36 research outputs found

    The Impact of Digital Therapeutics on Current Health Technology Assessment Frameworks

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    Historically healthcare has been delivered offline (e.g., physician consultations, mental health counseling services). It is widely understood that healthcare lags behind other industries (e.g., financial, transportation) whom have already incorporated digital technologies in their workflow. However, this is changing with the recent emergence of digital therapeutics (DTx) helping to bring healthcare services online. To promote adoption, healthcare providers need to be educated regarding the digital therapy to allow for proper prescribing. But of equal importance is affordability and many countries rely on reimbursement support from the government and insurance agencies. Here we briefly explore how national reimbursement agencies or non-profits across six countries (Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia) handle DTx submissions and describe the potential impact of digital therapeutics on current health technology assessment (HTA) frameworks. A targeted review to identify HTA submissions and guidelines from national reimbursement agencies or non-profits was conducted. We reviewed guidelines from the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) in the USA, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) in Canada, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom (UK), the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWIG) in Germany, Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) in France, and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) in Australia. Our review identified one set of guidelines developed by NICE in the UK. The guidelines by NICE outlined an evidence standards framework for digital health technologies (DHT). Depending on the organizational impact, financial commitment, and economic risk for the payer, different economic analyses are required. Economic analyses levels are separated into 3 categories, basic, low financial commitment, and high financial commitment. All economic analyses levels require a budget impact analysis. A cost-utility analysis is recommended for DHTs categorized in the high financial commitment category. Whereas, for DHTs that are in the low financial commitment category, a cost-consequence analysis is typically recommended. No HTA guidelines for DTx submissions were identified for the remaining countries (Canada, USA, Germany, France, and Australia

    Years of life lost to prison: racial and gender gradients in the United States of America

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    © 2008 Hogg et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    The devil is in the details: trends in avoidable hospitalization rates by geography in British Columbia, 1990–2000

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    BACKGROUND: Researchers and policy makers have focussed on the development of indicators to help monitor the success of regionalization, primary care reform and other health sector restructuring initiatives. Certain indicators are useful in examining issues of equity in service provision, especially among older populations, regardless of where they live. AHRs are used as an indicator of primary care system efficiency and thus reveal information about access to general practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to examine trends in avoidable hospitalization rates (AHRs) during a period of time characterized by several waves of health sector restructuring and regionalization in British Columbia. AHRs are examined in relation to non-avoidable and total hospitalization rates as well as by urban and rural geography across the province. METHODS: Analyses draw on linked administrative health data from the province of British Columbia for 1990 through 2000 for the population aged 50 and over. Joinpoint regression analyses and t-tests are used to detect and describe trends in the data. RESULTS: Generally speaking, non-avoidable hospitalizations constitute the vast majority of hospitalizations in a given year (i.e. around 95%) with AHRs constituting the remaining 5% of hospitalizations. Comparing rural areas and urban areas reveals that standardized rates of avoidable, non-avoidable and total hospitalizations are consistently higher in rural areas. Joinpoint regression results show significantly decreasing trends overall; lines are parallel in the case of avoidable hospitalizations, and lines are diverging for non-avoidable and total hospitalizations, with the gap between rural and urban areas being wider at the end of the time interval than at the beginning. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that access to effective primary care in rural communities remains problematic in BC given that rural areas did not make any gains in AHRs relative to urban areas under recent health sector restructuring initiatives. It remains important to continue to monitor the discrepancy between them as a reflection of inequity in service provision. In addition, it is important to consider alternative explanations for the observed trends paying particular attention to the needs of rural and urban populations and the factors influencing local service provision

    The impact of incorporating Bayesian network meta-analysis in cost-effectiveness analysis - a case study of pharmacotherapies for moderate to severe COPD

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of using network meta-analysis (NMA) versus pair wise meta-analyses (PMA) for evidence synthesis on key outputs of cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). Methods: We conducted Bayesian NMA of randomized clinical trials providing head-to-head and placebo comparisons of the effect of pharmacotherapies on the exacerbation rate in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Separately, the subset of placebo–comparison trials was used in a Bayesian PMA. The pooled rate ratios (RR) were used to populate a decision-analytic model of COPD treatment to predict 10-year outcomes. Results: Efficacy estimates from the NMA and PMA were similar, but the NMA provided estimates with higher precision. This resulted in similar incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER). Probabilities of being cost-effective at willingness-to-pay thresholds (WTPs) between 25,000and25,000 and 100,000 per quality adjusted life year (QALY) varied considerably between the PMA- and NMA-based approaches. The largest difference in the probabilities of being cost-effective was observed at a WTP of approximately 40,000/QALY.Atthisthreshold,withthePMA−basedanalysis,ICS,LAMAandplacebohada4340,000/QALY. At this threshold, with the PMA-based analysis, ICS, LAMA and placebo had a 43%, 30, and 18% probability of being the most cost-effective. By contrast, with the NMA based approach, ICS, LAMA, and placebo had a 56%, 19%, and 21% probability of being cost-effective. For larger WTP thresholds the probability of LAMA being the most cost-effective became higher than that of ICS. Under the PMA-based analyses the cross-over occurred at a WTP threshold between 60,000/QALY-65,000/QALY,whereasundertheNMA−basedapproach,thecross−overoccurredbetween65,000/QALY, whereas under the NMA-based approach, the cross-over occurred between 85,000/QALY-$90,000/QALY. Conclusion: Use of NMAs in CEAs is feasible and, as our case study showed, can decrease uncertainty around key cost-effectiveness measures compared with the use of PMAs. The approval process of health technologies in many jurisdictions requires estimates of comparative efficacy and cost-effectiveness. NMAs play an increasingly important role in providing estimates of comparative efficacy. Their use in the CEAs therefore results in methodological consistency and reduced uncertainty.Experimental Medicine, Division ofMedicine, Faculty ofPharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty ofMedicine, Department ofReviewedFacult