11 research outputs found

    Deleterious effects of IL-9-activated mast cells and neuroprotection by antihistamine drugs in the developing mouse brain

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    Elevated mean IL-9 serum levels have been observed in human neonates who will later develop cerebral palsy. In earlier studies, using a newborn mouse model of excitotoxic lesions mimicking those described in human cerebral palsy, we found that IL-9 pretreatment exacerbated brain damage produced by intracerebral injections of the glutamatergic analog ibotenate. Among its different cell targets, the Th2 cytokine IL-9 is a mast cell growth and differentiation factor that can cause mast cells to release various substances including histamine. In the present study, we sought to determine whether the deleterious effects of IL-9 in our mouse model were mediated by mast cells through histamine release. All mouse pups were pretreated with intraperitoneal injections of IL-9 or saline between postnatal days (P) P1 and P5. Immunohistochemistry for murine mast cell protease-1 performed on P5 showed an increased density of labeled cells in the neopallium of IL-9-treated Swiss pups as compared with controls. Western blot analysis confirmed the increased murine mast cell protease-1 brain content of IL-9-treated Swiss mice. IL-9 pretreatment had no significant effect on ibotenate-induced excitotoxic brain lesions in mast cell-deficient P5 pups (WBB6FI/J kit(W/W-v)), whereas IL-9 exacerbated these lesions in the control littermates with normal mast cell populations. Finally, cromoglycate or antihistamine drugs significantly reduced ibotenate-induced brain lesions in IL-9-treated Swiss pups. Taken together, these data suggest that recruitment of cerebral mast cells with histamine release may contribute to the exacerbation of neonatal excitotoxic brain lesions produced by IL-9. Neuroprotective strategies targeting mast cells may be useful in some neonates at risk for cerebral palsy

    P2 receptor-mediated signaling in mast cell biology

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    Mast cells are widely recognized as effector cells of allergic inflammatory reactions. They contribute to the pathogenesis of different chronic inflammatory diseases, wound healing, fibrosis, thrombosis/fibrinolysis, and anti-tumor immune responses. In this paper, we summarized the role of P2X and P2Y receptors in mast cell activation and effector functions. Mast cells are an abundant source of ATP which is stored in their granules and secreted upon activation. We discuss the contribution of mast cells to the extracellular ATP release and to the maintenance of extracellular nucleotides pool. Recent publications highlight the importance of purinergic signaling for the pathogenesis of chronic airway inflammation. Therefore, the role of ATP and P2 receptors in allergic inflammation with focus on mast cells was analyzed. Finally, ATP functions as mast cell autocrine/paracrine factor and as messenger in intercellular communication between mast cells, nerves, and glia in the central nervous system

    Developmental changes of mast cell populations in the cerebral meninges of the rat

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    It is known that both the dura and the pia mater attract and support the differentiation of mast cells. The present study shows that unevenly distributed mast cells in the cerebral meninges of the rat can be found in perivascular sites and vessel ramification points, but can also be unrelated to the meningeal vasculature. It also documents changes in the number, localization and staining preferences of the mast cells in the two meninges of the developing and mature rat brain. Quantitative examination of all types of histochemically differentiated meningeal mast cells reveals no major (although some exist) differences between right and left side subpopulations, but strongly suggests a different origin and fate of the dural and the pial mast cells. The number of dural mast cells, already high from postnatal day 0, although declining from postnatal day 21 onwards, remains conspicuous up to postnatal day 180. In contrast, pial mast cells are comparatively very few in the first day of the postnatal life, and despite a transient significant increase in the following two weeks, they reach almost zero levels from postnatal day 21