda predstavlja uporaben in koristen pripomo~ek pri ugotavljanju in pojasnjevanju pojavov in dogajanj, ki potekajo v gozdnem ekosistemu.The review paper gives terminological, conceptual and applicable aspects of biodiversity. Based on relevant literature the author has found that frequencyof use of biodiversity tools depends on the nature of the research object, goals of investigation and the researcherḊs intention as well. The increase of interest in biodiversity tools is significant. Species diversity can be an important part of structural analyses of forest communities. It correlates with other elements of forest ecosystemtherefore it can be a useful and efficient tool to determine and to explain phenomena concerning forest ecosystems and their functions
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