35 research outputs found

    Analysis of consistency between temporospatial gait parameters and gait assessment with the use of Wisconsin Gait Scale in post-stroke patients

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    Introduction Due to the increasing incidence and social effects of stroke there is a growing interest in finding methods enabling gait analysis in this group of patients. Observational techniques are predominantly applied in clinical practice; on the other hand advanced quantitative methods allow in-depth multidimensional gait assessment. The present study was designed to assess the consistency between temporospatial gait parameters acquired through 3-dimensional gait analysis and the results of gait assessment with the use of observational WGS in post stroke hemiparetic patients. Material and method The study was performed in a group of 30 post-stroke patients, over 6 months from the onset of ischaemic stroke, who were able to walk unassisted. Gait assessment based on WGS was performed by an experienced physiotherapist, with the use of video recordings. Assessment of temporospatial parameters was based on gait analysis performed with BTS Smart system. Results The findings show moderate correlation between WGS based gait assessment and gait velocity (r=−0.39; p=0.0316). Similar relationship was identified between gait cycle duration and score in WGS for both unaffected (r=−0.36; p=0.0477) and affected side (r=−0.37; p=0.0426). Higher correlation level was demonstrated for stance phase on the unaffected side and gait assessment based on WGS (r=0.58; p=0.0009). Conclusions Gait assessments with the use of temporospatial parameters and with observational WGS were found to produce moderate and good consistent results. WSG is a useful, simple tool for assessing gait in post stroke hemiparetic patients

    Assessment of cervical range of motion in patients after axis fracture

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    Background Surgical treatment of odontoid fractures with posterior C1/C2 fusion always leads to severe limitations in mobility of the cervical spine and head. Purpose To assess the mobility of the cervical spine in patients treated with various surgical methods after an axis body fracture. Material and methods A group of 61 subjects receiving surgical treatment in a group of 214 subjects treated for odontoid fractures at one ward of neurosurgery at a regional hospital. Studies also included odontoid peg and Hangman fractures. The range of motion of the head was compared to standards by the International Standard Orthopedic Measurements (ISOM) and to head mobility in a control group of 80 healthy subjects without any pathologies or complaints associated with the cervical spine. Ranges of motion were measured with the CROM goniometre with regard to flexion, extension, right and left lateral flexion and right and left rotation. The functional status was evaluated with Neck Disability Index (NDI) standard questionnaires indicated for patients with cervical spine pain. Results Except for flexion and extension, patients after odontoid fractures had a statistically significantly smaller range of motion of the cervical spine in all planes compared to the control group and ISOM standards. Conclusions Odontoid fractures lead to limitations in mobility of the cervical spine even after treatment with methods that in theory should preserve the C1/C2 mobility

    Objective assessment of dysarthric disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis depending on sex, age, and type of text read

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    PurposeTo assess dysarthric disorders in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients in comparison with healthy individuals and MS patients without dysarthria depending on the patient’s sex, age, and the type of text read using an objective tool.MethodsThe study was carried out in a group of 72 persons, including 24 with MS presenting dysarthria (study group) and 24 healthy individuals (healthy control group), and 24 with MS without dysarthria (MS control group). Performance (reading) time was evaluated by means of an objective tool created for the purpose of the analysis.ResultsThe study showed significant statistical differences in the analyzed performance time of: poetry reading, prose reading, and completing a diction exercise, among persons with MS from the study group presenting dysarthria and both control groups (p < 0.05). It took more time to read the poem, and prose and to perform a diction exercise in the study group with dysarthria than in both control groups (with no significant differences between the two) Similarly, the comparison between the groups in terms of sex and age showed disturbances in the above-mentioned parameter in the study group. What was not demonstrated were significant differences in the evaluated speech parameters depending on both sex and age separately in the group of MS patients with dysarthria, and both control groups (p < 0.05).ConclusionThe objective tool created for the purpose of speech analysis is useful in detecting discrepancies in performance (reading) time among MS patients with dysarthria, and healthy individuals, as well as patients with MS without dysarthria and can be used in clinical practice for diagnostic purposes, however, further research is essential to complete its validation

    The Influence of Body Mass on the Formation of Foot Defects at Fifth Year Physiotherapy Students of Rzeszow University

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    Wstęp: Wady stóp występują bardzo często i są problemem współczesnego społeczeństwa. Wyróżniamy wiele rodzajów wad w obrębie stóp, które wymagają specjalistycznego postępowania leczniczego. Cel: Celem pracy była ocena częstości oraz najczęstszej wady stóp u studentów piątego roku fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Zbadano także czy masa ciała wpływa na występowanie wad stóp oraz determinuje poszczególne wskaźniki charakteryzujące budowę stóp. Materiał i metoda: Badaną grupę stanowiło 108 studentów piątego roku fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, w tym 80 kobiet oraz 28 mężczyzn. Badanych podzielono na dwie grupy. Pierwszą grupę stanowili studenci mający prawidłową masę ciała, drugą zaś studenci z nadwagą. Narzędziem badawczym był planktogram, który składał się z odbitek stóp: prawej i lewej. Na każdym planktogramie wykreślano kąty i wskaźniki umożliwiające określenie poszczególnych wad stóp. Wyniki: Na podstawie analizy wpływu masy ciała na poszczególne wskaźniki charakteryzujące budowę stóp wykazano, iż u osób z nadwagą wartości poszczególnych wskaźników częściej wykraczają poza normy w porównaniu z badanymi z prawidłową masą ciała. Wnioski: Wady stóp są istotnym problemem badanych studentów piątego roku fizjoterapii. Najczęściej występującymi wadami są: stopa obniżona IIº, stopa z obniżonym wysklepieniem, pięta nieprawidłowa oraz stopa płaska. Wady stóp dotyczą zarówno osób z prawidłową masą ciała, jak i z nadwagą, jednak częściej dotyczą badanych z nadwagąIntroduction: Foot deformities are very common health issue in modern society. There are many kinds of different foot disorders which require specific medical procedures. Objective of the study: The purpose of the research was both to determine the frequency as well as the most common foot defects of fifth year Physiotherapy Students of Rzeszów University. It was also investigated if body mass influenced the occurrence of foot deformities as well as particular indicators that characterize foot structure were determined. Material and method: The research involved the group of 108 physiotherapy students, among them were 80 women and 28 men. The participants of the study were divided into 2 groups. The first group represented students with correct body mass, the second group included students with overweight problem. Research instrument was planktogram, which consisted of foot prints: right and left. On each planktogram angles and indicators were marked that allow to determine individual foot deformities. Results: On the basis of the analysis of body mass influence on individual indicators characterizing foot structure, the research proved that indicators exceed the norms in case of obese students in comparison to students with correct body mass Conclusions: Foot deformities are a significant problem among the researched physiotherapy students. The most common foot disorders are: II° degree low arched foot, heel malformations and flat feet. Foot deformities occur both at students with correct body mass as well as at those with the overweight issue, however foot deformities most frequently occur at students with overweight problem

    Influence of magnetic field parameters on therapy outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – preliminary study

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    Introduction: Magnetic field is used in therapies designed for patients with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The question of selecting adequate treatment parameters to obtain optimal therapeutic effects still needs to be answered. The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of magnetic field, depending on its nature, on problems and dysfunctions experienced in upper limbs by patients with RA

    Development of the rehabilitation at the Rzeszów centre

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    Autorzy na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych, publikacji w czasopismach medycznych i wywiadów przedstawiają rozwój rehabilitacji w ośrodku rzeszowskim. Nastąpił on po roku 1983, dzięki działalności zespołu kierowanego przez prof. Andrzeja Kwolka, pracującego w Klinicznym Oddziale Rehabilitacji Szpitala Wojewódzkiego nr 2 im. Św. Jadwigi Królowej w Rzeszowie i Wydziale Medycznym Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Wieloletnia praca Zespołu spowodowała powstanie nowoczesnego modelu organizacji rehabilitacji w Rzeszowie i województwie podkarpackim. Wypracowano standardy postępowania, szczególnie z chorymi z uszkodzeniem układu nerwowego, oparte na nowoczesnych metodach neurorehabilitacji. Skuteczność koncepcji została potwierdzona badaniami naukowymi i praktyką kliniczną. Miała znaczący wpływ na rozwój rehabilitacji w województwie podkarpackim oraz na rozwój rehabilitacji w Polsce. Po 30 latach działalności zespołu kierowanego przez Profesora, Podkarpacie jest wiodącym regionem w Polsce. W roku 2013 funkcjonuje tu 11 oddziałów rehabilitacji neurologicznej, 2 oddziały rehabilitacji kardiologicznej, 16 oddziałów rehabilitacji ogólnoustrojowej i 38 dziennych oddziałów rehabilitacji. W regionie podkarpackim działa sprawny system organizacji rehabilitacji zapewniający jej wczesność, kompleksowość i ciągłość. System oparty jest na: podstawach naukowych, ciągłym kształceniu wszystkich członków zespołu rehabilitacyjnego, współpracy z organizacjami osób z niepełnosprawnością i władzami regionu oraz pracy w zespole rehabilitacyjnymwczesność, kompleksowość i ciągłość. System oparty jest na: podstawach naukowych, ciągłym kształceniu wszystkich członków zespołu rehabilitacyjnego, współpracy z organizacjami osób z niepełnosprawnością i władzami regionu oraz pracy w zespole rehabilitacyjnym region is functioning an efficient organisation system of the rehabilitation providing the timeliness, a complexity and continuity. The system is base on: scientific bases, constant educating of all rehabilitation team members, of cooperation with organisations of persons with disability and authorities of the region and the teamwor

    Abnormal Head Size in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Nervous System Disorders or Neurological Syndromes with One or More Neurodysfunction Visible since Infancy

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    The current study was designed to investigate co-occurrence of absolute/relative microcephaly, absolute/relative macrocephaly and congenital nervous system disorders or neurological syndromes with symptoms visible since infancy, based on fundamental data acquired during the admission procedure at a neurological rehabilitation ward for children and adolescents. The study applied a retrospective analysis of data collected during the hospitalization of 327 children and adolescents, aged 4–18 years, affected since infancy by congenital disorders of the nervous system and/or neurological syndromes associated with a minimum of one neurodysfunction. To identify subjects with absolute/relative microcephaly, absolute/relative macrocephaly in the group of children and adolescents, the adopted criteria took into account z-score values for head circumference (z-score hc) and head circumference index (z-score HCI). Dysmorphological (x+/−3s) and traditional (x+/−2s) criteria were adopted to diagnose developmental disorders of head size. Regardless of the adopted criteria, absolute macrocephaly often coexists with state after surgery of lumbar myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus, isolated hydrocephalus, hereditary motor and sensory polyneuropathy, and Becker’s muscular dystrophy (p < 0.001, p = 0.002). Absolute macrocephaly is often associated with neural tube defects and neuromuscular disorders (p = 0.001, p = 0.001). Relative microcephaly often occurs with non-progressive encephalopathy (p = 0.017, p = 0.029). Absolute microcephaly, diagnosed on the basis of traditional criteria, is often associated with epilepsy (p = 0.043). In children and adolescents with congenital nervous system disorders or neurological syndromes with one or more neurodysfunction visible since infancy, there is variation in abnormal head size (statistically significant relationships and clinical implications were established). The definitions used allowed for the differentiation of abnormal head size

    Selected Correlates of Attitudes towards Rape Victims among Polish Medical Students

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    Sexual violence against women, including rape, is a serious public health issue in many countries. Rape victims often meet health professionals in medical institutions for a range of health problems. The aim of this research was investigation of attitudes towards rape victims among medical students. Methods: The study sample consisted of 1183 university students who represented various medical disciplines. The average age of the respondents was 23.3 years. The Attitudes toward Rape Victims Scale (ARVS) was used in this study. Results: Higher scores in men indicate that they held less sympathetic attitudes towards rape victims than women (61.6 vs. 52.6, p = 0.0000). Given the univariate interaction, social environment, and religious commitment did not significantly differentiate the respondents in this respect. Students of the medical faculty obtained the lowest results (medicine 49.7 vs. midwifery and nursing: 54.1, other fields: 54.4, p = 0.0008), showing much understanding and empathy for rape victims. Conclusions: The surveyed medical students presented moderately positive attitudes towards rape victims, among them men somewhat negative than women who made more pro-victim judgments. Among all medical field of study, medicine was distinguished by higher empathy. Religion and social environment independently do not differentiate respondents in this respect

    Assessment of Interrater and Intrarater Reliability of Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) Goniometer

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    Purpose. The current study was designed to assess interrater and intrarater validity of cervical range of motion measurements performed with a CROM goniometer. Material and Methods. The study involved 95 healthy university students (31 males and 64 females) aged 20-24 years. Two examiners performed measurements of cervical range of motion using a CROM goniometer. The same subjects were examined again after two weeks, in the same conditions. The results acquired by one rater during the first and the second examination were compared for reproducibility, while the results obtained by the two examiners were compared to assess validity and reliability of the tool. Cronbach’s alpha was applied to determine intrarater reliability, and the values of correlations were used to assess the interrater agreement. Results. Analysis of the results showed both intrarater and interrater agreement in all the measures of cervical range of motion. The highest intrarater and interrater concordance was observed in the measure of extension. Intrarater agreement for Examiner 1 was reflected by Cronbach’s alpha=0.85, and for Examiner 2 by Cronbach’s alpha=0.89. As for the interrater agreement in the measure of extension, the value of correlation in both the first and the second measurement amounted to r=0.89. Conclusions. Measurements performed with the CROM goniometer show interrater and intrarater agreement in assessments of cervical range of motion. The CROM goniometer can be recommended for use in daily clinical practice